Gay day flu

The notion of equality seems to be tough one for you I know, but yes that would be unfair.
wow you realize that if I was a black woman with prior military without a husband and I had 3 kids I would be first in line for a govt civil servant job right?

I would also be right in line for pell grants as well as a number of other govt funded handouts..

As a white male I got nothing for my education (I paid every dime myself) and I am not even in the running for a civil job..

This makes affirmative action very unfair then dont you think? or is there another standard I am missing out on here?
wow you realize that if I was a black woman with prior military without a husband and I had 3 kids I would be first in line for a govt civil servant job right?

I would also be right in line for pell grants as well as a number of other govt funded handouts..

As a white male I got nothing for my education (I paid every dime myself) and I am not even in the running for a civil job..

This makes affirmative action very unfair then dont you think? or is there another standard I am missing out on here?

affirmative action is a joke! You can be my servant randy....I'll be civil about it:laugh:
wow you realize that if I was a black woman with prior military without a husband and I had 3 kids I would be first in line for a govt civil servant job right?

I would also be right in line for pell grants as well as a number of other govt funded handouts..

As a white male I got nothing for my education (I paid every dime myself) and I am not even in the running for a civil job..

This makes affirmative action very unfair then dont you think? or is there another standard I am missing out on here?

Of Course affirmative action is unfair. If it is based on something you or I can't change like Race or Gender then to me it is unfair.

I am not going to claim to have the answers because I think that at least for education, individuals born into socieo-economic disadvantage should be given help to gain a quality education. So that they have an equal shot at getting a good paying job.

Pell grants are for the poor not based on race.
wow you realize that if I was a black woman with prior military without a husband and I had 3 kids I would be first in line for a govt civil servant job right?

I would also be right in line for pell grants as well as a number of other govt funded handouts..

As a white male I got nothing for my education (I paid every dime myself) and I am not even in the running for a civil job..

This makes affirmative action very unfair then dont you think? or is there another standard I am missing out on here?

I agree with this more then I could even state.

Affirmative BLaction is a disgrace.

and reverse discrimination is alive and well

there isnt nobody putting any fund together for my 5 white american kids,..wait,that would be wrong and would offend everyone else. better see if I can get a loan from the united ***** college fund,Ill have to watch B/E/T when I get home to see how thats done
I agree with this more then I could even state.

Affirmative BLaction is a disgrace.

and reverse discrimination is alive and well

there isnt nobody putting any fund together for my 5 white american kids,..wait,that would be wrong and would offend everyone else. better see if I can get a loan from the united ***** college fund,Ill have to watch B/E/T when I get home to see how thats done

.....but how do you REALLY feel?:poke:

heres the thing about the church and marriage I have experienced,you take what you want from it.

Because in 1994 I was married in the church then later divorced in 2001, when I went to get married to and Italian Catholic woman who never had been married before the church told us NO,since I had already been married and If she were to marry me she would no longer be considered a member of the catholic church


we were to make a $7200 DONATION to the church ,they would then forgive us


you tell me,what does that have to do with god,religion is just a business like everything else,we can only hope it goes belly up instead of the car industry.

Honestly, that is some of the stuff that ticks me off about any "organization" for a church to basically tell you "if you give us money" to make something happen, that is wrong. And it IS NOT the way it should work.

But then again religion is the problem. a relationship is the answer
.....but how do you REALLY feel?:poke:


dont get me wrong,I have good friends who are black,puerto rican and whatever,Im not a racist by any stretch.and I will be the first to say there is plenty of white trash on this planet

but some of this sh!t goes right up my ass because it is so eveident it excludes ppl which in and itself is descrimnation.

I believe anyone who recieves wellfare and is capable of working should at the very least be on the end of a broom sweeping the city streets for 8 hrs,make them do something for fuks sake

man this thread has gone from sexuality to religion to polotics to now its getting started on racism
no one will leave this thread un offended
i like it:thumbsup:
...religion is the problem. a relationship is the answer

I couldn't agree more:thumbsup: I try really really hard to just let people be and let the believe what they want. but's it's hard (especially in indiana) when so many want to put their relationship with god on hold and start criticizing the way other people live.

If it's truely about the relationship more power to you, but for the ones that just want a box to stand on while they belittle others, they need to get a hobby.
dont get me wrong,I have good friends who are black,puerto rican and whatever,Im not a racist by any stretch.and I will be the first to say there is plenty of white trash on this planet

but some of this sh!t goes right up my ass because it is so eveident it excludes ppl which in and itself is descrimnation.

I believe anyone who recieves wellfare and is capable of working should at the very least be on the end of a broom sweeping the city streets for 8 hrs,make them do something for fuks sake

man this thread has gone from sexuality to religion to polotics to now its getting started on racism
no one will leave this thread un offended
i like it:thumbsup:


I could not agree more. this free money business is rediculous. AND the ones who do deserve and need it just to help get back on their fee run the risk of loosing it if they start making anything above minimum wage. They make it easy to get and easy to loose.
dont get me wrong,I have good friends who are black,puerto rican and whatever,Im not a racist by any stretch.and I will be the first to say there is plenty of white trash on this planet

but some of this sh!t goes right up my ass because it is so eveident it excludes ppl which in and itself is descrimnation.

I believe anyone who recieves wellfare and is capable of working should at the very least be on the end of a broom sweeping the city streets for 8 hrs,make them do something for fuks sake

man this thread has gone from sexuality to religion to polotics to now its getting started on racism
no one will leave this thread un offended
i like it:thumbsup:

dont forget to add that you hate all the fat n ugly folk:moon:

then confess your self-loathing to us all:poke: