2006 Hyabusa - Cranks won't start

Once Again, sorry for not being on here constantly. Work always has me busier than I want to be.

No codes at all. I assume it's because I can't get it running. But I could be wrong, and according to my wife, I'm always wrong. LOL

I pulled a plug off a coil and hooked up my multimeter. When the key is one (if I did thing right) it reads. 12.8V. During cranking it goes down to 9.5V
I'll check them again, and do a video to make sure I'm hooking it up right, but like I said in the above post, it seems the volts go down to 9.5 during cranking.

If I did hook it up right to read cranking volts, and it is 9.5, what would the issue be?
How should we check the ecu?
Franknbeans, did u do any pin checks at ecu during cranking? Are u getting any codes? Did u check all the 4 ecu grounds (they run different things which may be the 'running' cycle of injectors or coils)?

Run thru the starting sequence pin tests.

-Make sure the Br wire coming out of the vacuum control solenoid is getting power to the ecu pin 7 when u click on the start/stop button.
-The O/W at ecu pin 17 should be also 12v at start/stop button engagement.
-Is the Y/R wire coming out of the fuel pump relay give 12v to ecu pin 42 while the fuel pump is priming.
-the coils all get power off a grey wire and - like ransom said - the action happens on the ground side cause the ecu grounds them out. If u have a multitester with a light that illuminates when the circuit completes you could connect the + and - and crank. Otherwise you may have to look up to see a good coil tester. Maybe just continuity? But I'd be interested in the ecu output side.

U may have an internal ecu issue that I'm trying to sort out.

What i really want to know is if u have any codes...

No ECU testing yet, I really think it's a low volt issue during the cranking.
Once Again, sorry for not being on here constantly. Work always has me busier than I want to be.

No codes at all. I assume it's because I can't get it running. But I could be wrong, and according to my wife, I'm always wrong. LOL

I pulled a plug off a coil and hooked up my multimeter. When the key is one (if I did thing right) it reads. 12.8V. During cranking it goes down to 9.5V

My fiance' has a habit of answering the phone with 'hello stupid dumbest meanie head in the whole history". Lol ur not alone.

And I'm not sure about cranking volt issue, ransomt brought that surprise to my attention. But have u had a chance to do any pin tests I suggested?
The ECU is routed some of those pins so it can recognize when the vehicle is trying to be started thus knowing when to initiate its 'full run' sequence once independant firing occurs. I'm interested if the ecu is not receiving that info due to a broken wire.
Who knows, that could be causing a low voltage output to coils, I'm not sure.
Its sometimes tedious to diagnose an ecu failure, especially without being there step by step so I'll try an be that Avenue for u.
I will jump in without re reading this entire thread (yet,going out for nacho and a jack)( will reread later)
Check the voltage at the coils, if it is less the 11v , Cut the wire that is supposed to fed the 4 coils 12v strip the end of the wire that goes to the coils switch it on , start cranking Jump that wire to 12v (feed it 12v)
If you have fuel, and the problem is coil voltage feed, she will fire instantly if not,,,,just solder the wire back together
re read the thread, Sure seems like weak spark
I can check mine tomorrow but I am pretty sure the Grey lead, that runs to the coil sticks is the 12v

seriously mine would crank and crank and crank,,,,,,,,,touch 12v to it boom instant running
That's crazy ur getting 12v normally but not during cranking.
The 12v is supplied directly from battery thru fuse box then thru start/stop switch.
What could be causing this? Weak battery?
12v feed does not "just go thru the Start Stop switch"
RH kill Switch
Ignition switch
FP relay by fuse panel

When I was chasing my problem, I followed the voltage
and each thing it passed thru the voltage dropped a little
till it reached the coils
12v feed does not "just go thru the Start Stop switch"
RH kill Switch
Ignition switch
FP relay by fuse panel

When I was chasing my problem, I followed the voltage
and each thing it passed thru the voltage dropped a little
till it reached the coils

Ok cool. let's trace it for him.
So then we should have him - while cranking - check voltage at:
starter relay Red wire

Check voltage at key switch: R wire is input, Orange wire is output

fuse box Orange is input. O/Y wire is output

Turn signal relay O/Y is input, O/B is output

Start/stop switch O/B is input, O/W is output.

Then at coils directly.

These points all checked should give him a good idea where voltage may be dropping.

But he said he's getting 12v there while not cranking?..
Then it drops significantly when cranking..
What would the fact that it has to go thru these have to do with it?
BAH I would cut the feed wire and first put a voltmeter on it while cranking again
then feed it the 12v
If she starts right up you can back trace from there
Grab some blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries, cover them in natural UNSWEETENED Acidopholous yoghurt and get that down ya!
You will be amazed how good you will feel eating that superfood.
That's what I have for breakfast and I'm good all day, I buy the 1Kg frozen bags of mixed berries, ya can't go wrong mate!
I haven't eaten a green vegetable in over 2 months.... and I had an apple only because they were at the check out counter at KFC....
Ok, I may have some time to deal with this today.

I'll take the battery out and bring it to the local battery shop and have them load test it for me. Hope that's all it is. ......

ONCE AGAIN, THANKS TO ALL THAT HAVE BEEN HELPING ME WITH THIS ISSUE. I am on many forums and you guys at the Hayabusa one are very friendly.
Ok, I may have some time to deal with this today.

I'll take the battery out and bring it to the local battery shop and have them load test it for me. Hope that's all it is. ......

ONCE AGAIN, THANKS TO ALL THAT HAVE BEEN HELPING ME WITH THIS ISSUE. I am on many forums and you guys at the Hayabusa one are very friendly.
That's why "you should forsake all others and follow us" to Hayabusa Kingdom :race:
Seriously though, we are a friendly bunch, it just makes life a lot easier and more enjoyable to be able to help out other brothers like your good self Mr Franknbeans!