2 maybe 3 riders down this week... Bash 09

The pics with damage...and the one in the river... It's like seeing the Mona Lisa with spray paint all over it. :unhappy:
started out my trip ending up in the er with kidney stones, only to get back on the road and arrive @ 5 am friday...this was the result of some oil and wet leaves in the roadway, while we where getting my bike back up, the gen two fell over and broke a peg....by the way I now need a main stay, fron cowl and right side plastic..donations anyone?
rode with trekfule,captain, and everybody else today, was a real blast...my bike stopped about 18 inches from a 400 foot cliff...no i didnt slid with it so im ok...
Demmy you can appreciat how my spikes stayed on and the plastic stil lmanaged to get scratched anyway...those are some tuff spikes..i will say this, they dug into the road and are probably what kept the bike from going over the cliff....

Glad that you survived the slide in good shape.....the plastics are fixable..btw, I can relate to the kidney stone thing....glad they passed ok...
"Man got to know his limitations." ('rider got to...' for the politically correct!)

Lose gravel, leaves, oil, road debris, animals-all unknowns that have to be fiqured into the equation. Let's just don't lose real estate in the process....

:beerchug:BE SAFE!!!! BE CAREFUL!!!!:beerchug:

You can do all this and still have a good time. Thank goodness (and hopefully) pride is all that's wounded! (Don't make me have ta bring my scuba gear...er...well, at least not for fishing bikes or riders!)
i was going 5mph not pushint it at all, oil in road+wet leaves was what doomed my ride...I know better then to ride beyond my abilities...by the way there was 3 more close calls on this turn before mine bit it....i was stoped all the way before it fell over...
Intresting.............with the amount of carnage so far I have one question, is this road difficult to ride? Or are these just the results of bad decisions negotiating corners?
The Dragon has always been known to exaggerate bad choices. I was up there last weekend. Its a ****in zoo. There are much better roads to ride in that area.
just gotta ask... Was the gsxr damaged bad? it looks pretty unscathed from the photos, besides the obvious water logged stuff. Glad noone was seriously hurt, other than pride.:whistle:
Glad no one has been seriously hurt! Please be careful!! Hopefully this is the end of the accidents!! :please:
Sorry to hear about all of the accidents, but glad everyone is ok. Please be careful everyone, and no more wrecks please! :please:

i was going 5mph not pushint it at all, oil in road+wet leaves was what doomed my ride...I know better then to ride beyond my abilities...by the way there was 3 more close calls on this turn before mine bit it....i was stoped all the way before it fell over...

Dude that sucks! Now you've got war stories at the dragon you can tell your grandchildren when you old!
started out my trip ending up in the er with kidney stones, only to get back on the road and arrive @ 5 am friday...this was the result of some oil and wet leaves in the roadway, while we where getting my bike back up, the gen two fell over and broke a peg....by the way I now need a main stay, fron cowl and right side plastic..donations anyone?
rode with trekfule,captain, and everybody else today, was a real blast...my bike stopped about 18 inches from a 400 foot cliff...no i didnt slid with it so im ok...
Demmy you can appreciat how my spikes stayed on and the plastic stil lmanaged to get scratched anyway...those are some tuff spikes..i will say this, they dug into the road and are probably what kept the bike from going over the cliff....

We knew those spikes served a purpose rather than just looking good, And they left a mark that can be seen for months too come. Glad your OK.

Well now you dont have to worry about that one small area you had on that paint job. Now you can start from scratch again.

Once again , Glad your ok as well as the rest of the downed riders.