Gay day flu

I've only read bits and pieces of this thread, but I'll throw my .02 in anyway..

My personal feeling about "calling in gay" is the dumbazzes should've been fired. Every stinkin one of 'em. I couldn't give a flyin faak what floats your boat in your personal has nothing to do with work, and has no place there.

You don't see us calling in " straight"..... Complete horsepucky.

As far as marriage is concerned.... there is no need for me to expound on it any more...from what I've seen, Thrasherfox has covered it quite well.

Marriage is from GOD. sjcurrence, if you want to spit hairs and say that the institution of marriage outdates "christianity"...go ahead, but nothing outdates God. Nothing. He inventedand created everything you see...including marriage.

You wanna be a rumpranger? Knock yourself out.. just don't expect the rest of us to look at your "union" as if it is the same as a marriage. Not gonna happen. I quite frankly don't care what laws are passed in the future, there will still be a large contingent of the population that believes as I do. I truly believe that this is but a sample of what is really wrong with our country...unfortunately, it does not seem to be improving.

Marriage is from god??

Really,I got married on a beach in Naples,there was no mention of any god during the ceramony. I believe alls one has to do to be "married" is shoow up at the local courthouse/city hall whatever and file for a marriage god needed...sorry

God invented everything?

can you ask him to uninvent cancer in kids,I really dont like that one
No, I just want to know where that particular definition of marriage is codified. If it makes you any happier, please go find where any legal definition of marriage is codified. Make sure you post all of the definitions you find though, not just the ones you like.

I would stipulate that most peoples definition of marriage is based upon the protection and recognition of family.

I'm going to act like you're still asleep...k? thx:thumbsup:
See, that is how I know you have no idea what you are talking about. It is obvious by that statement you know nothing about the bible, nothing about Jesus, and nothing about God. and don’t even try to convince me otherwise because I know you would be lying.
Jesus did not change any laws. He forced the issues of the laws set down by the previous prophets to re-enforce the fact that no one can abide by the law. it is not within human nature.

He did not do anything that was contradictory to the law.

So seriously, if you are going to get into an argument about religion at least be armed and know something about it.

I know i should let it go because you have all the answers...but don't assume i'm ignorant, you'd be sadly mistaken.

if the law is the same, then i suppose you live as the pharacies did, cause you know (because you have all the answers) that in the old testiment there was no room for error. You know that in the old testiment god's law was the only law. You know that jesus didn't expect anyone to live as the pharacies did. You know that jesus added that all mans laws are to be honored as well as laws from god....if you're talking the 10 commandments then say the 10 commandments. Don't say the law didn't change from the old lie to the new lie and check the rage at the door next time before you decide to make some bizzare idiotic claim. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know the bible as well as others...but i don't revolve my life around it either.
marriage has become law from God. Same as murder, or more than one wife. Who was the first to introduce marriage? God. Now it's become part of law. For the same reasons men cant marry men they also cant marry more than one woman.

Why arent people fighting the right to have more than one wife? If a man can marry a man than why cant I have more than one wife?

because your god won't let over the pond and get your wed on:thumbsup:
Was that a DODGE? No retort for that?
lets try again:


Would someone ELSE please explain how pointing out CRIMINAL ACTIONS is "HYPOCRITICAL"? Cuz I'm not seeing it. Those "poor, poor" criminals. :laugh:

after all you've dodged....i'd let it go:thumbsup:
Marriage is from god??

Really,I got married on a beach in Naples,there was no mention of any god during the ceramony. I believe alls one has to do to be "married" is shoow up at the local courthouse/city hall whatever and file for a marriage god needed...sorry

God invented everything?

can you ask him to uninvent cancer in kids,I really dont like that one

god build that court house and printed the license on his heavenjet printer. He can't uninvent cancer, that would require him to actually exist.
Really hard to get an intelligent response at all in this thread.

Lets just cut to the chase. Perhaps the most liberal state in the union just decided to ban gay marriage. If denying gays the ability to marry is a denial of rights, why would they do this?

