Am I an alcoholic

Well...... possibly. Even, probably.

Now, I am far from anything resembling a professional counselor (to say the very freakin' least), but I would say (based upon your description alone) you are at *least* a fairly serious alcohol abuser... different from an full blown alcoholic, but still a fairly undesirable place to be.

The sentence that leads me to believe this is the following:

My habit is about a drink to drink and a half every hour over a 5 hr period every night.
Well, let's study this a little bit.... that's 7 and a half drink per night. Every night. Night after night. For many years now, correct? Let me just say the obvious: this is excessive amount to be doing night after night... particularly Sunday through Thursday nights. If you were partying on Friday or Saturday night only.... that's one thing. But seven days a week? ??? Pretty sure most reasonable folks would consider this to be excessive, and likely indicative of an issue.

Certainly doesn't mean you are a "bad" person, or any of that other touchy-feely crap. It means you abuse alcohol. That's all. It's not like you are shooting up smack, chasing the dragon or doing patently illegal drugs.

Still, I suspect you know this is a problem area you want to address, else you would not have asked us, no?

Let's say (for arguments sake) that you are not an alcoholic, but just a significant abuser. Perhaps try a "weaning" process... to start, consciously cut back to half of what you are doing now.

After a period of time, cut that in half again. The end goal is to have a drink a night. That's *a* drink.... one per night. That's not excessive - many medical studies say one shot of alcohol a day is actually beneficial in several ways.

And if you find that you simply can not go without pounding down several drinks a night.... perhaps the answer to your original question is then more obvious.

Good luck, brother.... none of this is easy.
I've heard of weekend alcoholics, so I guess drinking a little everyday could make you an alcoholic.

Many decades ago I questioned myself, just like you are. I didn't drink for an entire weekend and by time I was twenty had pretty well quit all together.

Good luck regardless :thumbsup:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking its the american way.
Its the people who cause problems when they drink that give alcohol a bad name.

I will drink beer till the day i die.
Just a lil part from the "Big Book"

On page 44 of the Big Book, it states, "If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely, or if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic."
Umm, You are asking? THen yeah, you've likely got a problem...

Don't drink for a month or so, then you'll know. If you cannot just NOT drink, your screwed. Time for some help. Or at least a liver change...

Good luck and take it seriously. Alcoholism cost my Dad everything. Wife, kids, house, and a business that was making a profit annually of right around $17million with 4 employees. All Gone...

Took him about 15 years to sorta get his life back but he still doesn't have his kids, wife, or those wasted years.
It is good to be able to take a few days off, but odds are you have a problem. The fact that you feel you need to take a few days "off" from drinking means there is something going on. Alcoholics take "off" years and still have problems if they ever start back. I would seek a professional opinion. Someone said if you have to question it, you are probably on to something. Good luck. I know it is a hell of a situation to deal with. Luckily you have a lot of support here and that can only make it easier.
What is the definition of an alcoholic?

There are many basic definitions:

1) Someone that has an allergy, much like food allergies, that manifests itself by a mental-obsession, coupled with a physical craving.

2) Someone that when they start drinking cannot control the amount of their intake.

3) Someone that hides their drinking out of "fear" they'll be discovered.

4) Someone who cannot stop and stay stopped.

5) Someone that suffers the consequences of their actions, after drinking, or while drunk.

6) Someone that drinks, simply, to be okay with themselves or to cope with life's stresses.

There are many definitions of an Alcoholic, #1 being the most accurate. If you're really "that" curious, find a book store that specializes in self-help and buy a copy of Alcoholics Anonymous, currently fourth edition. Read the Doctor's Opinion, Bill's Story, and More about Alcoholism. If these don't get your attention and you're looking for a better level of specifics, buy the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. The steps as outlined in this book actually describe, very well, how an Alcoholic motivates, his behavior, and his state of illness (psychological, emotional, and physical).

If that sounds like too much work, contact your local AA Central Office and talk to a drunk that is in recovery. He'll make it very clear for you. "All Alcoholics are drunks, but not all drunks are Alcoholics". There are those that are moderate to heavy drinkers, and they may look like Alcoholics, but given proper reason can moderate and control their drinking. There's a fine line between the two, and it's called choice (or power over the matter of drink). Alcoholics have none, and the moderate to heavy still has some.

I might also recommend you look at your family history. Are there other family members that are Alcoholics, or that suffer from some sort of substance addiction ?. If you're family is on your case about it, then you may be exhibiting some sort of signs. Unless, of course, they're Alcoholic also, then no one is really noticing anything.

BTW, there's a terrific video by a Father Martin that explains it accurately. His dissertation displays, in excellent detail, what alcohol does to an Alcoholic versus how it affects non-Alcoholics.
Have heard a quote, "an alcoholic is someone who cannot accurately predict the outcome once they take the first drink".
I'm a boredom drinker. Cold or rainy weekend days and it seems a good pass time to set around and get a little buzzed.
Seems your concerned about how much you drink, so your already on the way to giving it up. Get some outside, maybe professional help, and you'll be able to set yourself back where you want to be sooner and easier.
It's the people who swear there's no problem that usually have the most problem.
Not likely at this point, but you seem to be doing a fair impersonation of one. Wise to be questioning yourself, wiser yet if you decide to make a change for the better. Good luck!
You already took the first step, now take the second and get some doesn't make you a lesser person it makes you a stronger person.
Good luck, keep us updated, and yeah we care now you need to start caring more...
Good luck, were here for you no matter what.
I guess I should be worried, I drink a half case every evening and have been doing so for years. I have gone a month now without a cigarette! :thumbsup: I know that I drink too much and aim to stop...after this job is over....after I have my next child...when a doctor tells me to? Maybe I will stop after this beer is gone. Err...wait! It's 7:55 a.m. WHAT AM I DOING? Seriously though, I know I have a problem and will work to quit.
Never be ashamed of who you are.

