Man some people have nothing else better to do with there time than to screw with people.
Here's an update coming from my company. They said to just move the trailer for the night. Still no reason why. I may move it to the Burger King parking lot about a mile away for the night... I will still be keeping my trailer in the parking lot though.
Russell, don't cross the Sergeant Major; look for an alternative location to park it. Most bases have a locked lot for trailers/boats and RV's. Yes it is a pain, but that's the deal.
I'd highly recommend you seek MC's guidance on this subject. You do NOT want to incur the Regimental Sergeant Major's wrath on this subject as I can PROMISE you he can make the rest of your tour hell on earth - and he will, if only to prove a point to the other enlisted soldiers that he CAN.
If you can't talk to MC, talk to your Gunny or the 1SG about what alternatives they might recommend. Tell them of your exhaustive research. Let THEM tell the CSM that the regs allow it and the implications it causes his soldiers.
The Sergeant Major is the senior enlisted advisor to the Regimental Commander. He operates with the authority of the Commander. From personal experience: I told everybody in my command that if my CSM's lips were moving, you might as well be hearing my voice, and enlisted matters were his sole purvue. Throwing a regulation at him is only going to cause you major pain.
Wait, I got it... Have a certain someone fill it to the brim with ammo boxes, and I'll come get it!![]()
and come kidnap me along with you![]()
This could go well for you, or it could go very badly for you. In the Air Force we have a position called a 1st Sgt. He is a liaison of sorts between the enlisted force in a squadron to the Commander. His only job is to ensure the enlisted are being productive and do not have any problems to worry about this way they can take care of the troops. Do you have anything like that in the USMC? Now, I am not talking about a command level Sgt, I am talking squadron level.
Anyway, you could bring your concerns up to him/her and they can voice your thoughts on the trailer issue. If your E-9 is only conveying the wishes of your Commander though, you may be fighting an uphill battle. If I were you, I would go to them though instead of them waiting to come to you. If you wait, this may be seen as you blowing them off and only piss them off even more. If you go to them, it will show you are willing to fight for what you think is right and will show that you are not afraid to approach a situation that you feel is wrong.
Keep us posted.
Go out and apply these numbers your bike and trailer:
NSN 2340-01-090-7749: MOTORCYCLE
Nsn 2330-01-046-2855: TRAILER,CARGO
Go out and apply these numbers your bike and trailer:
NSN 2340-01-090-7749: MOTORCYCLE
Nsn 2330-01-046-2855: TRAILER,CARGO
Plus its too close to the bash to do something stupid and risk your leave, right??![]()