Allright ya Bastids, Enough is enough...

I am actually planning Black felt now.  From what I have heard the black is the cats-ass when matched with the light oak.  We'll see.    Yeah I had a Rug Cut to go under the table to absorb the inevitable ball hit when it falls off the table.  The floors are solid maple, not laminate so I was wanting to avoid dings in the floor from flying pool balls... It works like a champ with a thick underlayment...

Reason for Edit: "Green sunshine smells funny on tuesdays"|1096330175 -->
Damn Brian... Cold Blooded man... I think I have been around long enough, you all would know me somewhat...
Here'sanother shot of the room and table just cause I thought it was cool...

The framed art to the right was done by my Wife.

One last one... Just a quick picture of my balls... Yeah they are ShmOOOOTH!!!

Too much fun watching you guys try to figure this one out!

And don't worry about offending me.  I married Rev.  It's REALLY hard to offend me.  

<!--EDIT|Mrs. Revlis
Reason for Edit: "Broken Smiley"|1096142108 -->
I know the answer...I know the Answer....
And its for sale!!!  

Reason for Edit: "1103"|1096140044 -->
I know the answer...I know the Answer....
And its for sale!!!  
 Dont-Sell-Me-Out Raider..

You know you could at least confirm that one of these ladies is indeed my wife!!!!  

Damn that is getting old...

Reason for Edit: None given...|1096141662 -->
I hereby confirm that one of them is INDEED Mrs. Revlis.
I like her 'cause she feeds me chocolate!!!  

Rev is a little stingy with the Mistress... He hasn't introduced me to her tho..yet??

He did introduce me to his blonde one tho, even let me take her for a ride!!!  

Reason for Edit: "1104"|1096143529 -->
Yeah Raider is being a little subtle with those little miniscule hints. I'm beginning to believe that I was right that it's the red-head and the brunette is Rev's sister.
Damn Brian...  Cold Blooded man...  I think I have been around long enough, you all would know me somewhat...
Actually wasn't speaking of you. I was commenting on the comment that monsta made about us guys drooling at the site of the pics. Actually my comment is geared toward the rest of the "so-called" male bastids on this site. But since you went there and if the shoe fits....
Naw Rev, you know you are probably my favorite board member dude. Don't know you from a can of paint, but you are one crazy ass dude.

You realize you are getting quite a bit of attention on this one. I wonder how many pages you'll get?
I'm gonna quit guessin' and whorin' at the same time.
I'm still going with my mathamatical instincts.

Red it is.


she looks like someone who would call Rev,

Bunny Pudding!
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!! Pick me!

Actually, question is, Rev, how much you gonna pay me to shut up?
I hereby confirm that one of them is INDEED Mrs. Revlis.
I like her 'cause she feeds me chocolate!!!  

Rev is a little stingy with the Mistress... He hasn't introduced me to her tho..yet??

He did introduce me to his blonde one tho, even let me take her for a ride!!!  
smile.gif I his blonde one? Brings tears to my eyes...

Nice pool room Rev and Mrs. Rev...was that the room I was forbidden to even peek in to?
Yeah Raider is being a little subtle with those little miniscule hints.  I'm beginning to believe that I was right that it's the red-head and the brunette is Rev's sister.
Nah, He's just guessing himself, regarding any potential relationship with a blonde...

No sister Bro... promise...
I hereby confirm that one of them is INDEED Mrs. Revlis.
I like her 'cause she feeds me chocolate!!!  

Rev is a little stingy with the Mistress... He hasn't introduced me to her tho..yet??

He did introduce me to his blonde one tho, even let me take her for a ride!!!  
smile.gif I his blonde one?  Brings tears to my eyes...

Nice pool room Rev and Mrs. Rev...was that the room I was forbidden to even peek in to?
Hey Hey! Guess who makes an appearance on a weekend no less!!!
Nope, the room your looking at there was the Family room, we moved the furniture up to the empty front part of the house and put the pool tabl eand a new light etc. in back. So you saw it, though it didn't look like it does now...

Ooh!  Ooh!  Pick me!!  Pick me!

Actually, question is, Rev, how much you gonna pay me to shut up?  
Hmm, How about I pay you in silence, you return the favor??? He he he...

Give it just a little more time...

I'll confirm on Monday... Who is Who...

Good to see you hear Darlin...
Well, if you're begging, I'll keep quiet...

Get this...hubby's out on my Busa meeting some guy to sell my Harley...

I told him the guy would see the Busa and never buy the HOG, but he just doesn't listen...
...just another reason to steal my bike!