I guess I am one of the few that doesn't wear a helmet on a regular basis. The only time I usually use a helmet is when it is raining or when it is freezing outside.
I know you get what you pay for, but what are some of the better brand helmets as far as protection and comfort go. I see these guys riding around on there bikes when it is 90 degrees out and the humidity is close to the same percentage and there wearing a frickin helmet. That can not be comfortable. The guys might as well go home turn the oven on broil and stick his frickin head in there.
When it is hot out, I sweat as it is without a helmet, I just can't imagine wearing one in those conditions. Do they have some new "air conditioned " helmets out on the market or do you have to just keep the vents open and keep it in the triple digits.
What are some decent priced helmets that offer some major ventilation. Is there an outlet store or internet site that has gear, including helmets at a decent price.
I am leaning more and more toward wearing a helmet on a consistent basis, the older I get, the more shrinkage that occurs in the nads.