Yeah but if you weren't 5000+ ft in the air, you would be pulling 8's too.<span style='color:red'></span><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'></span> OK let me understand this the stock 99busa to 01 is supposed to run a 9.89sec 1/4 mi. and those of us who may have piped and power commanded added the K&N sys. added a better cams and are still only pulling a 9.44 sec at 146mph 1/4 and these guys can run a 9.2 stock?The fastest turbo bikes are only running 7.8sec+ and with 75 shot NOS I run a flat 9.0 to 9.24 I know there are guys with just engine rebuilds running in the high 8's but lets be realistic at leastdrag bikes![]()