2022 Pashnit Touring on a Hayabusa

Top of the range was an awesome view. Down in that valley, that's the San Andreas Fault line runs right up the middle. Either side of this valley is traveling in opposite directions if you can process that in your brain.



If you're offended by phallic imagery, you might want to stay home and read your bible a bit more, this place isn't for you.



Sequoia Motorcycle Tour II

Thirty-nine riders signed up for this all-new Pashnit Motorcycle Tour, the most I've ever had signed up for a motorcycle tour, which necessitated some planning to split the group in half while adding a second tour date. After the usual 'can't make it' last-minute deletions and 'can-I-go?' last minute additions, we ended up with 14 in April and 15 for May, which worked out great for tour group size.

While the motorcycle tours I do are 95% repeat business, we had four brand-new riders this time around, which was exciting to welcome several new riders to the family. April was a gamble in what was open and the weather at 7000 ft. The weather was perfect back in April, but some stuff in Sequoia NP was still closed for the first running of this ride.

For May, it was another gamble to see what would be open. As the tour date neared, we got perfect riding weather & Moro Rock was opened up, but the ride into Kings Canyon was still closed due to rock slide. Or so we thought. 1 out of 2 ain't bad, I'll take it. The Southern Sierra Foothills are assailed first in a 280-mile loop that hits all the super-fun twisty roads of the Southern Sierra Nevada Foothills in Kern County near Bakersfield.

Woody-Granite Rd has zero traffic, fair pavement and lots of twisty

Cathy & Chris rode together last year on the Oregon tour and are back for more

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In case you were wondering where all your oranges come from.


But the goal is to get off the main highways.

Onto one of my all-time favorite backroads, Kern Canyon Rd


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Big group of riders? Head for the closest Mexican Restaurant. Always fast, always good!



When I said meet at the tank, I got some confused looks. Like a water tank? No, a tank tank, a Korean War era M-48 Patton tank. Ah. We've done many group shots at this tank in Bodfish.

