Gay day flu

I have never read the "Satanic Bible" while I try to keep an open mind and I have studied other religions, reading the Satanic Bible is something at this time I don’t have a good feeling about reading.

With that said however, I have “heard†(don’t know if it is true) that the book was named the Satanic Bible more for shock and awe than anything else. That the author is an atheist and he doesn’t believe in God, or heaven or hell or Satan. Well I'm almost done w/it. I'll have a write up about it soon I hope. The tone of the book leaves me to believe he DOES believe in the "devil". I highlighted every reference it made to God and satan.

Another thing that is irritating is people always criticize religious people for being hypocrites.. well yeah, of course Christians are hypocrites, EVERYONE is a hypocrite to some extent and/or at some point or time in their life.

Everyone who is not a Christian or who does not believe in God, please try to read the following with an open mind and try to understand the best you can what I am trying to say.

And please keep in mind, I am not trying to preach to any of you. I am explaining what being a Christian is about so those of you that are not might have a better understanding.

In my mind there is a whole set of dynamics that covers pretty much every issue in regards to other religions, how everything works for the over all good and I am at peace with everything I believe and feel. Unfortunately a lot of the stuff I know and I feel I believe God has placed upon my heart and my mind for my own personal benefit because try as hard as I may I cannot seem to articulate clearly the most important questions that people have that I have come to understand.

To some of you that might sound as a cop out, some of you will fully understand what I am saying. But honestly, it is not a cop out. Just the way it is.

Now to explain what being a Christian is about.

The whole point about being a Christian is acknowledging you cant get to heaven by works alone. Being a Christian means you believe that to get to heaven you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. There is no works we can do to get to heaven. Leading the most pure and sinless life possible does no good. Just to clarify the term "works" in other words you can NEVER deserve heaven because your good deeds outweight the bad things youve done. Sin is sin. If your guilty your guilty. It's like being in court for a crime you committed but before the judge gives you your sentence (hell in this case) a Man steps up and says I'll pay his penalty for him. All you have to do is except the free gift.

Being a Christian does not mean you will never sin, what it means is that you are still a sinner but you have a free pass to heaven because Jesus died for your salvation.

Now, here is where the water gets reallllly muddy, murky and treacherous.

As a Christian we know that God knows we are going to sin, but there is a fine line between sinning and saying to God “oh crap I did it again†and having a sincere heart of not wanting to do it anymore. Or committing a sin, knowing it is a sin and not even being worried about it because “I am saved†Although we will still go to heaven regardless of our sins now, we still dont get away with it. There are blessings to be had and lost as well as punishments for our sins. Ea. persons punishment will be dif. from the next just as one persons sinful temptations are dif. from another.

If anyone ever tells you your life will be easier by becoming a Christian they are wrong. It's actually harder. Spiritually speaking we now have Satan always trying to make us slide backwards. And we do have more "rules" to follow than a non Christian. BUT this life is nothing in comparison to eternity.

I mean does that make any sense? It basically boils down to your heart and how you perceive your sin.

Kind of like one of the problems I have with some attitude of Catholics. “some†have no problems with going out and doing whatever they want because they “know†on Sunday they can go to confession and it will be ok. I personally feel that type of attitude is dangerous when it comes to God, sinning and the whole forgiveness thing.

Are the Catholics wrong? To paraphrase “Only God knowsâ€

But personally I don’t feel good about it.

As far as people bunching in Islamic terrorist with the Muslim faith and trying to make a comparison as to “who’s God is right?†Islamic terrorists who are killing people “in the name of Allah are the same as the Christian extremists who bomb abortion clinics, or try to enforce their Christian “religion†upon others.

In my opinion both Christian Extremists and Islamic terrorists worship the same God, a false one.

At least they don’t serve the God I serve.

As I have stated before, I have briefly studied the Koran and was left with feeling a true follower of the Koran and the Muslim faith is not much different than a true Christian.

All of you who slam these beliefs are only looking at the worst examples and judging all based on people who are not practicing the faith as they should.

The “Christian†crusades that everyone seems to condemn Christians for. Guess what? The crusades were all about power and greed from men, and men used Gods name to accomplish their greedy desires.

So yeah, when you call a Christian a hypocrite, well guess what we are. That is why I am pretty honest with people about my feelings. I don’t try to hide the fact that I have perverted sexual desires, but I do restrain myself.

I don’t hide the fact that I sometimes get angry, because I do.

I don’t hide the fact that sometimes (not often) I latterly would like to kill someone that pisses me off. Because I do.

But as the bible says, it is not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles him, it is what comes out.

The general teaching of this passage means you have NO control over the thoughts that come into your head, you can only control how you act upon those thoughts.

And we are all human. Sometimes we can suppress our thoughts and our desires that might be considered bad. And well, sometimes we cant.

Being a Christian does not automatically take every desire for worldly pleasures away. Sometimes it does. But more often than not it is a long process.

God doesn’t want you to get your crap together and live a righteous life BEFORE you get to know him. He wants you to get to know him while you are living in all of your sins, in all of your perversions. He accepts you for who you are. And then he works with you.. throughout your entire life.

