Allright ya Bastids, Enough is enough...

I'm still wondering why you didn't just poll us on this one
I just know Rev is sitting back and reading all this poop and laughing his a$$ off.
And since Mrs. Rev is only "2 feet" away, she's probably finding this pretty amusing too. Somehow I get this feeling that Rev is gonna push it back one more day since he's getting all these responses.
I still say you shoulda done a poll...
Nah, I cannot do a poll... Not now... This has allready been sorta self serving as it is... Folks, Without Further delay, I present the real Mrs. Revlis...

She's my Suger MoMa, Wife of 10 years, No she cannot drive all that well, but she's a fine cook, and she's a genious. Yet somehow she puts up with my shid smiling all the while... GO figure.

I think she appreciated the comments and kinda got a kick outta the thread, which is a good thing, cause if she hadn't I woulda got my butt kicked...

All in all she doesn't try and control me and I think she is the Cat's ass....
Yeah Yeah, I'm sucking up....

OK Without further ado... Here's my little Fry Lover... In Formal wear...

And here is the look I usually get when I am saying something really stupid.... So yeah, this happens alot...


I lost.............................damn!!!!

Oh well,.......................looks like you won, Rev!!!!!  Way to go!!!!
Hello Mrs. Rev...........................

Reason for Edit: None given...|1096323863 -->

Welcome....nice to finially put a face to the name....

Looks like I guessed correctly tho.....

Does this mean you will be moved to the members group now.
One More... mostly just showing Monster the table and the room...
Nice Rev....we have similar taste in colors....I'll get some shots of the table tonight and post them up. Be felt is a beyotch to keep lint/dust/chalk mark free....but does look sweet....went with a deep burgundy for mine.
Yeah Tbone, I think that is partly why that felt is still green... The guys at the Billiards supply seemed to think Black would be a snap to keep clean, I figure that cannot really be the case, I mean it's fuggin Black... We'll see, I think the black would be the shiznit though, so yeah it'll prolly be black.
I guessed red. Could have sworn I replied sayin' that but lookin' back thru the thread I can't find my post. Maybe Rev zapped it because I was right.

Anyway, I guessed her right based largely on two things...

#1- Her hands. I just know Rev has posted a pic of somethin' that she was holdin'. Couldn't find the pic but I thought Mrs. Rev in the pics above had the same hands I remembered from the old pic.

#2- Rev always talks about the "Irish" in Mrs. Rev and how fiesty she is. Lookin' at the eyes of both Mrs. Rev and his sister, or whoever the dark haired girl is, Mrs. Rev's eyes had the fire in 'em that Rev always talks about.

Call BS if ya want, but I could swear I posted my guess yesterday.
Rev, you fuggin' with me again and deletin' my shid?

Anyway, Mrs. Rev. I don't think I've actually welcomed you to the board. So, ummmm, welcome.
Yer way too attractive to be hangin' with Rev though...

Yeah Tbone, I think that is partly why that felt is still green...  The guys at the Billiards supply seemed to think Black would be a snap to keep clean, I figure that cannot really be the case, I mean it's fuggin Black... We'll see, I think the black would be the shiznit though, so yeah it'll prolly be black.
yeah....pushin' it hard because they probably got a truckload of it sittin' around 'cause they can't sell it.....I had a black table years a new house with new carpet...the carpet lint drove us absolutely friggin' bananas......even the burgundy on the new table is tough to keep really nice and clean, but the look is worth it.
Yeah Tbone, I think that is partly why that felt is still green...  The guys at the Billiards supply seemed to think Black would be a snap to keep clean, I figure that cannot really be the case, I mean it's fuggin Black... We'll see, I think the black would be the shiznit though, so yeah it'll prolly be black.
yeah....pushin' it hard because they probably got a truckload of it sittin' around 'cause they can't sell it.....I had a black table years a new house with new carpet...the carpet lint drove us absolutely friggin' bananas......even the burgundy on the new table is tough to keep really nice and clean, but the look is worth it.
Yeah That is kinda what I figured. I am thinking Burgandy or Grey Might be the way to go...
I guessed red. Could have sworn I replied sayin' that but lookin' back thru the thread I can't find my post. Maybe Rev zapped it because I was right.

Anyway, I guessed her right based largely on two things...

#1- Her hands. I just know Rev has posted a pic of somethin' that she was holdin'. Couldn't find the pic but I thought Mrs. Rev in the pics above had the same hands I remembered from the old pic.

#2- Rev always talks about the "Irish" in Mrs. Rev and how fiesty she is. Lookin' at the eyes of both Mrs. Rev and his sister, or whoever the dark haired girl is, Mrs. Rev's eyes had the fire in 'em that Rev always talks about.

Call BS if ya want, but I could swear I posted my guess yesterday.
Rev, you fuggin' with me again and deletin' my shid?

Anyway, Mrs. Rev. I don't think I've actually welcomed you to the board. So, ummmm, welcome.
 Yer way too attractive to be hangin' with Rev though...
No Bro I promise I didn't delete anything, but I sure don't see a post from you either, honest. The only one I wanted to delete was 04BusaVA... He had it nailed with the short thing, thought it might give up the whole game...

Yeah She's Fiery... There is no denying that, she's only 5'2'' and she'll go toe to toe with me so she's tough enough as well. She's crazy smart, has a real Career and still...puts up with my shid... I don't ask questions, I just smile and nod...

The Brunette, now she's something else... Tall, thin, with a J-lo booty, killer eyes, killer body, and a lot of attitude. Keeps both of us young, on our toes if you will.
Sure is hell isn't a freakin relative you Perverts...

It's all good, prolly best you don't believe me really, don't want folks to think I am some kinda freak... though if you all remember... I am "REVALICIOUS" BEEYOTCH!!!!

Yes... I am the red-head. And yes, I have plenty of patience. And yes, for those of you who noticed... I am starting all over, with an underscore this time.

Tried to change my e-mail address, and the board locked me out of everything. I wasn't even allowed to VIEW any of the posts! Luckily I didn't have much invested, and only had 171 posts, so it doesn't hurt too much. Ah well.

And no... the brunette is DEFINITELY not related! What kind of sickos do you think we are?