...and the US thinks they have leadership problems...

Again, the president wasn't in that restaurant removing this child (hopefully the parents got charged).

If there is a mandate, it doesn't matter who is sitting in the big seat, people will enforce that mandate, sometimes these people do so in a negative manner....we didn't see the whole interaction, sometimes things go south in a hurry and that's what we see....if we look hard enough, we can see the negative in anything.

I've been to many top level meetings in which the commander gave his intent....by the time it got to the low level troops it was a whole different intent....
the same President also says don't let your kids go near the unvaccinated - the guy is demented just spouting what is put in front of him

i know it's the wrong thread, as you have seen vaccines do not stop the Omicron (Essentially a heavy cold)

Biden is just part of the Great reset along with your leader Trudeau , Macron and the other loonies
the same President also says don't let your kids go near the unvaccinated - the guy is demented just spouting what is put in front of him

i know it's the wrong thread, as you have seen vaccines do not stop the Omicron (Essentially a heavy cold)

Biden is just part of the Great reset along with your leader Trudeau , Macron and the other loonies
The good news is, this isn't the first "wing ding" president you have had and it won't be the last. The US has survived much worse than both the former and current presidents....

As for our glorious leader here in Canada...heaven help us....
The good news is, this isn't the first "wing ding" president you have had and it won't be the last. The US has survived much worse than both the former and current presidents....

As for our glorious leader here in Canada...heaven help us....
Hi. Biden said the violence against the government does not work. But that is how he got to be President. Think baaack way baaack say 1776. Please do not say violence does not work.
As you know from your war experiences, violence doesn't work...diplomacy does....
Hi. Well ask the British back in 1776 what worked. I am not saying that it would work today or we should even try. I really hope that Biden was elected fairly. I just do not think he was. And I have no proof at all. All I can ask were you better off with Trump or Biden. And if anyone would to tell me why Biden is better and why I would like to know 508-496-3312
Hi. Well ask the British back in 1776 what worked. I am not saying that it would work today or we should even try. I really hope that Biden was elected fairly. I just do not think he was. And I have no proof at all. All I can ask were you better off with Trump or Biden. And if anyone would to tell me why Biden is better and why I would like to know 508-496-3312
History has shown violence doesn't work...

and while we are at it...your former president incited violence against the democracy within America...

When faith in the electoral process is lost, the democratic process is in jeopardy. When that is in jeopardy, only bad can come from that.

Your country was definitely not better off with Trump and it may not be with Biden either...maybe the next president will be better....
History has shown violence doesn't work...

and while we are at it...your former president incited violence against the democracy within America...

When faith in the electoral process is lost, the democratic process is in jeopardy. When that is in jeopardy, only bad can come from that.

Your country was definitely not better off with Trump and it may not be with Biden either...maybe the next president will be better....
Hi. Well I do hope so.
And if anyone would to tell me why Biden is better and why I would like to know 508-496-3312
It's a complicated question. In my mind it's a matter of humility and ethics. Biden is beyond his years of clear critical thought, but he has the welfare of the populace in mind where Trump only had personal gain as inspiration. Anybody denying this is stubbornly avoiding the truth. As Bee mentioned this nation is hopefully are headed for better leadership.
Well, you had a sitting president who thanked people which attacked the democratic process and told them that at least they tried then professed his love for them....if that is the kind of leadership you seek, hopefully you are in the minority of people who do....he hung his vice president out to dry because Pence was doing his duty.....sure sounds like a guy to hang your cap on....

As for what vehicles are in a convoy, the president doesn't oversee this, it is up to his detail to do so, in fact, perhaps it was they who perceived trouble...

As for that C-17, Biden wasn't flying it nor was he on the ground directing this operation...he gave an executive order and relied on his professionals to do their job in the best manner they see fit. Unless you've been there, making decisions in a situation like that is not an easy thing to do and making the wrongs ones (such as this one) can have long lasting effects.
Trump didn't say attack the Capitol and over throw the people doing whatever it is they were suppose to be doing inside that chamber. I am not aware of anybody bringing guns to the US Capitol. However, Ashly Babbit found out the hard way that at some point you will get shot. Even though its just hearsay, it is said that the cop that shot Ashly immediately admitted he made a mistake by shooting an unarmed person without warning.

