Allright ya Bastids, Enough is enough...

Are you still "Late" Michelle?
Only to smack the shid out of you...
...Or Friday the 8th.  Head to Pleasure Island, house of Blues or something like that?  I dunno...  Get some dinner in Mickey Ville?

House of Blues.. 10/08... An Evening with Joe Satriani~ That would be a good show... if you're a Satriani fan~
You can check it out here <----- ... If you do this show, let me know, I may tag along if it's cool with all parties involved~

Edit: Sorry for impossing upon your thread Mr & Mrs_Revlis! Just had to get that message in there~ Welcome, once again, Mrs_Revlis.. good to have you aboard~

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Oh so you didn't like my tactical Barnaby Jones approach did ya Rev?
That's O.K., I'm still your pal. Actually I'm just glad that I have a face to go along with the prayers...
Oh so you didn't like my tactical Barnaby Jones approach did ya Rev?
 That's O.K., I'm still your pal.  Actually I'm just glad that I have a face to go along with the prayers...
He he... It's like using a machine gun isn't it... Just start spraying rounds and hope ya Hit Something....

Big O', I'm from Colorado Bro... WE don't do that up there... He he... But I might be living in the San Francisco area b Summer 05' So who knows...