DP-Luck of the draw at times. Just don't admit that you were speeding. he'll put it in his notes. just say..I have no idea how fast I was going ??. and On a Busa,,most of us will be going way over the limit,,and most cops won't let a 100 in a 55 go,,unless you're on the job,,or know him or someone in high places.
Oh my..NJSP..you scare)))) me big trooper boy. look for me around Bloomfield Barracks GSPW exit 151 I'm always up & Down there doing this broad in Nutley I bang every once in a while.
Hey great pick for superintendent NJSP. I bet you're burned out and have nothing better to to than to "TRY" and give other cops tickets.
So remember to Take your High & mighty bullshit State Cop AAA with a Gun, attitude and Kiss my Ass. But as Always Be safe..even if you're an Idiot..it's a Dangerous Job being a Cop.
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