You say Pence was doing his duty? This is questionable at best... more to come on what really happened on November 3rd 2020. Arizona and Georgia are showing us a different outcome than the MSM claims.

What does the fact that Biden wasn't flying the plane have to do with anything? Isn't he the Commander and Chief of our US Military? Isn't that where the responsibility lies when actions are ordered by him?

I feel like this discussion has a bit of bizarro world in it. It appears to me you have little regard for personal freedom that we were all born with. It appears to me the world of politics is filled with arrogant dumb asses that follow orders from another world. As one person said years ago... politics is Hollywood for ugly people.
Sure not tracking what correlation this has with your deceased parents (RIP).

You realize the taxes people pay keep your country going right?
Printing presses and the endless financing of bonds is paying a good portion of the feds budget. To call it a budget demeans the definition of the word "budget". It more like a credit card with no limit... you can't run your household finances like the US Federal government runs its own finances. You would be in debtors prison if you did.
It's a complicated question. In my mind it's a matter of humility and ethics. Biden is beyond his years of clear critical thought, but he has the welfare of the populace in mind where Trump only had personal gain as inspiration. Anybody denying this is stubbornly avoiding the truth. As Bee mentioned this nation is hopefully are headed for better leadership.
You have it back asswords... Biden is a 47 year career politician that has openly admitted he is for sale. Bobalinsky asked his brother Jim how they thought they would get away with all the corrupt business dealings that they hired him to manage... Jim's response... plausible deniability...

Trump worked 14 to 16 hours many times during his time in office... he worked on a number of key policy aspects that makes this country successful and his team and fellow countrymen accomplished many of them and we have already spoke about them here.

What has Biden accomplished? About 2 million illegal aliens unvetted entering our country in the last year... more covid deaths as compared to Trumps watch under his watch now that he finally admitted their is no federal cure for covid... 143 Americans still trapped in Afghanistan that he could give you the time of day for... its the same guy that doesn't even know what year it is unless someone reminds him... his wife should be charged with elder abuse for letting him run for president.

Joe campaigned from his basement and got 81 million votes... you have to be stone cold ignorant to believe that.

Keep in mind this country has been railroaded from the inside for decades... no president can fix the Swamp and all the problems it has created in one term... no need to worry about that anymore... the Swamp is experiencing tremendous growth right now.
Trump didn't say attack the Capitol and over throw the people doing whatever it is they were suppose to be doing inside that chamber. I am not aware of anybody bringing guns to the US Capitol. However, Ashly Babbit found out the hard way that at some point you will get shot. Even though its just hearsay, it is said that the cop that shot Ashly immediately admitted he made a mistake by shooting an unarmed person without warning.

You say Pence was doing his duty? This is questionable at best... more to come on what really happened on November 3rd 2020. Arizona and Georgia are showing us a different outcome than the MSM claims.

What does the fact that Biden wasn't flying the plane have to do with anything? Isn't he the Commander and Chief of our US Military? Isn't that where the responsibility lies when actions are ordered by him?

I feel like this discussion has a bit of bizarro world in it. It appears to me you have little regard for personal freedom that we were all born with. It appears to me the world of politics is filled with arrogant dumb asses that follow orders from another world. As one person said years ago... politics is Hollywood for ugly people.
Evidence has shown the reality...that's the good thing about hind-sight.....they can look back on an event and evaluate it.

I suggest you go back and re-watch the footage and listen......if you do so, you will note most of what you just said is not correct.

Pence was doing his duty.....period....his boss tried to hang him out to dry and egged on the insurrectionists. The irony of it all is how Pence is flip-flopping around and how the Capital police are disgusted by him due to the fact he was mere seconds and feet away from succumbing to the rioters but the police got him and his family out of there.....but according to you-that's just another day in the office.

As for the aircraft...he gave the orders but didn't execute those orders and wasn't on the ground directing operations....unless you've been there, you wouldn't understand.

As for your last comment, the act you can make such a comment shows me you live in a pretty good place with lots of personal freedoms, in many of the countries I have been in, you would have been hunted down and imprisoned for much of what we say on this forum......and they track these sorts of forums...