One side here says that it is the ignorance of some folks and deep rooted bigotry brought on by some sense of misgiven faith.

The other side says it is gods will and that regular folks deep down believe this.

You are both wrong. In reality the decision boils down to the dynamic that put this country together. You might believe in religion and you might not, but you do have some sense of morality and normalcy. You might like to think these are dirty words, but we all have an internal process to determine right and wrong. You make these judgements every day, we just don't verbalize many of them because of political correctness.

In this case, most people look at homosexuality as not normal and you just cannot dispute that. You can rain down on people with political correctness and make them afraid to say what the really think, but you cannot dispute the finding.

Most people look at a gay person and see something biologically or mentally wrong. Yes, thats politically incorrect, but there it is anyway. This isn't a moral decision. It is just reality. They care that you are gay and they don't necessarily find it to be a problem for them that you are gay. But don't ask them to give you an exception to what they believe is normal.
Really hard to get an intelligent response at all in this thread.

Lets just cut to the chase. Perhaps the most liberal state in the union just decided to ban gay marriage. If denying gays the ability to marry is a denial of rights, why would they do this?

One side here says that it is the ignorance of some folks and deep rooted bigotry brought on by some sense of misgiven faith.

The other side says it is gods will and that regular folks deep down believe this.

You are both wrong. In reality the decision boils down to the dynamic that put this country together. You might believe in religion and you might not, but you do have some sense of morality and normalcy. You might like to think these are dirty words, but we all have an internal process to determine right and wrong. You make these judgements every day, we just don't verbalize many of them because of political correctness.

In this case, most people look at homosexuality as not normal and you just cannot dispute that. You can rain down on people with political correctness and make them afraid to say what the really think, but you cannot dispute the finding.

Most people look at a gay person and see something biologically or mentally wrong. Yes, thats politically incorrect, but there it is anyway. This isn't a moral decision. It is just reality. They care that you are gay and they don't necessarily find it to be a problem for them that you are gay. But don't ask them to give you an exception to what they believe is normal.

I can go with that.

And actually I had sort of made the same comment previously. I was against homosexuality way before I became a Christian. I would be against gay marriage regardless of I was a Christian or not.
Really hard to get an intelligent response at all in this thread.

Lets just cut to the chase. Perhaps the most liberal state in the union just decided to ban gay marriage. If denying gays the ability to marry is a denial of rights, why would they do this?

One side here says that it is the ignorance of some folks and deep rooted bigotry brought on by some sense of misgiven faith.

The other side says it is gods will and that regular folks deep down believe this.

You are both wrong. In reality the decision boils down to the dynamic that put this country together. You might believe in religion and you might not, but you do have some sense of morality and normalcy. You might like to think these are dirty words, but we all have an internal process to determine right and wrong. You make these judgements every day, we just don't verbalize many of them because of political correctness.

In this case, most people look at homosexuality as not normal and you just cannot dispute that. You can rain down on people with political correctness and make them afraid to say what the really think, but you cannot dispute the finding.

Most people look at a gay person and see something biologically or mentally wrong. Yes, thats politically incorrect, but there it is anyway. This isn't a moral decision. It is just reality. They care that you are gay and they don't necessarily find it to be a problem for them that you are gay. But don't ask them to give you an exception to what they believe is normal.

I can go with that.

And actually I had sort of made the same comment previously. I was against homosexuality way before I became a Christian. I would be against gay marriage regardless of I was a Christian or not.


I was almost in line to agree with you except when you brought up morality and normalcy. It was not long ago that interracial marriage faced a lot of the same bigotry we see directed toward gay marriage. It was also viewed as being immoral and not normal.

Let me sum up my position. I agree with the position that marriage is intuitively a Religious institution. However governments have embraced it and attached privileges to individuals who are married. These privileges are not shared by single people. This is ok if everyone has the same opportunity to enter into marriage. I think you all agree here until the question on sexuality comes into play. My position is that in the US we are all equal and that it is wrong to allow any population a special privilege, like marriage. Doing so is the same as allowing Hispanics an extra point just for being Hispanic, to me that to is wrong. I also think it is important to respect everyone's right to warship whatever God they see fit. However it is equally important that no group impose their beliefs on another group. Or use their beliefs to justify denying rights they enjoy to other.

The answer, at least to me, is that the government gets out of the marriage business. Leave marriage up to the church, which as every right to decide who of their faith can marry and who can not. This was any 2 individuals can enter a civil contract that legally bestows the rights granted by a marriage license.

There you have it. My position is one of equality.


I was almost in line to agree with you except when you brought up morality and normalcy. It was not long ago that interracial marriage faced a lot of the same bigotry we see directed toward gay marriage. It was also viewed as being immoral and not normal.

Let me sum up my position. I agree with the position that marriage is intuitively a Religious institution. However governments have embraced it and attached privileges to individuals who are married. These privileges are not shared by single people. This is ok if everyone has the same opportunity to enter into marriage. I think you all agree here until the question on sexuality comes into play. My position is that in the US we are all equal and that it is wrong to allow any population a special privilege, like marriage. Doing so is the same as allowing Hispanics an extra point just for being Hispanic, to me that to is wrong. I also think it is important to respect everyone's right to warship whatever God they see fit. However it is equally important that no group impose their beliefs on another group. Or use their beliefs to justify denying rights they enjoy to other.

The answer, at least to me, is that the government gets out of the marriage business. Leave marriage up to the church, which as every right to decide who of their faith can marry and who can not. This was any 2 individuals can enter a civil contract that legally bestows the rights granted by a marriage license.

There you have it. My position is one of equality.

heres the thing about the church and marriage I have experienced,you take what you want from it.

Because in 1994 I was married in the church then later divorced in 2001, when I went to get married to and Italian Catholic woman who never had been married before the church told us NO,since I had already been married and If she were to marry me she would no longer be considered a member of the catholic church


we were to make a $7200 DONATION to the church ,they would then forgive us


you tell me,what does that have to do with god,religion is just a business like everything else,we can only hope it goes belly up instead of the car industry.

I was almost in line to agree with you except when you brought up morality and normalcy. It was not long ago that interracial marriage faced a lot of the same bigotry we see directed toward gay marriage. It was also viewed as being immoral and not normal.

Let me sum up my position. I agree with the position that marriage is intuitively a Religious institution. However governments have embraced it and attached privileges to individuals who are married. These privileges are not shared by single people. This is ok if everyone has the same opportunity to enter into marriage. I think you all agree here until the question on sexuality comes into play. My position is that in the US we are all equal and that it is wrong to allow any population a special privilege, like marriage. Doing so is the same as allowing Hispanics an extra point just for being Hispanic, to me that to is wrong. I also think it is important to respect everyone's right to warship whatever God they see fit. However it is equally important that no group impose their beliefs on another group. Or use their beliefs to justify denying rights they enjoy to other.

The answer, at least to me, is that the government gets out of the marriage business. Leave marriage up to the church, which as every right to decide who of their faith can marry and who can not. This was any 2 individuals can enter a civil contract that legally bestows the rights granted by a marriage license.

There you have it. My position is one of equality.
you are kidding right? you think that is unfair?
IM GLAD YOUR HAPPY IN LIFE.I BEEN POURING ON THE O.T just 4 the record the house that ran out has small children living there rather not let them freeze.NOT TRYINT 2 DEFEND MY ACTIONS HOWEVER i SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH WORKING OT LOTS PEOPLE DO IT.
YO KOKO YOU GOING 2 Louisville derby day drags next year.

We could hangout my amigo got down 2 like 6 bikes last year.

We almost got some $$$

Thats me+ the bike he was racing. (he owns like 4 bikes) keeps buying my old ones.Thats always a good time

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Catching up on this thread, your picture stopped me cold.

I often wish I'd kept mine...

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