2006 zx14 vs. 2006 busa

Thanx for the write up Cecil
The 13.5 is a bad Machine but I'll stick to my BUSA
which by the way ain't no slouch with exhaust pcIII and map
Well goodie for Kawi, they finally got a bike with good numbers. Who cares? I still own the sexiest bike on the planet hands down. No other bike I've owned gets the job done like the busa, great for haulin a**, hittin the twisties and everyday commute. Just my .02
This is either the 1st or 2nd post for this BS topic and I for one truly believe it is fake.  I posted a long reply under the E-Racer post and don't want to type sooo much to repeat, so anyony interested in a few "facts from the Kawi rep at tne DC bike show in Jan. 06 and 2 Kawi dealers as of 4pm 2-17-06 can find that thread and read all about it.  The bottom line is that until a real test in the open is done by Cycle World or Motorcyclist this will continue to be BS.  BTY the little "creep" sure seems to be delighted with this story, maybe he wrote it or is in fact old "12" who was such a BS artist in the smack shack.  Go away little boy and don't come back until the facts are known.  If the 14 isn't faster than the KING, Kawi should be ashamed.
you are in complete denial. What a loser!
As a bike enthusiast the most interesting and intriging part of Ricky's statement is this:

"Without being biased, if anyone ever gets a chance to ride the 2 bikes, one behind the other, you too will be amazed at how much of a difference you feel in acceleration."

I believe him, I bet the ZX14 is fun to ride...not that id buy one but id definately go out of my way for a chance to ride one.
Look at it this way. Both rides exactly the same skill Kawi MIGHT win. But with numbers this close it will be all about the rider. And since he rides Kawi a lot maybe he was just more used to the way the bike reacted and the busa just wasn't as 'old hat' to him.
..no offense intended but...who cares!!?? Does this debate really matter?? I'd own both my busa and the zx14 if I could afford it....I just love fast bikes! I've got nothing against Kaw as I've owned 2 in my lifetime (Z1R, Ninja 900R). It's all good!! In fact, I'm taking the busa out to rip some shid up right now!!
..no offense intended but...who cares!!??  Does this debate really matter??  I'd own both my busa and the zx14 if I could afford it....I just love fast bikes!  I've got nothing against Kaw as I've owned 2 in my lifetime (Z1R, Ninja 900R).  It's all good!!  In fact, I'm taking the busa out to rip some shid up right now!!
Exactly. I love bikes because they are bikes. I would never own a HD but I still apprciate that the person rides. And most people will never see the full potential of either bike.
For me the numbers dont ad up. I was expecting the 14 to be faster. I was looking back at that old write up in Motorcyclist where Keith "Shine" Dennis was doing the same thing on a Busa and a zx12. Maybe they should do a "Shine" VS Ricky showdown on these two? Or wait a few months and do it with the "new" Busa?
Not that I am expert or anywhere close to being one but this all does not really seem to matter. It is a drag race.

I would think that Kawasaki, after the Busa owning the scene for the last 6 years, would have dropped a better bomb on the playground than this. Ok it was faster in this test and that is not going to knock any of us off of our seats, it SHOULD BE!

What Kawasaki (and the others) are fighting is multi pronged and wont be settled on a drag strip; the Hayabusa has a cult like following, comes in a kick azz sprectrum of colors, has its own da*ned symbol, has been a HUGE marketing success and without Suzuki changing diddly in 6 years Kawasaki's latest hot rod is only a 10th of second quicker in the 1/4 - it would have to be a DEAD SEXY looking bike with some other LCF (looks cool factor) attributes to take the hill but I dont see that happening.

If Suzuki even slightly cares about another bike inching passed theirs on a strip they can fix it (add some stock quickness via CCs or tuning), once again slap everyone back away from the table and keep their fans happy and the market share in tact but even if they dont, the Busa will keep selling and keep its title as the ultimate commercially available super bike!

When is April 28th gonna get here anyway!!!
Honestly it only matters if your into drag racing, how about the twiesties, were it really matter's to some of us
Look at it this way.  Both rides exactly the same skill Kawi MIGHT win.  But with numbers this close it will be all about the rider.  And since he rides Kawi a lot maybe he was just more used to the way the bike reacted and the busa just wasn't as 'old hat' to him.
How could Gadson be more used to the way the 14 reacted, just because he's ridden a lot of Kawasaki's? The 14 is a different motorcycle with a completely different type of power band than any other Kawasaki. Kawasaki's are known for their high rpm rush, like the 12. The 14 has torque like no other Kawasaki. That takes 2 different riding techniques at a dragstip. You have to remember, too, Gadson rode a Busa for quite some time last year which means he should be more familiar with the Busa than with the 14.
The year?...2001....the place?...Daytona...1/2 mile east of the hess station where 92 meets I-95....the time?...Bike week...about 9:00pm Saturday Night....the situation...a good ZRX bud of mine and myself were leading out a crew of about a dozen of our fellow "REXER" buds to see the starboyz stunt show at the hess station....and while lined up two abreast at a stoplight this ballzy dude muscles up the middle of our crew on his custom painted yellow on purple slammed V-Twin Kaw Vulcan and lines up between myself and my bud...looks at us both from behind a fullface helmet...triple taps his throttle and smiles..as I thought..."WTF?...who's this guy think he is challenging the oh so badazz us?..especially on a pig of a V-Twin?....he's not got a prayer...
"...so I looks to my bud with his stage 3 cams and muzzy full ti to answer his calling..and Ted rips off a high pitched howl as he lines up and that not being good enough for me?...I break loose with my pods and full muzzy meg fanning the clutch and jumping the front brake...light turns green and I make the best launch of my life...leaning waaay out over the front fender and carrying the front wheel about 9-12"s off the asphault all through 1st and then banged 2nd while the front was but a few inches from touch down and carry yet another 9-12"'s all through 2nd gear and at this point?...I was reading the vulcans plate numbers and once again thinking...WTF!!!
I'm gett'in spanked by a freaking V-twin in front of all my buds and lost the 1/8 mile stoplight-stoplight race by a solid 2-3 bike lengths.