You are probably typing your comments in a well lit, warm, nice home with groceries in the cupboard, food in the fridge and surrounded by nice things.....sounds pretty rough to me. You have the freedom to ride your motorcycle and drive your expensive car anytime you want.

Try going somewhere where these things are either non-existent or are a luxury and then maybe you can complain about how horrible you have it and horrible your government treats you.

There is an mechanism in place to ensure you have a legally voted in government and this mechanism has proven to be fair and legal....only because an egotistical, narcissistic, former president was not re-elected did it come into question...if he would have won, not a word would be said and the electoral process would have been applauded for it's integrity....odd how that happens...
Trump didn't say attack the Capitol and over throw the people doing whatever it is they were suppose to be doing inside that chamber.

You say Pence was doing his duty? This is questionable at best... more to come on what really happened on November 3rd 2020. Arizona and Georgia are showing us a different outcome than the MSM claims.
Jeeze man you are delusional if you continue to believe either one of those statements.
Evidence has shown the reality...that's the good thing about hind-sight.....they can look back on an event and evaluate it.

I suggest you go back and re-watch the footage and listen......if you do so, you will note most of what you just said is not correct.

Pence was doing his duty.....period....his boss tried to hang him out to dry and egged on the insurrectionists. The irony of it all is how Pence is flip-flopping around and how the Capital police are disgusted by him due to the fact he was mere seconds and feet away from succumbing to the rioters but the police got him and his family out of there.....but according to you-that's just another day in the office.

As for the aircraft...he gave the orders but didn't execute those orders and wasn't on the ground directing operations....unless you've been there, you wouldn't understand.

As for your last comment, the act you can make such a comment shows me you live in a pretty good place with lots of personal freedoms, in many of the countries I have been in, you would have been hunted down and imprisoned for much of what we say on this forum......and they track these sorts of forums...

You are probably typing your comments in a well lit, warm, nice home with groceries in the cupboard, food in the fridge and surrounded by nice things.....sounds pretty rough to me. You have the freedom to ride your motorcycle and drive your expensive car anytime you want.

Try going somewhere where these things are either non-existent or are a luxury and then maybe you can complain about how horrible you have it and horrible your government treats you.

There is an mechanism in place to ensure you have a legally voted in government and this mechanism has proven to be fair and legal....only because an egotistical, narcissistic, former president was not re-elected did it come into question...if he would have won, not a word would be said and the electoral process would have been applauded for it's integrity....odd how that happens...
With a little time to spare until later I must address what your wrote....

The reason I sit here all nice and comfortable like I do is real easy to understand. The class A tyrants of the world got their butts beat into submission by the brave men and women that either fought or served in the military through a number of wars. None of this is lost on me when I visit a military cemetery and read the gravestones of all the men that died in WW 1, WW2, and other wars. Some of these military heroes didn't even make it to the age of 21. Its a real sobering experience to look out over the beautiful Pacific Ocean ( Point Loma in San Diego ) and know that without the sacrifice of these men in battle that we wouldn't and I wouldn't enjoy a life of freedom and prosperity.

America has paid it dues for the citizens that enjoy the life we have here right now. The rights and freedoms our founding fathers drafted into the US Constitution so many decades ago were based on the polar opposite that the rulers of Europe that enslaved that masses they ruled over for centuries.

Our founding fathers knew were were born free... and with a new government and new rules, new ethics and new laws were enacted to protect the citizens that call America home.

In the end... and we can see it all over the world... big government is the problem... in big government people are just numbers to be manipulated by whatever means availible. It appears they have it down pretty good as to how to manipulate the real citizens of this country. As it is for many of the new citizens here its also simple... all the governments has to do is invite them and pander to them with free stuff at the expense of our longer term citizens that have built a life here and the sovereignty we value goes down.

The immigration issue is simply another attack on America... and Biden supports it as do all the bureaucrats that assist him in all the ways that undermine our country.
Trump undermined our country as a traitor and continues to do so thankfully, from a much deserved and lesser position of authority. Take a listen to his recent speech in its entirety. You won’t of course but everyone should hear it.
With a little time to spare until later I must address what your wrote....

