What are good mod's for a turbo Busa

I have a Shinko hookup and it hooks like velcro and have no issues at all at higher speeds either but I would think there are better choices for LSR bikes.
Just a few of the latest Shinko problems: Shinko hook-up beware!! (again)

Not to mention according to the Shinko website they are only W speed rated (168mph): Shinko Tires

See this is the issues I was talking about with the Shinko's :whistle: Some say they are ok and others are saying they are not. Why even take the chance when you plan on exceeding speeds of 200mph+??? Is saving $50 on a tire really worth the risk to your bike or your life for that matter?
Idk fellas, I've been 173 at the track and well over that on the hwy with many shinkos.

Several have been faster but a 1/4-mile blast in 6-7 seconds and slowing IMMEDIATELY is different than WFO for 1-mile or more on the street where you will have more expansion and heat. You are playing with fire IMO, and I've seen to many fail to even think about one on my bike let alone recommend one to someone else. There are better options out there IMO. :beerchug:
I agree and wish I did the 1/4 in 6 or 7 seconds. And I can't speak on the wfo for a mile yet. I agree and I to plan on getting the power one, but not because I dislike or had problems with the shinko, but because I want the best, everything else on the bike is the best....or getting there ;-)
well Im not gonna cut corners.. Im not gonna pony up all this money for a bullet proof motor and ultra kit so get cheep with my Rubber.. makes no sense to spend that kind a money and have bad rubber.. I wanna hook and have rubber good for 200+ MPH . my life in in the hands of a cheaper tire.. not worth the risk and I would hate to crash because the tire failed.. gotta protect my investment

Thank you All for the wonderful input on everything.. keep them coming :thumbsup: