Am I an alcoholic

What is the definition of an alcoholic?

There are many basic definitions:

1) Someone that has an allergy, much like food allergies, that manifests itself by a mental-obsession, coupled with a physical craving.

2) Someone that when they start drinking cannot control the amount of their intake.NOT ME

3) Someone that hides their drinking out of "fear" they'll be discovered. ONLY HIDE FROM KIDS AND EXTENDED FAMILY

4) Someone who cannot stop and stay stopped. I THINK I COULD but then I tell myself this is silly just have 1 or 2 (and then I stick to it...for that night)

5) Someone that suffers the consequences of their actions, after drinking, or while drunk. ONLY THAT IT MAKES ME TIRED AND LAZY (why I wait till night even if I'm off work early)

6) Someone that drinks, simply, to be okay with themselves or to cope with life's stresses. YES it helps with life stresses but also out of bordom

There are many definitions of an Alcoholic, #1 being the most accurate. If you're really "that" curious, find a book store that specializes in self-help and buy a copy of Alcoholics Anonymous, currently fourth edition. Read the Doctor's Opinion, Bill's Story, and More about Alcoholism. If these don't get your attention and you're looking for a better level of specifics, buy the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. The steps as outlined in this book actually describe, very well, how an Alcoholic motivates, his behavior, and his state of illness (psychological, emotional, and physical).

If that sounds like too much work, contact your local AA Central Office and talk to a drunk that is in recovery. He'll make it very clear for you. "All Alcoholics are drunks, but not all drunks are Alcoholics". There are those that are moderate to heavy drinkers, and they may look like Alcoholics, but given proper reason can moderate and control their drinking. There's a fine line between the two, and it's called choice (or power over the matter of drink). Alcoholics have none, and the moderate to heavy still has some.

I might also recommend you look at your family history. Are there other family members that are Alcoholics, or that suffer from some sort of substance addiction ?. If you're family is on your case about it, then you may be exhibiting some sort of signs. Unless, of course, they're Alcoholic also, then no one is really noticing anything.

BTW, there's a terrific video by a Father Martin that explains it accurately. His dissertation displays, in excellent detail, what alcohol does to an Alcoholic versus how it affects non-Alcoholics.

Thank you. I do feel like I have control over it. Last night I caved in like I said which is what got me thinking. I told myself 2 drinks and thats all I did. It wasnt too hard. I wanted another but just watched tv instead. I'm still keeping an eye on it and am going to at the very least cut back for health reasons. I will keep you posted with my progress. Thank you for taking the time to type all that out it means alot.
Let's say (for arguments sake) that you are not an alcoholic, but just a significant abuser. Perhaps try a "weaning" process... to start, consciously cut back to half of what you are doing now.

After a period of time, cut that in half again. The end goal is to have a drink a night. That's *a* drink.... one per night. That's not excessive - many medical studies say one shot of alcohol a day is actually beneficial in several ways.

Good luck, brother.... none of this is easy.

I think this might better describe me. I'm going to take the weaning process and see how that goes. I will let all of you know how I'm doing. Thats the least I can do.
It's the people who swear there's no problem that usually have the most problem.

Which is exactly why I'm asking advice here. NO "I" dont think I have a serious problem maybe a habit of drinking which has led to a pretty good tolerance. I guess I feel like I'm not harming myself cause I'm portioning it out over the entire night. Sometimes it does hit 10-12 shots on the night but only by choice. The next night if I'm preoccupied I wont even give it a thought till I'm ready to sit down and watch tv then I'm like "OH YA lets get a drink" then thats followed by a huge relief the days over.

btw I'm a bordom drinker too.
I guess I should be worried, I drink a half case every evening and have been doing so for years. I have gone a month now without a cigarette! :thumbsup: I know that I drink too much and aim to stop...after this job is over....after I have my next child...when a doctor tells me to? Maybe I will stop after this beer is gone. Err...wait! It's 7:55 a.m. WHAT AM I DOING? Seriously though, I know I have a problem and will work to quit.

congrats on the cigarettes. Sounds like your in my shoes. Your job gives you alot of bordom time. Playing online games and drinking beer always sounds fun. Good luck I hope you dont have it worse than me. It doesnt sound like it though.
I drink almost every night to.
Its relaxes me. I hardly ever drink in the day time, its always at night.
I have anxiety attacks every now and again and i think i drink cuz it medicates me and i fall asleep faster.
I even go to bars when i am on my busa but I know my limit before i get back on my bike.
What is the definition of an alcoholic?
I do not think the definition of an alcoholic is one that drinks every day or even gets drunk.
I think the definition of an alcoholic is one that drinks alcohol and gets in his or her car, knowing that they are drunk and causing an accident killing innocent people.
Someone that gets violent when they drink.
If you drink and it affects your personnel life, wife, kids, family,dog, friends or your job etc. then you might have a problem.
There are many definitions of an alcoholic.
If you have a few beers here in the USA your labeled as an alcoholic.
In germany they drink beer like water.
If your not causing any problems when you drink then i don't think your an alcoholic.
To be honest, i don't think too many people know what the definition of an alcoholic is.:beerchug:

that pretty much sums up what i was going to say right there
i have a hard time trying to distinguish this as well. in my opinion, if it doesn't affect your home life and your work career, then have at it! i limit myself once a week because i have a problem. my advice would be to gain a bit of self control and try to cut your habit back gradually. try to set some "short term goals" and take it from there.

i agree. this is going to be my approach for right now and see if it freaks me out.
Hey John,

A few notes for you.

* You're not getting 'drunk' because you are not consuming enough. 1 to 1.5 drinks an hour? Your body is starting to get rid of the alcohol as you drink. That's why your not getting drunk. Plus I bet your tolerance has gone up. Try 7 drinks in 1 hour, see what happens. On second thought, don't do that.
* You don't think about it in the AM or at Work, yet you drink every night. If you are honest about the first part, then I think you have a habit of drinking.
* You've done this for two years - what do you do during those 5 hours? Watch TV? Do you enjoy TV? Aside from drinking, what else do you do during that time?

I won't answer the question of are you an alcoholic because I am not a professional. Although I have been a bartender for over 12 years though, and I've seen all types.

My strictly unprofessional diagnosis is you have mild to moderate depression. You are using the alcohol as a way to 'escape' this feeling. As you say you don't always think about it, I suspect the alcohol could be substituted with playing games, pr0n, drugs, smoking or other 'habits'. You happen to choose alcohol - maybe because you saw it in your mom growing up and you feel it's 'comforting'. A well known comfortable feeling.

Find a new hobby and habit. You don't have to quit entirely (I disagree with AA on this, but that's another thread), but go out and find something else where there is no alcohol. Go to a mall. Kids sports games. Thanksgiving parades are coming up. Go enjoy the lights. Enjoy spending time with your girlfriend. Ride the Busa (sober only please). Go camping (no alcohol).

I strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your doctor and ask him to either refer you to someone you can talk to professionally or talk about whether anti-depressents may help.

Send me a PM with your number and we can talk. I try my best not to judge and will keep it confidential.

Best of luck.

yes I like tv. thats part of my "end of the day" routine along with my drinks.
Personally I do not think you have a problem you do what allot of men do and have a couple of beers to relax nothing wrong with that you have stated that you know your limit well if you know what your limit is then like I said I do not think you have a problem. My neighbor and I have a few beers and shoot the SH!T during the week it is just to blow off steam and relax. :beerchug:
every bodies threshold for addiction is different. i may be able to shoot heroin a few time a month for 6 months and quit no problem. someone else may become addicted in only a couple times. same goes for alcohol.

i have found that i am a consumer. meaning that i can not just hold a beer or a bottle of water without drinking it quikly, until its gone. this may sound dumb but buy a case of water and drink those instead of beer. its works for me. also you could try no alcoholic beer but i dont. at least try something, say every monday and Tuesday. and again it could save you money 2 spend on the busa