So call us Christians hypocritical,. Call us evil, call us the worse sinners of all.. because guess what folks.. we are.. the difference is we understand and realize God loves us anyway.

THAT my friends is what being a Christian is about. It is not being perfect because we know we never will be, it is not about no longer sinning, because we know that is not possible, It is not about not being hypocritical because in a lot of ways we are more hypocritical than everyone else because we TRY to live by certain guidelines and we often fall short. But at least we TRY to live by a certain code that is nor harmful to others.

So with that, I feel lead to not say anything further.

Good write up Thrash.
Gay ONLY exists in physical sex. There is nothing wrong with deeply loving another man. Sex what it's all about.

Putting a thought into action is A CHOICE. To be GAY, you have to make that choice to do something about it. Someone could walk funny, or talk different or react emotionally different than others of the same sex... they does not make them gay... the choice to act upon gay sex makes them gay. nothing more, nothing less.

Actually, gay is a mental concept more than physical. Sounds absurd doesn't it, but think about it.

When you see a beautiful woman in a skimpy bathing suit, you get a physical reaction. You don't think to yourself, "Hey, I'm gonna get turned on!" it just happens.

Same thing for the gays (man or woman). To me that's not a choice. It's something that's in their heads and they can't control it. I can't speak for pedophiles, do they get turned on when they see children? or are children only prey that they feel they can overpower and control. Doesn't matter, different discussion and I'd rather destroy a pedophile than analyze one.

You can consider it a choice if you like but they have no choice. Homos can attempt to live a "normal" life but everytime they're having sex with the opposite gender they have to think of their same gender to get turned on. That's not a choice.

Now before someone asks, do I support the gay agenda? No. I'm tired of it being thrown in my face every day. I live near San Francisco and it's never-ending. I know it's not a choice to be gay, but it is a choice to try to convince me that they should get special rights not afforded to anyone else. My case in point: the population of CA voted down Prop 8. The gay population (minority) didn't like the decision so they fight it in court. The people have spoken, accept it and move on.

Sorry this post is so long
Actually, gay is a mental concept more than physical. Sounds absurd doesn't it, but think about it. <---You lost them here.

When you see a beautiful woman in a skimpy bathing suit, you get a physical reaction. You don't think to yourself, "Hey, I'm gonna get turned on!" it just happens.

Same thing for the gays (man or woman). To me that's not a choice. It's something that's in their heads and they can't control it. I can't speak for pedophiles, do they get turned on when they see children? or are children only prey that they feel they can overpower and control. Doesn't matter, different discussion and I'd rather destroy a pedophile than analyze one.

You can consider it a choice if you like but they have no choice. Homos can attempt to live a "normal" life but everytime they're having sex with the opposite gender they have to think of their same gender to get turned on. That's not a choice.

Now before someone asks, do I support the gay agenda? No. I'm tired of it being thrown in my face every day. I live near San Francisco and it's never-ending. I know it's not a choice to be gay, but it is a choice to try to convince me that they should get special rights not afforded to anyone else. My case in point: the population of CA voted down Prop 8. The gay population (minority) didn't like the decision so they fight it in court. The people have spoken, accept it and move on.

Sorry this post is so long

Again with special rights???????

Please someone provide an example of a special right for gays.
jeeez. OK. I'll do some research FOR you. You don't get it. I DONT ENJOY GOING BACK OVER OLD CRAP AND HAVING TO FIND IT ALL AGAIN. On second thought, YOU do it.

There's this site called Google and it's pretty good. You enter some words on it and hit enter and it finds stuff for you.

Enter: ACLU gay bathroom sex and you will find tons of information.

Enjoy. I certainly did not

Give me a break. You are slipping down the Biscuit road and not reading intelligently. WWJD I have seen and expect better of you. :-)

D+ on this assignment.

The arguement the ACLU was making was based upon an expectation of privacy, for all not just gays and free speech. As silly as it may sound they were aruging that Soliciting sex is protected under the 1st amendment as Free Speech. Ok so this out there but it would apply to anyone wanting to have sex in a bathroom not just gays.

The ACLU also pointed to a MN law that stated that individuals using a pubic restroom have an expectation of pricvacy. Maybe you think otherwise.

I know how hard it is to accept everyone having equal protection under the law rather than those you think like you, but that is part of being American.
So why dont we just go back to having seperate public restrooms based on race? Would that be okay with you?:dunno:
If you dont get it, then you obviously didn't even read your own post.

I have been a proponent for treating everyone equal. How would that fit into having bathrooms segrated by race?

Stick to only replying with "hookers"
I have been a proponent for treating everyone equal. How would that fit into having bathrooms segrated by race?

Stick to only replying with "hookers"

Weren't you saying that it would be okay to seperate by sexual preference? That's not exactly equal treatment.

Stick to argueing with everyone. It shows how intelligent you really are.:whistle:
Weren't you saying that it would be okay to seperate by sexual preference? That's not exactly equal treatment.

