A win over the big man today.


Rick Rollin'
So, as some of you know or may remember, I had a situation with my regimental Sergeant Major giving me crap about my busa trailer being in the barracks parking lot.
To be informal about how high that level is here is how my structure works in my specific area of work because most of you have no idea what I am talking about:

Platoon < Company < Battalion < Regiment < Group < Expeditionary Force (Whole east Coast)

I had bucked long and hard and not moved it and moved it and moved it back :laugh:. Finally 3 weeks ago they told me to move it again and I became fed up. We have this process called Requesting Mast, which is basically when you feel you are being wronged and your chain of command cannot or is not helping you with a situation, you can file formal paperwork to speak to any commanding officer in my chain of command. I decided to Request mast one level higher than Regiment which is Brigadier General Dana, the CO of the Group. I signed and dated the paperwork yesterday which gives them 24 hours at each of the levels I posted above to rectify the situation or it moves one level higher. I had a half inch stack of base and command orders showing there was no policy saying I could not have my motorcycle trailer accompanying my Request Mast paperwork. To say the least it only took 24 hours and my Company commander making a few phone calls after I was in his office yesterday for this to be fixed and the busa trailer is back :thumbsup:. Honestly, the trailer hurts no one, is not in the way, and there is no reason I should not have it. It was ridiculous I even had this whole mess to being with.

I recall most of you saying that it was a lost cause and that I wouldn't succeed :laugh:

I would like to thank Shawn (MC Mustang) for helping me out with my write-up. I called him for his input when I decided to do this and he was awesome enough to give me tons of help.:beerchug:

I am glad that MC helped you find the proper (yet time consuming and bureaucratic way) to do it right.

PERSISTANCE is the key to everything; but you have to go about it the right way.
I am glad that MC helped you find the proper (yet time consuming and bureaucratic way) to do it right.

PERSISTANCE is the key to everything; but you have to go about it the right way.

Yeah, my command had brought up that requesting mast was an option which made me take that route. I was unsure at first because even though there are supposed to be no repercussions from this, people can still have personal opinions that affect their decisions and actions on you. Luckily my company reassured me that they were behind me in all of this so I had no problem doing it.
way to go Russell glad things worked out for ya:thumbsup: MC's the man:thumbsup:
sounds like someone was flexing muscles they didnt have for no other reason other then they tought they could. good for u. some ppl just have nothing better to do then cause others grief.:whistle:
Glad it worked out for you

(I know you really wanted to move it to the other spot anyway, until they said you had to didn't ya?) :laugh:
Awesome! The RSM may now decide to have something written up formally about it but at least he can't just pull something out his ass w/o going through similar paperwork. Knowing most enlisted bureaucrats, he's probably too lazy. :moon:
Awesome! The RSM may now decide to have something written up formally about it but at least he can't just pull something out his ass w/o going through similar paperwork. Knowing most enlisted bureaucrats, he's probably too lazy. :moon:

Enlisted cannot write formal orders or directives so he would have to get the Regimental Commander to do it. I would just request mast to the Group against the order.
So does 'requesting mast' derive from old British navy terminology?

Kinda like a meeting at the mast of a ship?