Probably has to do with the "site bashing" that goes on between all the sites... then there are those that dont like the rules in place on one site vs another and all it does is create anymosity between the people that are more devoted to one site vs the others. People have to realize also that this is the internet and things typed here can be taken out of context because there is no actual interaction between people. So what might be typed as a funny remark or sarcasm can and be taken the wrong way. This isnt the first time and "online lynching" has occured, nor will it be the last i'm sure. I'm not defending anyone here, just voicing an opinion...I`m with you Charlie. I don`t get it.And why is there such controversy when cross forum linking when there is good information to be shared among those of us whom all share the same passion, the Busa? I just dont get it, so sad we have to either wait for permission and hope the powers to be dont shut us down, or worry that trying to help US out will get us in trouble, worse, it gets deleted (basically ignore the problem) which doesn't help anyone.
*gets flame suit on*