Oh what a tangled web we weave
when we act like a sleeze
lifes not so hard when you do what's right
it saves us all, from a nasty plight
but all to often we forget that fact
and that thing in our pants, makes us act
so there you have it, with a lack of morality
alimony, child support and a large dose of REALITY
I got no problem calling it like I see it...what kind of person sleeps with another
woman while their own wife is pregnant with their child...???
"My friend has a...
dilema". Your friend just peaked and broke the

You do what you want but...man...I just can't tolerate stupidity or selfishness
and seems like your friend has an over abundance of both coupled with a complete
lack of morality. Be carefull who your associates are...they say a lot about who you are.
2ndly and this is two fold...abortion is not birth control (but it fits the selfish
profile mentioned above). It allows and even encourages people to behave
irresponsibly. Not trying to jack the thread so I won't go into it more.
(although I do find it slightly hypocritacal that the "madam" has no trouble fooling
around with a married man (with children) for 13 months and then suddenly
developes a case of morality)
3rdly...if you have a children...especially IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN, you owe it to
them to provide them with a stable and loving home. It's no longer about you,
and your selfish desires and adolescent wants...grow the hell up, and keep the
Johnson home. Your actions have consequences...congrats to your buddy,
he's left two homes broken and multiple children with a part time father...
was it was worth it...
That's the HUGE problem with society...it's all about ME and what I want with
no regards to right and wrong (the Tiger Woods, I woulda done it too syndrom)
No one is willing to give of themselves or have any personal sacrifices for the sake of happiness
of even family members, their own children or significant others...sad