A little at a time!


Well I've had my bike a month now and put nearly 3k miles on her. As I look and lust over my new pride and joy, I begin to imagine her with a little of this and a little of that.

I started by removing all the stickers and the reflectors. I then designed my new "Myabusa" logo and installed them on Saturday. I like the low key discrete look. Oh and I modded the hump to allow for the grab rail to facilitate fast and easy change of the seat for the rare female that might insist on a ride.

My next mod is a Tobin seat and then the ZG double bubble. Im still trying to decide what tuned exhaust to run? I've read here and heard the Hindle system or Acroprovic (sp?) are both good if a bit expensive but I'm not too concerned about that.

To be honest I thought I would be completely content with a stock bike but after reading this board I am convinced it is an evil compulsion only second to sex and drugs. With so many busa's on the road it only seems natural to want a unique look than everyone else.

One last thing. Thank you to everyone on this board for sharing all their knowledge so freely. So far you guys are a great group of like minded sicko's

edited cuz I forgot the pic!

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welcome to the board...
Once you start modding it become instoppable addiction! I'm its worst victim

..You might want to get your self a PC3 if you are going for a full exhaust system! I also recomend that you change those lights of the busa to HID... the stock lights suck big time IMO
Nothing wrong with taking it slow and easy on the mods. In fact, sometimes it works out better that way because you don't wind up redoing something later. Enjoy!
I do like your kanji symbol...err..."myabusa logo" hehe She looks nice! I went with RS-3 boltons b/c I couldn't decide on which full system I wanted.
Lookin good. You hit the nail right on the head... it truly is an addiction. Hello, my name is Warren and I'm a modaholic.
The mods definitely never stop on this bike. Winter, I think, just got over here in IL and I already have a list of things to do for next winter. It's just going to be very tough waiting that long.
Unfortunately we have very little down time here in Florida for doing any involved mods. I can't imagine going a week without riding. I have to ride every day just to feel normal!

Here's a close up of the Kanji I went with.

LQQkn good, OldRollr

Nothing better than bringing some skills to the site.

Hey OR,

You have to tell me where you got that decal... I want one for my 04 LE that says RedneckBusa...

Betcha aint nobody else got one of them...

P.S. Nope I aint kidding. want the decal......need the decal.....must have the decal.....