Other than the usual political (Trump love) rhetoric, I agree with the first part of your post...our governments are chasing down the low hanging fruit without climbing the tree and going after the real world polluters such as India, Pakistan, China and the list goes on and on....Plenty of experts would match up and debate with Al Gores team of experts if given the chance... that debate will never happen because if it did... it would not go well for the fear mongering side.
Notice... I said the climate does change. To think mans industrial activity is the only factor causing it is for the believers of the current narrative being spewed in every MSM news source. When the Sun goes through the cycles particular to itself then all the planets in our Solar system are also affected. Is our GDP output affecting the Sun also? America runs much cleaner that much of the developed world. China and other countries spews tons pollution everyday with little or no regard for its people. Climate change is purely political because if China really wanted to lead the world they would clean up their means of production to safe levels.
In a world where corrupt governments with unlimited resources for propaganda... and.... also have the MSM working for them we then should verify whatever it is they have to say. Unfortunately it is difficult to monitor pollution by country around the world. Unless you want to Google it... then...
Years ago everybody said Alex Jones was a conspiracy nut... then... we noticed some of the things he said that many people thought were crazy started to gain some validity. Ever notice why Julian Assange and Edward Snowden got the reputation they got? The MSM gave it to them and they got it for telling the truth about people that don't want the truth known about them. Tell me that isn't true
Foot in mouth disease with Colbert... when he said Trump will never be president he got to eat those words. When he said Trump colluded with the Russians what did we learn? We learned Wiesman was the lawyer directing the attacks on Trump, not Mueller... Did you see Mueller when he had to answer questions in front of Congress? it didn't go as planned for a 30 million dollar investigation with 500+ witnesses and 2500+ depositions.... another sham by the leftist marxist cabal of the "we hate people"class .
I would love to see Gutfeld invite Colbert to a debate... it would be epic.... the lies of the leftist marxist supporting radicals would be on display.
New information does change some of the causes and effects in this world. The deeper we go the more we find out that we don't have all the knowledge some of our ancient ancestors had. If we can't engineer and hypotosize at the level of the ancient world of geniouses with our computer simulations and PHD level education... then... what's missing?
No a darn thing is being done to quell their pollution nor will it be. We in the west have become dependent on these countries for products that we are unable to cut the umbilical cord so they have us over a barrel and know it.
I've been in countries where oil and gas companies pretty much control them and anything goes when it comes to their needs and wants. It wasn't pretty....and even here in North America we have the same sorts of issues.