3D Busa Pic

Simply awesome work Scooter. I definately can appreciate the amount of work that must have gone into this. Seems a labor of love. Good job!
Here's a thought. Insetad of selling it to a customizer or such, why not offer your renderings for a resaonable fee to anyone wanting to see what a particular paint scheme etc might look like. Kind of like have a customer tell what he wants paint, finish, graphics-wise and you provide a rendering (not a tru 3D model just the bitmap of a rendering) for a resonable fee. I bet you would get some interest for that perhaps for people that are considering different options and want to visualize before they start spraying and chroming etc.
cool idea eakbusa. you can ask me for custom colors/paint color/chromed parts etc and i can render the bike from 2 different angles for anyone that asks for it. how much would you guys pay for such a pair-of-renders?
Scooterlord, I've seen some awesome 3D modeling, from movies to video games to college professors work. That is some of the best work I've ever seen. I know I'm a little partial because it's a busa, but awesome work. What modeling software did you use?
As someone who dabbles with TrueSpace and Bryce, I can appreciate the patience, skill and craftsmanship you put into that model.

I'm also interested in what software you used, how long it took to render that kind of detail, computer hardware used, do you work from drawings/photos/specs or do you digitize real bike parts etc. etc.
once more: modeled in rhino 3d 3, rendered in 3ds using brazil r/s. all textures done from scratch in pshop. i was not happy with photos. for blueprints i used the crappy pics found in the workshop manual and photographed my bike from almost 200 different angles.

model has 570.000 polys, renders of 1280x1024 consume up to 15 hours to render in 5x5 antialias, -1,0 gi antialias, 30/20 max/min gi sampling on a p4 2.6, w/1gig 400mhz dual chan memory.

thanks for your kind comment guys!