2024 Pashnit Touring on a Hayabusa

Scott River Rd



Blind corners on a single lane mountain road mean stay to the outside

I belong to a lot of on-line forums. Sport-touring stuff, Iron Butt groups, motorcycle travel groups, And every time someone posts a comment about Where the best places to ride in the United States, or where the best roads for bikers comes up, the conversation follows the same course - every time.
Some will mention the Tail of the Dragon, the Rocky Mountains, Utah high deserts, the highlights of the Appalachians. Then the California riders step into the argument.
Been to NorCal? It's pure paradise for bikers. And on it goes. I don't participate in these discussions.

Truth is no one is right, and no one is wrong. It's a subjective argument.

But what local riders in California are referring to is epitomized in Highway 96 - known as the State of Jefferson Scenic Byway or Bigfoot Scenic Byway. Highway 96 parallels the Oregon border and is 150 Miles of pure joy. It's remote, and long. It's mountain canyon scenic, and a must ride California Motorcycle Road surrounded by even more fantastic roads. It's also in the middle of nowhere which almost guarantees very few other vehicles or people. It's so remote, the largest 'town' for 150 miles is 700 people which is Happy Camp. 700! For 150 miles of twisties. Think about that for a moment - I'll wait. That means no stoplights, few side roads and no other major connecting highways for 150 miles. And there are only three paved connecting roads off of this one. Scott River Rd which we just rode, Happy Camp Rd into Oregon, and Bald Hills Rd (which includes three miles of gravel). Add these variables to your math formula and you have a day made in heaven for bikers.



On through the Saeid Valley


Wiggle wiggle for 150 miles

Mountain town of Happy Camp is the biggest town for 150 miles, the sign says 1100, but other sources (google) say as little as 679

There's a card lock (unmanned) fuel station here. We always make our riders top off. It's so remote out here, just never know. Best to top off.



The highlight of Happy Camp is the 18 ft tall metal sculpture of Bigfoot back dropped against another large mural on an old-timey gas station that houses an art studio.

It's tradition to get shot of your bike with the giant Bigfoot statue, and you don't mess with tradition.

And yes, I've been coming here for 20 years, this shot is so long ago - they were just building the Bigfoot when I stopped by on the Gen 1.


We were here earlier in the year for my spring Shasta Coast Motorcycle Tour ( riding Mount Shasta and the Pacific Coastline in the same weekend ride) and I had planned Happy Camp as my lunch stop. There is a small pizzeria in town, but that's the only restaurant I know of.
Instead we did the whole grocery store trick which there's a small market & some tables out front.



Highway 96 is a long road - 150 miles if you ride it end to end - we generally plan at least half a day to ride it.


It occasionally falls off into the canyon. This was a few years ago.



And it's occasionally on fire. This was the Slater Fire in 2020 which burned 166,000 acres.


You can easily ride for a full hour at full speed, full tilt and then take a break. You're barely in the middle of it.


After 150 miles Highway 96 ends at Willow Creek- and the Bigfoot Museum. Normally when we're in this town, it's always closed, but today I planned to get there when it was open. Most of the group hadn't been inside this tiny museum and it's homage to Bigfoot lore of the region.


Andre the Giant & Lee Majors as the Six Million Dollar Man - you can pull the clip of the two fighting on YouTube. :D

