ZX-12 Launch / MCN TEXT

If it's any comfort, I've had the same obsession for over 21 years...started the first time I laid eyes on a '78 GS1000E. I saw the Cycle World article on it first, and went to see one in the showroom. It was better in real life, just clean. I looked it over and over, again and again. Then I went in the Navy...oh well.

One thing about that obsession...face the fact that you might not ever get over it. It just gets better and better with age.
Buddha my man, I have a question and suggestion for you. Have you done any riding since you have begun posting on this site?

Consider if you had spent $400 or so on an old 350 Cockroach or something similar. You could be out each day putting in "pilot trainee hours" so to speak. You would be getting 55-60 mpg, just going to school, work, or whatever, and the experience would be totally invaluable. If you drop it once or twice, at least it is a thrasher instead of a beautiful, expensive 'Busa. Plus when you finally have the money up to go for the mighty Bus, you can probably offload the Roach for as much as you paid for it.

Just a suggestion, man. It would put you light-years ahead when you finally get your Bay-bee.

Another suggestion...if you love fast bikes, and you want to get the 'bleep' out of NJ, there is no place better than southern Cal.
You might be closer to getting one then you think Buddha. I just snagged myself a used copper busa an hour north of Seattle for $8600. One month old, mint condition :) Of course Allstate is makeing sure I don't get to do this too cheaply!
WHOAH, Mr Buehler!!!

Was that Mt. Vernon Suzuki or B'ham?
Damn, I was in the neighborhood of my friendly Southern Cal dealer here, and figured I would stop by and get some numbers from his sales guy. I am 37, no tickets, he said insurance would be $700/yr. I might be able to do better than that.

But I told him to consider $5,000 down, and he came back with $180/mo. for 60 months. My HP calculator tells me that is $10,800 for his loan. Talk about packing a deal. Screw that.

I may have to head up that way to obtain an "import". I know my buddy Mike Sweeney at Aurora Suzuki in Seattle will treat me right. 180 bucks a month for 60 months my ass.

Congratulations Buehler, you scored.

Buddha, don't take the first deal that comes along. Be a hard ass. That's half the fun. You'll get the bike you want.
It was a total luckout. I had Aurora Suzuki looking for a copper (Randy had one in black) and I had called all the way to Oklahoma to find one. A lister from another newsgroup remembered seeing one up in Burlington. I called in the morning. That one was gone but a used one had been dropped off just the previous night and I about fell out of my chair when he priced it. 1 month old, serviced, tabs etc. The guy apparently needed the money back. Bought it over the phone right then without seeing it :) Problem came with Allstate. Before I started looking I called and got a verbal quote of $600.00 Apparently she was assuming I would have the title, and not want collision (or something) cuz when I had it added for real, it was $1597.00. I'm 22 with 2 tickets, so I'm not to surprised, but I did so like the first quote better :)
Buehler, I used to know a finance & insurance guy in the area named Randy Schweizer. I haven't kept in touch with him, don't even know if he is still in the area or in the business anymore. But maybe try to find his name, phone book or information. If you find him, tell him Herm Nelson (J-E's brother) said hi. Nobody could get better deals than that guy. Short of that, McAlister and Sweeney at Aurora Suz were the best guys I knew for deals there. But nobody I knew could match Schweitzer for insurance. Good riding!