Am I an alcoholic

hey there buddy here is somethin that might help you Im a recovering alcholic and idont preach! this is out of the AAmeetings directory in my area.Are you an alcoholic
To answer this question, ask yourself the folloeing 20 questions and answerthemas honestly as you can
1.Do youlose time from workdue to drinking? yes no
2.Is drinking making your home life unhappy? y n
3do you drink because you shy with other people? y n
4.Is drinking effecting your reputation? y n
5. have you ever felt remorse after dringing? y n
6.have you ever gotten into financial troble as aresult of your drinking y n you turn to lower companions and inferior enviroment when drinking y n
8.does you drinking make you careless of your familys welfare? y n
9.has your ambition decreased since your drinking y n crave a drink at a definite time daily? y n you want a drink the next morning? y n
12.does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? y n
13.has your effieciency decreased since drinking? y n
14. is drinking jeoperdizingyou job or business? y n
15do you drink to escape from worries or troubles y n you ever drink alone? y n
17.have you ever had acomplete loss of memeroryas a result of drinking? y n
18. has your physicianever treated you for drinking? y n you drink to build up your self confidence? y n
20.have you ever been to ahospital or institutionon account of drinking? y n

if you have answered YES to any of thes questions, thre is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic.

if you answered YES to any TWO, the chances are that you are an alcoholic.

if you answered YES to THREE or more you definitely an alcoholic.

[ the foregoing test questions are attributed to johns hopkins university hospital]

It may be all in the mind, I am an exercise addict, if I stop, 6 months later it's almost a new job and a divorce. So, I have to train, at least 8 hours a week sometimes much more.

Moral of the story is, you may still be young, but nature will force you to take time some day, to take care of your body and yourself. You have the choice now to use a little of that time constructively, by playing sport, or doing something which improves your health. It means you also live life healthier and happier. You have the choice to later spend the same amount of cumulative time, either in medical treatment, in a hospital, or sniffing oxygen, or missing some of the good times you can have here on earth.

Only you can make the choice how you spend that same amount of time.

Best thing you could have done, is to recognize that perhaps you need help.

Good luck and hope the best for you.
I wouldn't say this if you hadn't asked but......Sounds like you're in trouble.??? Don't ask how I know.:whistle: Been there.

Thank you. I do feel like I have control over it. Last night I caved in like I said which is what got me thinking. I told myself 2 drinks and thats all I did. It wasnt too hard. I wanted another but just watched tv instead. I'm still keeping an eye on it and am going to at the very least cut back for health reasons. I will keep you posted with my progress. Thank you for taking the time to type all that out it means alot.

One is glad to be of service, and thank you for the opportunity.

PS Send PM's, they're anonymous.
Waiting for rock bottom won't be fun. :bowdown:

This is the best advice anyone could ever give you. Only you know the real situation that you face and can decide if there is a problem or not. But just know digging out from "Rock Bottom" is like hell in July with Satan on your azz.

"True-dat !" When every breathe was laced with sulphur, and that blast-furnace gale-force wind was always in my face.....that's how it was, and it took five and a half years to break fog..... buried a lot of folks since..... Some are sicker than others, and you're looking at him, amongst others.

Hell of a quote, I may save that for future reference. Thank you.
I hope this doesn't sound too harsh but I have some experience with addiciton.

To me it doesn't sound you have control over it. Simply because you are not getting drunk every night doesn't mean you aren't alcoholic. Most alcoholics do not get completely wasted everytime they drink unless they are the binge drinking type of alcoholic.

To me, it sounds like you have a problem with alcohol. The first sign is that you are asking the forum. You are also posting anonimously, which is understandable, but at the same your rational mind sees you may have a potential problem and you are protecting yourself and your addiction.

As far as it not affecting your life, I would say it is... Having 5 drinks a night isn't healthy. You also say you are trying to drop 20lbs and the drinking is getting in your way. Instead of stopping completely, an approach of weening yourself off it was taken.

It doesn't sound like you have complete control over it. You have a habit, and you crave it when you don't have your usual dose. The good news is that you are asking questoins and you might catch it in time before the issues become more serious.
My experience has led me to believe that no one can decide for another whether he or she is an alcoholic. The true alcoholic always denies he has a problem, how so you ask? Cause you FEEL it down within yourself. One can put on a front and attempt to fool others, but a real alcoholic KNOWS.My experience has shown me that excuses like" I only drink 8-10 shots a nite, or it ain't interfering with my job, or i going to switch from Bacardi to Jack, or its this dam relationship thats messing me up" these are all mere ruses that I concoct to justify my drinking. Do yourself a favor go to a public library, get a Big Book of AA, read chapter 3 (takes less than 30 min) and after reading that chapter if you can say to yourself that I have either Done that or Felt like that. Then seek some help. Good luck my brother.
Thank you all. I have been able to cut back ALOT. I'm just so use to getting a drink or 2 every hour that its hard to not. I dont feel like im in any kind of "withdraw" or anything. It's like when I was trying to stop eating high in fat foods. I love ribeyes, wings and thighs all the fat meats. At first it was hard but now i only eat bad stuff every now and then. Granted this feels a little harder but I would always buy the 1.75 liter bottles and it would last right at 4 days. Right now I've been able to cut all consumption by 1/2.

No it's not easy but as bad as that sounds it actually just feels like a diet. It's not easy to stay out of the fridge or the cookie jar either.

I'd rather be the guy that questions that he might have a problem and end up not than the guy that has a problem but chooses to keep his head in the sand.

I'm going to keep at it and if nothing else if the desire dont go away like it did when I was dieting before, than I'll HAVE to take more drastic steps. I'm TOO stubborn to let something control me.

PS I have had no neg. physical symptoms of withdrawal yet. Granted I've only cut it in half right now. But hopefully that means I at least dont have a physical dependants to it.