Waiting for rock bottom won't be fun. :bowdown:

This is the best advice anyone could ever give you. Only you know the real situation that you face and can decide if there is a problem or not. But just know digging out from "Rock Bottom" is like hell in July with Satan on your azz.
I had the same concerns when I was in college long ago. I stopped drinking for 6 weeks just to see if I could & how it would impact my life. I realized that going to a bar & being the only one sober results in a lot more fights. I drink a beer, glass of wine or mixed drink every night before or during dinner.
I don't drink to get drunk & am aware that I could stop at any time. Alcoholism runs in my family too, that is on reason I stopped to test it.
Good luck to you.
I think you could benefit by looking at things from the opposite direction.

1. You simply don't have enough mental or physical stimulation in your life
2. That leads to boredom, depression, low energy level etc.
3. You address that by drinking, maybe adopting a social stereotype of male behaviour
4. But it doesn't work for you because alcohol is a depressant.

I suggest you add activity to your life. Go somewhere anywhere after work, it does not matter. Just moving your muscles and seeing hearing smelling the world around you will stimulate your brain and lift your mood. Develop some iterests, interact with people see how it goes.
Go to the doctor and get a full workup. Don't know your age, but hormone levels do drop for men around 50 leading to moods crankiness loss of libido and erectile function. It's a normal part of aging and it can be managed to improve your quality of life.
If healthy behaviour doesn't work then maybe you need to look deeper, but first things first! Good luck
Posted via Mobile Device

Thank you. I do feel like I have control over it. Last night I caved in like I said which is what got me thinking. I told myself 2 drinks and thats all I did. It wasnt too hard. I wanted another but just watched tv instead. I'm still keeping an eye on it and am going to at the very least cut back for health reasons. I will keep you posted with my progress. Thank you for taking the time to type all that out it means alot.

Based the quoted post and the responses that you gave to Spudley's rather excellent post, I would suggest that it is likely that you at least have a small problem with alcohol, though it may not be full blown alcoholism. It is good advice to heed the concept that it's very easy to tell a non-drinker from a full on alcoholic while it's very difficult to fathom out which of two non-extreme drinkers may have a problem. Remember, you don't have to get drunk, or even get a buzz, to have a problem. In fact, many alcoholics get perceive less of a reaction to alcohol than the average drinker.

IMHO, if you really want to answer your question, you should give it up for thirty days. If that's no problem, then you probably just need to cut back your consumption for good general health. If, on the other hand, you find giving it up to be a challenge, then you know that you've got something that you need to address.

Best of luck!
its become somewhat of issue now, you are worried about the direction it may lead because you sense that the drinking your doing is not normal...STOP drinking now and save yourself the heartache that will come with an addiction to booze. It takes time to fester into an all out assault on your life, some it happens to fast and for some, booze takes awhile to control your life but believe me, if your concerned now, its because you know your drinking is maybe grabbing hold of you so at the very least do what many have suggested here and give it trial run and see how long it takes you to get the desire to drink and wether or not you can abstain from it...then you will know

I would say that even if your drinking every weekend and thats all, you would have a problem even on that level not to mention every even said your tolerance is up to alcohol, thats a sign in and of its self that your drinking to much

hope your able to work it out my friend!.....
are there differnt types of alcoholism ???

I have been through AA. I quit drinking because I was forced to by an authority. Leave it at that. When I was being seen by a professional, I found an artical identifying the different kinds of alcoholic. I tied a google search and could not find it. Sorry. But I did find this article. Some interesting reading.
Hope this helps. I know I have a problem with alcohol. But if you are asking if you do, then you most likely do. I wish you the best of luck in what ever descion you make. It is not easy to make. You are NOT a weak person if you have a problem. Never look down on yourself or let others look down on you. Admitting you have or may have a problem makes you a strong person.
Best of luck brother.