Stick to argueing with everyone. It shows how intelligent you really are.:whistle:

No I never suggested that it is ok to do that. Please point out where a post I made suggested that because I would like to correct it.
now to state the painfully obvious: (well to some I suppose)

actually the "race based" bathroom is right on par with the "sexually oriented" bathroom.. They both follow the same logic.. someone wants something based on their own perception of what is "normal" for them.. Just a matter of who is calling the norms..

Biscuit road indeed... I think we should probably start to segregate a lot of our community based on the "need of the week" groups..

If we compartmentalize every special group, life should be much better.. seeings as there is no clear cut line between "he" and "she' in the liberal society, no point in having just "People" either.. I want a bathroom for only "red suzuki motorcycle riders" keep all the "black/grey/silver" guys in their own as my "red" identity is feeling threatened...

I suppose it is only a biased or discrimination issue if you think it is... I do not think most could really give a crap... but I do not want my daughter using the same restroom at school as some boy.. (although it is not uncommon in Europe as they can only afford one pot to pee in at many places)


man I wish spring was here already... some of these replies are getting harder to come up with...

Now if I required that all the gay or sexually disoriented to use a separate bathroom, what do you think this thread would be about.... sj would be screaming discrimination...

( did leave the "blue suzuki" riders out of the post on purpose... The other "Burns brother" rides a blue bike) :laugh:
I want a special bathroom for CHRISTIANS!!! :D Then I don't have to worry about being offended by seeing satanists in there. or gay sex. or offensive language on the walls. WHO'S WITH ME? WHO'S WITH ME? ? ?
actually the "race based" bathroom is right on par with the "sexually oriented" bathroom.. They both follow the same logic.. someone wants something based on their own perception of what is "normal" for them.. Just a matter of who is calling the norms..

Biscuit road indeed... I think we should probably start to segregate a lot of our community based on the "need of the week" groups..

If we compartmentalize every special group, life should be much better.. seeings as there is no clear cut line between "he" and "she' in the liberal society, no point in having just "People" either.. I want a bathroom for only "red suzuki motorcycle riders" keep all the "black/grey/silver" guys in their own as my "red" identity is feeling threatened...

I suppose it is only a biased or discrimination issue if you think it is... I do not think most could really give a crap... but I do not want my daughter using the same restroom at school as some boy.. (although it is not uncommon in Europe as they can only afford one pot to pee in at many places)


man I wish spring was here already... some of these replies are getting harder to come up with...

Now if I required that all the gay or sexually disoriented to use a separate bathroom, what do you think this thread would be about.... sj would be screaming discrimination...

WHere exactly do you see anyone asking for anything specal or seperate? No one is suggesting a sexually oritented bathroom? If they are it is wrong.

WHo is suggesting campartmentalizing and group?

My position is that everyone should be treated equal and NO group be afforded rights that are denied to another group. That has been my position.
I want a special bathroom for CHRISTIANS!!! :D Then I don't have to worry about being offended by seeing satanists in there. or gay sex. or offensive language on the walls. WHO'S WITH ME? WHO'S WITH ME? ? ?

I think the Taliban had something like that. They were offended by ancient Buddest statues and destroyed them.

If you want to be insulated from everything that offends you you are free to bury you head in the sand.

This is America and all are treated equal not just those who think like you.
Enjoy the illegal aliens you support with your tax payments. :) They are treated equal while giving nothing.
WHere exactly do you see anyone asking for anything specal or seperate? No one is suggesting a sexually oritented bathroom? If they are it is wrong.

WHo is suggesting campartmentalizing and group?

My position is that everyone should be treated equal and NO group be afforded rights that are denied to another group. That has been my position.

I was mistaken. For some reason I thought that you were saying it would be okay to give homosexuals a seperate restroom. My point was and still is, if it's okay to give them a seperate restroom then why not just go back to the days of segregation. It's really no different.
I think the Taliban had something like that. They were offended by ancient Buddest statues and destroyed them.

If you want to be insulated from everything that offends you you are free to bury you head in the sand.

This is America and all are treated equal not just those who think like you.

I really hope that you dont believe that last sentence. Because all are NOT treated equal. I'm just spitballing here but it is far from equal treatment for all in America.
I really hope that you dont believe that last sentence. Because all are NOT treated equal. I'm just spitballing here but it is far from equal treatment for all in America.

I totally agree with you here

as a white american male I can tell you there are many, many times i feel as if IM the minority.


this country has gone from one extreme to the other in an effort not to "offend" certain people., and totally forgot about the people who built this country

I agree with equality and freedom of speech and everything else, but we are further from it then ever before in my opinion.
Wow! When I posted this thread I knew it would stir up some deep feelings but I had no idea it would go on for ten pages and get so in depth, even if some of it is a little off the orginal topic. There are some great thoughts in here weather you agree or not you can not deny this has been a learning experience. My hat is off to all the people who took the time to relay this information and the thought that went in to some of it.

Keep it real and remember, God is watching and he has a great sense of humor.