We arrive at the hes station and I'm still in shock while my bud was red faced mad and embarrassed (as we hung with each other within a wheel length) as the vulcan shoot forward from between us...as one of our older rexer buds runs too us screaming.."Guess Who You Guys Just Left The Line With!!!"....Teds disgusted response was..."Someone who just smoked both our azz's on a freaking V-twin!
".....I'm the fatazz in the red shirt...


Ricky Gadson...on a sponsored Mr. Turbo Stealth Vulcan....which won the dyno shoot-out that year with 160rwhp/161ftlbs of torque....shid happens.

L8R, Bill.

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Man, that is awesome Bill. Nothing like being smoked, and then getting to meet one of the best! I bet you were surprised
..no offense intended but...who cares!!??  Does this debate really matter??  I'd own both my busa and the zx14 if I could afford it....I just love fast bikes!  I've got nothing against Kaw as I've owned 2 in my lifetime (Z1R, Ninja 900R).  It's all good!!  In fact, I'm taking the busa out to rip some shid up right now!!
Exactly.  I love bikes because they are bikes.  I would never own a HD but I still apprciate that the person rides.  And most people will never see the full potential of either bike.
I must agree 99% of us will never use these bikes to their full potential and the only thing that matters is "we" as the owers are happy with our over powered bikes

If I lived near the desert or someplace similarI would have to have a turbo busa

The year?...2001....the place?...Daytona...1/2 mile east of the hess station where 92 meets I-95....the time?...Bike week...about 9:00pm Saturday Night....the situation...a good ZRX bud of mine and myself were leading out a crew of about a dozen of our fellow "REXER" buds to see the starboyz stunt show at the hess station....and while lined up two abreast at a stoplight this ballzy dude muscles up the middle of our crew on his custom painted yellow on purple slammed V-Twin Kaw Vulcan and lines up between myself and my bud...looks at us both from behind a fullface helmet...triple taps his throttle and smiles..as I thought..."WTF?...who's this guy think he is challenging the oh so badazz us?..especially on a pig of a V-Twin?....he's not got a prayer...
"...so I looks to my bud with his stage 3 cams and muzzy full ti to answer his calling..and Ted rips off a high pitched howl as he lines up and that not being good enough for me?...I break loose with my pods and full muzzy meg fanning the clutch and jumping the front brake...light turns green and I make the best launch of my life...leaning waaay out over the front fender and carrying the front wheel about 9-12"s off the asphault all through 1st and then banged 2nd while the front was but a few inches from touch down and carry yet another 9-12"'s all through 2nd gear and at this point?...I was reading the vulcans plate numbers and once again thinking...WTF!!!
I'm gett'in spanked by a freaking V-twin in front of all my buds and lost the 1/8 mile stoplight-stoplight race by a solid 2-3 bike lengths.

We arrive at the hes station and I'm still in shock while my bud was red faced mad and embarrassed (as we hung with each other within a wheel length) as the vulcan shoot forward from between us...as one of our older rexer buds runs too us screaming.."Guess Who You Guys Just Left The Line With!!!"....Teds disgusted response was..."Someone who just smoked both our azz's on a freaking V-twin!
".....I'm the fatazz in the red shirt...


Ricky Gadson...on a sponsored Mr. Turbo Stealth Vulcan....which won the dyno shoot-out that year with 160rwhp/161ftlbs of torque....shid happens.

