I've only read bits and pieces of this thread, but I'll throw my .02 in anyway..
My personal feeling about "calling in gay" is the dumbazzes should've been fired. Every stinkin one of 'em. I couldn't give a flyin faak what floats your boat in your personal has nothing to do with work, and has no place there.
You don't see us calling in " straight"..... Complete horsepucky.
As far as marriage is concerned.... there is no need for me to expound on it any more...from what I've seen, Thrasherfox has covered it quite well.
Marriage is from GOD. sjcurrence, if you want to spit hairs and say that the institution of marriage outdates "christianity"...go ahead, but nothing outdates God. Nothing. He inventedand created everything you see...including marriage.
You wanna be a rumpranger? Knock yourself out.. just don't expect the rest of us to look at your "union" as if it is the same as a marriage. Not gonna happen. I quite frankly don't care what laws are passed in the future, there will still be a large contingent of the population that believes as I do. I truly believe that this is but a sample of what is really wrong with our country...unfortunately, it does not seem to be improving.
Marriage is from god??
Really,I got married on a beach in Naples,there was no mention of any god during the ceramony. I believe alls one has to do to be "married" is shoow up at the local courthouse/city hall whatever and file for a marriage god needed...sorry
God invented everything?
can you ask him to uninvent cancer in kids,I really dont like that one