1/4 mile times and speeds

<span style='color:red'></span><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'></span> OK let me understand this  the stock 99busa to 01 is supposed to run a 9.89sec 1/4 mi. and those of us who may have piped and power commanded added the K&N sys. added a better cams and are still only pulling a 9.44 sec at 146mph 1/4 and these guys can run a 9.2 stock?
The fastest turbo bikes are only running 7.8sec+ and with 75 shot NOS I run a flat 9.0 to 9.24 I know there are guys with just engine rebuilds running in the high 8's but lets be realistic at leastdrag bikes
Yeah but if you weren't 5000+ ft in the air, you would be pulling 8's too. ;) I'm going the first weekend in April, wish me luck. I'm hoping to pull 10's my first time out.
only saw 10's once

everything else was low 11's
best et 10.8
the only good news is there was only one vehicle there faster..
a wierd grey little car that kinda looked like a cobra with a roof that hit 10.5 guess it was a poop day to race
We just went last Friday.......first time I ever ran the Busa.
10.8's and 10.9's all night. Completely stock minus slip ons and windscreen. My reaction times sucked though. I kept getting like 1.4 and 1.2. Wait til I get that down.
Your reaction time doesn't effect your time. Just keep you 60's feet times down.
yeah......i know, BUT, my reaction times were kind of affecting my overall times because my reaction sucked and it kept nearly stalling the bike. Almost completely stalled it twice. I guess I'm not feathering the clutch long enough.
NO stock busa is running in the low 9's. The best I have seen a stock busa[your parameters] run is 9.68, and that is Raceway Park in NJ. Which is just about sea level. Take a close look at the head gasket of these so called stock busa's you are referring to.
That's a decent pass considering your weight and experience. I have gone 9.60's on stock 2001. There are too many variables that come 2 play when posting 1/4 mi. times!
here is my best yet... 2nd time EVER touching foot on a dragstrip -

pipe, k&n, small airbox, tre, 16tooth front, lowered&strapped, no map yet.......


going again July 5th, will be cooler, expect low 9.7s easy.
Someone tell me..........

I read somewhere that the TRE will slow down 1/4mi times...
Johnnycheese?? somebody know FOR SURE??
that is easy.
It is because you have no mapping yet.
The TRE is richening up the map in the the gears 1-4 due to it thinks it is in 5th timing has nothing to do with it.
you are never under 4k.
if you have it mapped and then install a tre you will be too fat hence slow down
once you map it there is no need for the TRE.
so it would be a mute point.
and you are never under 4K so the TRE is not doing anything except making it richer a Map helps more than anything.
Did I explain well?
still a little confuzed................

tre will advance timing in first 2 gears a bit, hence, little quicker.
tre will richen mixture a bit, hence, little slower.
only using 4 gears in 1/4 mi.

sounds like without pc3r, and without map, the TRE still may not be helping.

I havent tuned a bike yet, so I don't know what the stock fuel and timing curves look like in all the gears.

If running all gears on a 5th gear curve is faster, the TRE would help a stock bike.
If running all gears on a 5th gear curve is slower, the TRE will go in the trash.

I guess my question still stands:
will the TRE help me in 1/4 mile since I have not had it remapped?

since all bikes may have their own slight tendencies, I will still try both ways tomorrow before eliminations.