L8R, Bill.
That would have been so cool



The year?...2001....the place?...Daytona...1/2 mile east of the hess station where 92 meets I-95....the time?...Bike week...about 9:00pm Saturday Night....the situation...a good ZRX bud of mine and myself were leading out a crew of about a dozen of our fellow "REXER" buds to see the starboyz stunt show at the hess station....and while lined up two abreast at a stoplight this ballzy dude muscles up the middle of our crew on his custom painted yellow on purple slammed V-Twin Kaw Vulcan and lines up between myself and my bud...looks at us both from behind a fullface helmet...triple taps his throttle and smiles..as I thought..."WTF?...who's this guy think he is challenging the oh so badazz us?..especially on a pig of a V-Twin?....he's not got a prayer...
"...so I looks to my bud with his stage 3 cams and muzzy full ti to answer his calling..and Ted rips off a high pitched howl as he lines up and that not being good enough for me?...I break loose with my pods and full muzzy meg fanning the clutch and jumping the front brake...light turns green and I make the best launch of my life...leaning waaay out over the front fender and carrying the front wheel about 9-12"s off the asphault all through 1st and then banged 2nd while the front was but a few inches from touch down and carry yet another 9-12"'s all through 2nd gear and at this point?...I was reading the vulcans plate numbers and once again thinking...WTF!!!
I'm gett'in spanked by a freaking V-twin in front of all my buds and lost the 1/8 mile stoplight-stoplight race by a solid 2-3 bike lengths.

We arrive at the hes station and I'm still in shock while my bud was red faced mad and embarrassed (as we hung with each other within a wheel length) as the vulcan shoot forward from between us...as one of our older rexer buds runs too us screaming.."Guess Who You Guys Just Left The Line With!!!"....Teds disgusted response was..."Someone who just smoked both our azz's on a freaking V-twin!
".....I'm the fatazz in the red shirt...


Ricky Gadson...on a sponsored Mr. Turbo Stealth Vulcan....which won the dyno shoot-out that year with 160rwhp/161ftlbs of torque....shid happens.

L8R, Bill.
That would have been so cool
it was...but what was even cooler was attnding a 1st class breakfast buffet thrown by Rob Muzzy the following morning in the "Bill France Room" at Daytona's Speedway...with both Ricky Gadson and Doug Meyer in attendance as guest speakers....actually?...I was pinching myself that entire weekend...and if I had to get smoked by somebody in front of all my buds?...Ricky was and would still be my first choice of opponents and to boot?...he truely is a really nice person...and not some stuck up snob like so many of his caliber become and...

L8R, Bill.




ps....here's the wildcard in all this hoopla...if memory serves?...in the great but old Busa VS ZX-12R Shootout...didn't "Shine" turn out a 9.5 1/4 on a bone stock Busa?....which sorta puts RG's numbers here on either bike to shame....interesting eh?...sorta like rider-rider...dyno-dyno...difs...real glad that 1/4 miling ain't my bag anyways...fun to do a couple times a year when up at the outlaw drags in daytona but other than that?...I could retire at age 65 and my busa would STILL be a kickazz street bike.
Until an unbiased(not a factory kawi rider) test is done by a couple mags complete with dyno charts, then the busa will hand over its crown.  Which will happen because the 13.5 will be faster, no one doubts that.

That leaves 2 questions,
1)How will the 13.5 handle in the twisties?
2)How many months will Kawi have the crown before the 2007 busa takes it back?

I love it that somebody has finally made a bike to beat the busa, now Suzuki will finally do something with the busa besides a paintjob.

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Most of you guys are so funny, the busa beats the 12 by .04 and it is a a$$ whooping. The 14 beats the busa by .14 and you'll just put a pipe on it and smoke the 14, just pull your head out, if those numbers are correct your stock or slightly modded busa's won't have a chance. Hopfully the 2007 busa will be a huge improvment over the current model to run with the 14 or smoke it just to keep it interesting.
Apples and oranges. The Busa vs. 12 is 1999 vs. 2000 technology. Busa vs. 14 is 1999 vs. 2006 technology. Look how far the 1000s have come since 2001. The new 1000s can beat the snot out of the 2001s. Heck, the 2005 Suzuki 750s are pushing as many horses as the 2002 R1s, and that's just a 3 year span. Yet the best a 2006 1352cc can do against a 1999 1299cc is .15 of a second. You may say that's a victory, I call it pathetic!

Like I said in the other post relating to this topic:
If that's the best it can do against 7 year old technology, I feel sorry for the 14 when the new Busa arrives.

Actually ... no I don't!
I get a kick out of you new poser busa riders, knocking a bike for only having 1352cc obviously you are to young or were not into bikes when suzuki's big bore was called a 1100 and was actually only 1052cc  and then a few years later they changed bore/stroke and it was 1127cc stilled called it a 1100? Don't get me wrong I still think the 14 is as ugly the busa, and I switched over to Kawasaki after being on suzuki sport bikes since '87 with zero problems and would still be riding them if I liked what they had to offer.
You must not have read my post very well as I stated "if those numbers are correct" and my last line "Hopefully the 2007 busa will be a huge improvement over the current model to run with the 14 or smoke it just to keep interesting." So take it as you want
I don't think you understood what I was getting at.

You said we called .04 seconds a whoopin but not .15. What I was getting at is the .04 was done between 2 bikes which came out practically the same year. The Busa is practically 7 years old. The 14 is brand new, yet it can only beat the Busa by .15.
53 extra cc's plus 7 years, and all it can muster up is a .15 second victory? Do you not see that as a let-down on Kawasaki's part?

And yes, I know the .04 was a 1299 vs. a 1199, but that's not the 1299's fault as it was released first.