R6 Forum vs. Hayabusa Forum

aka Danksy

So I recently bought an R6 to track because I want to start racing and Loudon NH (my home track) is too small for the bigger bikes. 600's even beat the Liters up here.

NATURALLY I joined R6-forum.com to find out as much information I possibly could on my 05 Raven and about racing. also to buma few used parts:laugh:

HOWEVER, the forum is TERRIBLE. I understand that people have opinions but these people just HATE EVERYTHING. Every thread is hate and I'm not just saying this about my posts, every post. "Your an idiot, this guy sucks, get some naked girls on this post"

Its ridiculous.

Never have I seen such ridiculous topics, lack of advice, and even worse lack of community.

Makes me appreciate this forum and the bond that is Hayabusa.:beerchug:

apparently riding a 600 shuts off your brain, who knew?
You have to remember that most people that ride 600's can't afford anything else and most of them are young and immature. Not saying all of them....just most of them.
You have to remember that most people that ride 600's can't afford anything else and most of them are young and immature. Not saying all of them....just most of them.

You callin' the rest of us old and mature? :poke: :laugh:
Whats funny is alot of the HD owners act just like em :rofl:
Yup, same reason I don't spend much time on GSXR forums and etc. If you get enough people together you will have disagreements and etc, the anonymity of the internet amps that up 10 fold. Even after my short time here I consider this my "measuring stick" for all other forums.
I'm only 21 so and I prefer this company so we can't be that old fashioned.

One Guy on the forum who rides an 02 R6 said that the Bugatti Veyron was garbage. that he test drove one and said it felt cheap. The W16 Veyron... that costs $8,000,000 to build and goes 253mph...

this guy rides a 3000$ bike, hating on an 8 million dollar work of art...HOW THE? WHAT THE? IS HE RETARDED?:poke:
This is the only forum that I'm a part of. Have never really spent any time on other forums. I got my bike and my guns, thats all that I play with. Maybe a gun forum would be ok...na... think I'll just keep the one I like..
Hayabusa owners are rational and unemotional, 'cause we're really Vulcans, Like Mr Spock.
Agree Dansky... Came across this forum after buying my B-King and came to appreciate the level of respectful, humorous, and mostly mature discourse. While I don't think of myself as some paragon of maturity, I think most forums degenerate into a cachophony of sophomoric third grade level self absord chest pounding and moronic discussions so reguarly that its pointless to post anything... Anything important or interesting gets "lost in the sauce"!

The forum administrators and the members do a good job at regulating the line between good natured fun and borish behavoir the result of which is a thriving on-line community with interesting discussion on motorcycles (the reason we are here) and everything else.

So my hat is off to the "Captain" and all the others that make this forum informative and interesting...
....get some naked girls on this post...:laugh:



I also have an R6, and after a couple of weeks of the same crap....stopped going to the R6 forum i was on.

the forum was really young, rather inexperienced in life and riding motorcycles and as a result anything that was not the latest and the greatest was junk.

what really got me was just the bad advice guys would give based on some magazine article they read....

without good moderators, the A-Holes on a site will drive away the good people and it just snowballs.
yup, thats just like the PNW forum here... Its all about *****ing and crying and people trying to one up each other with stupid pictures and comments.