You have delusions that any government, big or otherwise could think of people as anything other than you expect them to be personally walking amongst the citizenry kissing babies and shaking hands? Those days are long almost every walk of life, people are considered numbers even though many think they are more than that...those people are hopeful delusionists....
It is troubling to read the lines "the real citizens of this country" most countries are founded on immigration and that has what made them strong...most of your (and my) country is made up of immigrates who displaced the indigenous peoples before them. People in your countries history actively kidnapped and sold people into slavery from other countries without any regard for their beliefs and ideology....and then certain people have the Gaul to complain those people are living amongst you....makes me sick.
You need to go read the inscription on your own Lady Liberty again as I think you have forgotten them.
No, I leave the baby kissing to your "Village People" leader in Canada.
What are the hopeful delusionist? Is it people with talents and abilities developed and refined over a lifetime of progress to serve humanity in specific fields? Is it those that have come here and gotten themselves educated to the point where they have the ability to improve the lives of others through a particular kind of service? Whether they become a mechanic, nurse, vet, or military member they are serving other people. Serving others is how a country moves forward in a humanitarian way.
Real citizens assimilate and respect the country they immigrated too. What we have coming over the border are many of the rejects from other countries whose home country wants them gone. What better way to find new recruits for gangs and cartels that need lost souls with no conscious to do their dirty mule work by importing drugs and people.
What is inscribed on Lady Liberty doesn't mention anything about breaking and entering illegally. For those that choose the lawful path to citizenship they are welcome. The wrecking crew in DC has no time for legality... they simply pander to the flood of illegal aliens and caravans that are flooding over our border by ignoring the border laws and telling the world through the MSM that all are welcome no matter who you are or what you have done to get here.
Sorry to hear this makes you sick when people complain about illegals entering our country. That trans pacific partnership ( TTP ) would look good to me if they just built a rail line from Mexico to Canada and just let them by pass the USA.
Perhaps then you could welcome them with your own brand of Lady Liberty.
I took the time to watch the Jan 6th speech by Trump complete with a breakdown of all the words used and what they were meant to do as far as influencing those in attendance.
I have said this before... everyone is responsible for what they do. Those that carry out illegal activities should be held accountable. Question. Does a trespassing charge translate into a time period exceeding months in solitary confinement justify the seriousness of the offense?
The 1st Amendment protects the assembly of people in groups. The 1st A doesn't mean that somebody influencing you to do something illegal is legal. Trump is not Charles Manson influencing people to do things that are illegal.
Had I attended that speech it would mean to stand up for the rule of law. Not break and enter into the Capitol and destroy property. Again, people that choose illegal activity should suffer the consequences. Blaming one man and the words he said is a cop out for those that were arrested. Everything you do is a decision... to think otherwise is a fools path to idiocy. If I tell you to pin the throttle and shift up through the gears on your Hayabusa until you run out of gas are you going to do it?