MCN ZX12 article 175.5 hp!

Blah, Blah, Blah, Hayabusa will do this, yeah but the 12 will do that. SHUT UP AND RIDE! Who friggin cares? just be happy with your own damn bike and respect the choices of others.
I will try and brush off the childish cutdowns Omega. I have never seen any of your post that were very informative. Most of your time is spent polluting this board with cut downs and crying if anyone doesnt see eye to eye with you, so pull your panties out of your pus** and quit crying.

I have heard nothing but excuses since the ZX-12 was reported to have only 175.5hp.
"But the 12 has a better ram air"
"Add a muzzy for 13 more hp"
"but it looks better"

My point was ... do you think it will be a big horsepower advantage over the busa because of the ram air? I have a ZX-9 right now. I have never noticed a stronger pull on top end when racing someone without ram air.
I am not saying it doesnt help at all but I am saying that it will be minimal.

As for the muzzy. When is the last time you've seen an exhaust system make as much hp as they advertise. It doesnt happen very often. Anyone can put an exhaust system on a bike. What makes you think the 12 will be extra special with one?

I talk real world seem to live in the magazines. I have raced many bikes in the past. I also have about 12 years experience drag racing cars. You all are talking about a bike that isnt even out yet.
How the hell do you know that the ram air is so much better? Maybe you should change your name to Omaybe.....Omaybe I will cry Omaybe I wont.
Yeah! Like Pauly here pointed out let's respect each others choices and go watch a sunset together....then we can paint each others toe nails afterwards.



It's gonna make you think you hit reverse by mistake!!
zx-12 monocoque frame...that is all I hear about. The (@^*#% frame is 20 years old! Kaw developed it as a racing frame 20 years ago and if it is so good how come they don't use it now on their race bikes???? Maybe Harley told them...."old is good..outdated is good!"
You need to go read the new Kawasaki advertisement they explain it all there.

"A revolutionary new box-section, monocoque frame configuration gives the ZX-12R unflinching stiffness".

They used the monocoque not because of its stiffness but because it is "unflinchingly stiff" which makes it twice the average stiffness of a stiff frame.
Busta, as you own as ZX9 haven't you wondered at it's flat out speed for a 'mere' 900CC bike? A C series ZX9 will give a Blackbird a run for it's money top-speed and be a fair bit faster than an R1 - even with the R1s notoriously short gearing sorted. Why? I suspect it's because Kawasaki know a thing or two about aerodynamics and ram air, The ZX9 is often faster than bikes with a 10-15BHP advantage (static) that doesn't happen accidentally. With a full race exhaust and no other mods ZX9s are known to bounce off their rev limiters in top (low 180s) those engines breathe big time!

Having said that the Busa's aeros are obviously very efficient (as are the GSXR750s) but as already pointed out Suzuki's ram air stinks.

To be quite honest I don't care which one is faster - I love my bus and loosing it's top speed crown to this weeks "next best thing" won't matter a jot to me.
Like I said, stupidity is your strongpoint. Ever since you first showed up its been nothing but a useless waste of space between the lines. Was'nt it your dumb a ss that posted threads all over everywhere about the wobbling? Everyone here takes you for what you are: A FUKIN JOKE!
Page 3 under "can't get it over 180 ZX-12" topic. Try reading that Omaybe. I actually took up for your ZX-12 when everyone was rippin' on it. You really should stop showing your insecurity by ripping everyone to shreads who doesnt agree with you.

Yes I did post a few jokes on Labusa's
"Famous 12 owners", skip over and check em out...but thats what they were..just jokes.

Get you some pu**y sometime. Maybe you wont be so ****in uptight.
You're probably right about the gearing Omega, slightly hotter cam timing to delay the torque drop off a couple of hundred revs would do the same trick.
Danger Mouse
Okay...I have no problem with being proved wrong but I think you have misunderstood my post. My objective was not to prove that the busa is faster. My point was that I,and that I means me, dont think that there is going to be an extreme difference in ram air efficiency between the two bikes. Yes maybe some difference but not to the point that everyone on this thread has made it out to be.

To hear everyone talk, one would guess that the busa doesnt even have ram air.

And yes I am impressed with the 9's power.
But heres a real world scenerio I encountered: My friend,who has identical weight to me,had a 98 gsxr 750 with a pipe,pc2,kn air filter,and regearing. At the time my bike was bone a** stock. We raced all the time. Most times was a dead up tie.
We raced all out one time till we ran out of road or balls,I dont remember which, but an amazing thing happened. The little Zuki started pulling me at about 155. I was fukin amazed to say the least. Can you explain that? I know Im leaving myself wide open for a " you cant ride" flame but try and hold back.
All of those that think that Kawis Ram air is so much better should really look at the cacluations and you will see that they will only mangage about a 5% gain in hp on a bike assuming 100% effiency of the system (and we all no that no power making addition gains 100% effiency).

You simply can't get more pressure than the thoertical pressure of air moving at a specified velocity.

After looking at the pictures of the ram air intake on the ZX-12 I have to admit that the ram air intake scoop is of a better and more efficient design than my BUSA. The shape and placement, out in front to pick up undisturbed airflow, is much like the ones on aircraft. On the other hand, they did not do as good a job on the fairing and had to add strakes (those winglets at the bottom) to correct the airflow.
I would much prefer that Suzuki made my front turnsignals flush with the cowl and then put a ram air scoop, like the ZX-12, below the nose cowl. I guess sometimes you CAN'T have your cake and eat it too.

Ride Safe, Bob
Busta, Notice I included the GXSR750 in my argument as an example of Suzuki's Aeros, The W Series GSXR750, like the ZX9, is faster than it *should* be, the GSXRs excellent aerodynamics, peaky engine with loads of overrev and slightly tall gearing make it a giant killer in certain circumstances, just like the ZX9 for exactly the same reasons.

I suspect the Busa and ZX12 will both be within a couple of MPH of each other, and I suspect it's the Busa that will deliver it's top speed under most conditions where the peakier more aerodynamically sensitive (hence the winglets) ZX12 will be faster in perfect conditions but will come second on blustery days or with two way figures.
So the mags will try and try eventually getting the best out the 12 and then crown it king when it was the Busa that delivered the goods everytime.

I don't think there will be a definitive answer to what's faster until Suzuki tweak the Busa, it's softly tuned engine has tonnes spare, another 10-15BHP would be a piece of cake and could be gained just upping the CR a tad (which is quite low) before they even bother looking at tweaking the mild cam timing or fixing the leaky ram air, after breathing on the engine take a tooth or two off the back sprocket and wave goodbye ZX12 which is already much nearer to it's potential limit (as a stock bike.) than the Hayabusa, which (like the ZZR1100 before it) is good enough to stay ahead with little tweaks for years - Suzuki were no idiots when they made the Busa a 1300!
Those changes are probably in the works for 01 as well as a ride height adjustment on the rear shock. I doubt they'll mess with the gearing however, in fact no way.