The reason I sit here all nice and comfortable like I do is real easy to understand. The class A tyrants of the world got their butts beat into submission by the brave men and women that either fought or served in the military through a number of wars. None of this is lost on me when I visit a military cemetery and read the gravestones of all the men that died in WW 1, WW2, and other wars. Some of these military heroes didn't even make it to the age of 21. Its a real sobering experience to look out over the beautiful Pacific Ocean ( Point Loma in San Diego ) and know that without the sacrifice of these men in battle that we wouldn't and I wouldn't enjoy a life of freedom and prosperity.

America has paid it dues for the citizens that enjoy the life we have here right now. The rights and freedoms our founding fathers drafted into the US Constitution so many decades ago were based on the polar opposite that the rulers of Europe that enslaved that masses they ruled over for centuries.

Our founding fathers knew were were born free... and with a new government and new rules, new ethics and new laws were enacted to protect the citizens that call America home.

In the end... and we can see it all over the world... big government is the problem... in big government people are just numbers to be manipulated by whatever means availible. It appears they have it down pretty good as to how to manipulate the real citizens of this country. As it is for many of the new citizens here its also simple... all the governments has to do is invite them and pander to them with free stuff at the expense of our longer term citizens that have built a life here and the sovereignty we value goes down.

The immigration issue is simply another attack on America... and Biden supports it as do all the bureaucrats that assist him in all the ways that undermine our country.
You have delusions that any government, big or otherwise could think of people as anything other than numbers...do you expect them to be personally walking amongst the citizenry kissing babies and shaking hands? Those days are long gone.....in almost every walk of life, people are considered numbers even though many think they are more than that...those people are hopeful delusionists....

It is troubling to read the lines "the real citizens of this country" most countries are founded on immigration and that has what made them strong...most of your (and my) country is made up of immigrates who displaced the indigenous peoples before them. People in your countries history actively kidnapped and sold people into slavery from other countries without any regard for their beliefs and ideology....and then certain people have the Gaul to complain those people are living amongst you....makes me sick.

You need to go read the inscription on your own Lady Liberty again as I think you have forgotten them.
You have delusions that any government, big or otherwise could think of people as anything other than numbers...do you expect them to be personally walking amongst the citizenry kissing babies and shaking hands? Those days are long gone.....in almost every walk of life, people are considered numbers even though many think they are more than that...those people are hopeful delusionists....

It is troubling to read the lines "the real citizens of this country" most countries are founded on immigration and that has what made them strong...most of your (and my) country is made up of immigrates who displaced the indigenous peoples before them. People in your countries history actively kidnapped and sold people into slavery from other countries without any regard for their beliefs and ideology....and then certain people have the Gaul to complain those people are living amongst you....makes me sick.

You need to go read the inscription on your own Lady Liberty again as I think you have forgotten them.
No, I leave the baby kissing to your "Village People" leader in Canada.

What are the hopeful delusionist? Is it people with talents and abilities developed and refined over a lifetime of progress to serve humanity in specific fields? Is it those that have come here and gotten themselves educated to the point where they have the ability to improve the lives of others through a particular kind of service? Whether they become a mechanic, nurse, vet, or military member they are serving other people. Serving others is how a country moves forward in a humanitarian way.

Real citizens assimilate and respect the country they immigrated too. What we have coming over the border are many of the rejects from other countries whose home country wants them gone. What better way to find new recruits for gangs and cartels that need lost souls with no conscious to do their dirty mule work by importing drugs and people.

What is inscribed on Lady Liberty doesn't mention anything about breaking and entering illegally. For those that choose the lawful path to citizenship they are welcome. The wrecking crew in DC has no time for legality... they simply pander to the flood of illegal aliens and caravans that are flooding over our border by ignoring the border laws and telling the world through the MSM that all are welcome no matter who you are or what you have done to get here.

Sorry to hear this makes you sick when people complain about illegals entering our country. That trans pacific partnership ( TTP ) would look good to me if they just built a rail line from Mexico to Canada and just let them by pass the USA.

Perhaps then you could welcome them with your own brand of Lady Liberty.

I took the time to watch the Jan 6th speech by Trump complete with a breakdown of all the words used and what they were meant to do as far as influencing those in attendance.