Even if you are an underachiever. For Gods sake, man up, if you are going to claim to be an alcoholic at least be respectable and down at leat a pint a night and start the day with a little Irish Whisky in the coffee....

Just Kidding...

Hang in there bro and I would say slowly throttle back. At some point you will not even think about it.

Keep up with the weight loss as in the long run you will be happier and healither.
I would really like to know what the people of this forum think the definition of an alcoholic is?
i have a hard time trying to distinguish this as well. in my opinion, if it doesn't affect your home life and your work career, then have at it! i limit myself once a week because i have a problem. my advice would be to gain a bit of self control and try to cut your habit back gradually. try to set some "short term goals" and take it from there.
I guess I should be worried, I drink a half case every evening and have been doing so for years. I have gone a month now without a cigarette! :thumbsup: I know that I drink too much and aim to stop...after this job is over....after I have my next child...when a doctor tells me to? Maybe I will stop after this beer is gone. Err...wait! It's 7:55 a.m. WHAT AM I DOING? Seriously though, I know I have a problem and will work to quit.

Congrats on the quitting smoking, that was a tough one for me. I wish you best brother.
No I'm not a new member. Just want to be annonymous if that's okay.

Can you be an alcoholic but never get drunk or close to it. I hate being drunk and havent gotten drunk in years. However I drink every night just to the point of buzz. I've done this for about the last 2 years. Havent missed a night.

I do not think about it in the AM
I do not think about it at work
I do not have to have a drink soon as I step in the door but sometimes I do
My habit is about a drink to drink and a half every hour over a 5 hr period every night.
I tried to go tonight without one cause I was out and need to loose about 20# and its hard with these empty calories. But I caved and went and got some. I did not drink alot though just one drink and I was happy. I was not shaking or anything like that just wanted to relax and wanted my usual drink.

I'll post more when I can. I dont want my girlfriend to worry knowing im posting this if there is nothing to worry about.

Same reason im being annonymous here. It would be a little awkward if I made it to a bash and people thougth I might be one but see me drinking.

the reason I even am thinking about it is cause my mom was one but is recovered for about 30 years now. so it runs in the family. i feel like i could stop if i wanted to but its like being hungry and not eating if you dont have to not eat. it does help with the stress of work and winding down at night but want....well I guess I just want you guys' thoughts.

I work alot of hours so I may not be replying often so dont think ive obandoned the thread.

thank you for understanding my annonymousness.

your friend

john doe

Hey John,

A few notes for you.

* You're not getting 'drunk' because you are not consuming enough. 1 to 1.5 drinks an hour? Your body is starting to get rid of the alcohol as you drink. That's why your not getting drunk. Plus I bet your tolerance has gone up. Try 7 drinks in 1 hour, see what happens. On second thought, don't do that.
* You don't think about it in the AM or at Work, yet you drink every night. If you are honest about the first part, then I think you have a habit of drinking.
* You've done this for two years - what do you do during those 5 hours? Watch TV? Do you enjoy TV? Aside from drinking, what else do you do during that time?

I won't answer the question of are you an alcoholic because I am not a professional. Although I have been a bartender for over 12 years though, and I've seen all types.

My strictly unprofessional diagnosis is you have mild to moderate depression. You are using the alcohol as a way to 'escape' this feeling. As you say you don't always think about it, I suspect the alcohol could be substituted with playing games, pr0n, drugs, smoking or other 'habits'. You happen to choose alcohol - maybe because you saw it in your mom growing up and you feel it's 'comforting'. A well known comfortable feeling.

Find a new hobby and habit. You don't have to quit entirely (I disagree with AA on this, but that's another thread), but go out and find something else where there is no alcohol. Go to a mall. Kids sports games. Thanksgiving parades are coming up. Go enjoy the lights. Enjoy spending time with your girlfriend. Ride the Busa (sober only please). Go camping (no alcohol).

I strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your doctor and ask him to either refer you to someone you can talk to professionally or talk about whether anti-depressents may help.

Send me a PM with your number and we can talk. I try my best not to judge and will keep it confidential.

Best of luck.
See if you can do without it, and how you feel. If you can't, then you need to get help. My wife's dad (he's dead of his 2nd heart attack at 38 -she was 11 and it really messed with her psyche) and brother are/were alcoholics. My wife goes to Al Anon and it's the therapy she needs (imagine an 11 year old little girl trying to come to terms with "my daddy loved to drink more then he loved me enough to stay alive to be with me")..

She fortunately does not have the gene. Her brother does. Neither do I doesn't run in my family. If you've got the guts to post here, you've got the guts to go walk into an AA meeting, and just sit and listen to what it's done to others. I suspect very quickly, if you are honest with yourself, you'll see you have a problem (most can't admit it).

Get out while you still can. Waiting for rock bottom won't be fun. Goood luck.