Supreme Court Nominee

sorry I missed the original the last election I voted McCain.

who brought up "unemployed and on welfare"?

See Det45s post above you . I would think your more of a centrist than a liberal which is pretty much where I am . On certain things I swing way to the right and on others I swing to the left . Always seem to agree with both sides on some things ?

I do not agree that afterhours has a liberal bias. Sorry.

I may well be out of line by slapping a label on him, but as I said before, this fits better than any other. In fact, I am closer to Libertarian than I am Republican, so I suppose I need to be lumped in there as well. Libertarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's wrong with honest disagreement?

VB it's almost five oclock in da morn get some sleep :) or eat some fresh glazed Dunkin Donuts and have a coffee .
I'm sitting here working on a couple things and soon the kiddies will be up would you like a freshie glazed ?
VB it's almost five oclock in da morn get some sleep :) or eat some fresh glazed Dunkin Donuts and have a coffee .
I'm sitting here working on a couple things and soon the kiddies will be up would you like a freshie glazed ?

I'm on a low carb diet. We can't all be skinny like some people..... :laugh:

Isn't it nice to be able to express our beliefs on this web site. I encourage all opinions that spark conversations, yes I am on the right side of politics and not ashamed of it. I am a conservative who believes in Liberty, Freedom, and Justice for all. Washington is broke with lame republicans and democrats. I will do my part as a Tea-Party member to facilitate the removal of these lame politicians......det45 :thumbsup:
Isn't it nice to be able to express our beliefs on this web site. I encourage all opinions that spark conversations, yes I am on the right side of politics and not ashamed of it. I am a conservative who believes in Liberty, Freedom, and Justice for all. Washington is broke with lame republicans and democrats. I will do my part as a Tea-Party member to facilitate the removal of these lame politicians......det45 :thumbsup:

If that is what Tea-partiers think what happed in KY?
You can say and feel what you want, November is coming no matter what Rand Paul says and the false reporting of it. The tea party will see to it that business as usual in Washington will change to the conservative movement. Rand Paul isn't going to represent the whole Tea-Party movement, It's way beyond him now. After the November elections theres going to be a lot of crying from the liberals but not to worry, I'll still be here to address them with, "I told you so".....det45 :laugh:

Not if Rand Paul is the best the Tea Party can produce.
You can say and feel what you want, November is coming no matter what Rand Paul says and the false reporting of it. The tea party will see to it that business as usual in Washington will change to the conservative movement. Rand Paul isn't going to represent the whole Tea-Party movement, It's way beyond him now. After the November elections theres going to be a lot of crying from the liberals but not to worry, I'll still be here to address them with, "I told you so".....det45 :laugh:

Yes all that false reporting, even when presenting his own words. Too bad because I like a lot of what the tea party stands for, I wish their first poster child actually believed what you claim they stand for.
I'm on a low carb diet. We can't all be skinny like some people..... :laugh:


Being skinny is a curse I tell ya'
Hold a gun to my head , force me to eat a cow and tell me to gain a lb !
I cant do it just pull the trigger...:laugh:

6'3 180-200 34 inch waist since highschool . Call me 'Flaco'
Everytime the Geico lizard comes on the wife says hey look your on TV...:rofl:
Being skinny is a curse I tell ya'
Hold a gun to my head , force me to eat a cow and tell me to gain a lb !
I cant do it just pull the trigger...:laugh:

6'3 180-200 34 inch waist since highschool . Call me 'Flaco'
Everytime the Geico lizard comes on the wife says hey look your on TV...:rofl:

You are my size less about 40 pounds. :laugh:
Go ahead and keep on thinking the Tea-Party members are extreme or won't affect the November elections, I'll be here after the elections and will see what people have to say......det45 :laugh:

Yes all that false reporting, even when presenting his own words. Too bad because I like a lot of what the tea party stands for, I wish their first poster child actually believed what you claim they stand for.
Go ahead and keep on thinking the Tea-Party members are extreme or won't affect the November elections, I'll be here after the elections and will see what people have to say......det45 :laugh:

The tea-party is not even a party, I don't really understand why because I think the public is ready for a 3rd party. Which is a shame because they probably could be very effective if they present a good candidates.

They will not be effective at the national level before they are effective at the state and local level.

They need to develop a serious platform and ditch distracters like Palin and Paul.
this is funny....


because I have been advocating this for years. the only way to have real change is for "us" the people to vote in better representatives. No rants about term limits, political lobbyists or how the system is broken....just decide to vote for better representatives.

now whether or not the "Tea Party" is responsable for these elections, is debatable...and while not all of them are "extreme" in thier politics....they are in fact extreme as a group because they have chosen to step outside the normal political step outside the two-party system.

What must be remembered is that the "Tea Party" can effect elections, but they are not the sole reason that anyone is elected, they simply do not have those kind of numbers.

PS: there are lots of Patriots, just because someone has different political views....does not mean he/she does not love this country.
Each one of your opinions are counted and acknowledged, that's the beauty of this web site, everyone has an opinion and view. Personally I know that my/our country is being raped and pillaged by entrenched idiots in Washington and I & Millions of Americans are sick and tired of it. That's why the Tea-Party formed and will become an actual party to help save our great country. Now if the republicans and democrats ever get their priorities aligned with the American people maybe they can run the country again but right now both parties are out for themselves and their parties so they must be removed and replaced. A wake up call is coming for both parties starting this November and on to 2012. I am not a democrat nor am I a republican, I am an Conservative on a mission for our great country.....det45
Each one of your opinions are counted and acknowledged, that's the beauty of this web site, everyone has an opinion and view. Personally I know that my/our country is being raped and pillaged by entrenched idiots in Washington and I & Millions of Americans are sick and tired of it. That's why the Tea-Party formed and will become an actual party to help save our great country. Now if the republicans and democrats ever get their priorities aligned with the American people maybe they can run the country again but right now both parties are out for themselves and their parties so they must be removed and replaced. A wake up call is coming for both parties starting this November and on to 2012. I am not a democrat nor am I a republican, I am an Conservative on a mission for our great country.....det45

The Tea Party movement is not about creating a new political party. It's about creating a new line of thinking that will enable true Conservatives to get some exposure and possibly move towards winning some elections, most likely within the Republican party. If you truly desire a major 3rd party, then I ask you to think about how that might affect the next election if you have a Tea Party candidate running against a Republican and Democrat.....Democrats will win. We don't want that, do we? You might want to reconsider the portion in bold. Splitting the vote is a BAD idea.
I am a Tea-Party Member and our intentions are to facilitate the election of conservatives this November a possibly be a seperate party soon there after. I attend the meetings and rest assured we are on top of things. As I've always said, watch and see starting this November......det45