I have said this before... everyone is responsible for what they do. Those that carry out illegal activities should be held accountable. Question. Does a trespassing charge translate into a time period exceeding months in solitary confinement justify the seriousness of the offense?

The 1st Amendment protects the assembly of people in groups. The 1st A doesn't mean that somebody influencing you to do something illegal is legal. Trump is not Charles Manson influencing people to do things that are illegal.

Had I attended that speech it would mean to stand up for the rule of law. Not break and enter into the Capitol and destroy property. Again, people that choose illegal activity should suffer the consequences. Blaming one man and the words he said is a cop out for those that were arrested. Everything you do is a decision... to think otherwise is a fools path to idiocy. If I tell you to pin the throttle and shift up through the gears on your Hayabusa until you run out of gas are you going to do it?
No, I leave the baby kissing to your "Village People" leader in Canada.

What are the hopeful delusionist? Is it people with talents and abilities developed and refined over a lifetime of progress to serve humanity in specific fields? Is it those that have come here and gotten themselves educated to the point where they have the ability to improve the lives of others through a particular kind of service? Whether they become a mechanic, nurse, vet, or military member they are serving other people. Serving others is how a country moves forward in a humanitarian way.

Real citizens assimilate and respect the country they immigrated too. What we have coming over the border are many of the rejects from other countries whose home country wants them gone. What better way to find new recruits for gangs and cartels that need lost souls with no conscious to do their dirty mule work by importing drugs and people.

What is inscribed on Lady Liberty doesn't mention anything about breaking and entering illegally. For those that choose the lawful path to citizenship they are welcome. The wrecking crew in DC has no time for legality... they simply pander to the flood of illegal aliens and caravans that are flooding over our border by ignoring the border laws and telling the world through the MSM that all are welcome no matter who you are or what you have done to get here.

Sorry to hear this makes you sick when people complain about illegals entering our country. That trans pacific partnership ( TTP ) would look good to me if they just built a rail line from Mexico to Canada and just let them by pass the USA.

Perhaps then you could welcome them with your own brand of Lady Liberty.

I took the time to watch the Jan 6th speech by Trump complete with a breakdown of all the words used and what they were meant to do as far as influencing those in attendance.

I have said this before... everyone is responsible for what they do. Those that carry out illegal activities should be held accountable. Question. Does a trespassing charge translate into a time period exceeding months in solitary confinement justify the seriousness of the offense?

The 1st Amendment protects the assembly of people in groups. The 1st A doesn't mean that somebody influencing you to do something illegal is legal. Trump is not Charles Manson influencing people to do things that are illegal.

Had I attended that speech it would mean to stand up for the rule of law. Not break and enter into the Capitol and destroy property. Write, call, or e mail you're leaders in any level of government that can hear what you have to say. These people do have assistants keeping track of the sentiment factors that prompted them to communicate.

Again, people that choose illegal activity should suffer the consequences. Blaming one man and the words he said is a cop out for those that were arrested. Everything you do is a decision... to think otherwise is a fools path to idiocy. If I tell you to pin the throttle and shift up through the gears on your Hayabusa until you run out of gas are you going to do it?
Editing mistake, duplicate post... sorry... not my area of expertise to fix.
Hi. Well ask the British back in 1776 what worked. I am not saying that it would work today or we should even try. I really hope that Biden was elected fairly. I just do not think he was. And I have no proof at all. All I can ask were you better off with Trump or Biden. And if anyone would to tell me why Biden is better and why I would like to know 508-496-3312
You are better off even if you don't realize it. But if you really think Trump was doing better than Biden is, what's the point in talking (which is why I haven't called to discuss it)? You are obviously not dealing with actual, provable facts. I don't see how there can be a constructive discussion.

Violence is not constructive and there would be no winner in an actual civil war (except maybe the Russians and Chinese). What we are leading up to is not a war, it's white people killing however many minorities it takes for them to feed their blood lust. Then they will sweep it under histories' rug and pretend it never happened. That's what has happened over and over again throughout our history. Whites decide Blacks have accomplished too much and they destroy that progress.

That's where we are now. No need to talk. When people start making up facts they are laying the groundwork for hate so they can use it to cover their misdeeds.