And now I understand your rage. He cussed the school 

No different than when whites laugh at "You Might Be A Redneck".........
No different than when whites laugh at "You Might Be A Redneck".........
sad though when a man speaks his mind, he's repremanded......kinda like bill cosby.
wife. grad. from PVAMU, nursing. says that school is
she won the student of the semester award, from the faculty. they spelled our last name wrong on the
we won't get into the blantent racism shown to her (non-black)
I don't know, the producers edited out N*****. I doubt they would have edited out Redneck, even if it made the news.
Funny Chris Rock gets rich from saying it at least 100 times a show and Cosby got painted White for saying Stop complaining, get an education.
Then there's Rap Lyrics, F the Police, kill the Police. Where's the outrage over that?
You really need to take a look at the pie, not just one slice.
racism is like arguing about what color busa is faster, you're both wrong, and both sound like idiots.
btw, if the bikes stayed the same, but were both painted the opposite color, which would be fastest?
Wow. There is so much wrong here I don't really know where to start.
Would like to say I'm impressed with the responses, don't agree with all of them, but they are fair.
That word is known by every english-speaking person as a grave insult. Regardless of color, it's not a word that should be used. That being said, its use is extremely prevalent in certain segments of society. It's hardly fair for someone that uses the word constantly to complain when someone else uses it, regardless of race. Personally if I hear the word and feel that it wasn't intended as an insult, I explain that I don't want to hear that and ask the person to refrain. If it was intended as an insult, it's on.
The problem in the black community is as DO3 said, all the younger cats wanna be "gangsta". By the time they figure out that these guys really aren't doing all they talk about, and the ones that really are doing it pay the price (T.I. for example) it's too late. They are already in prison or dead.
With the universal popularity of hip-hop culture, this issue of the word has moved into non-black culture. More and more kids think that the racially charged, anti-cop, mysogenistic content that much of popular rap has is "cool" and try their best to emulate it. Like anything else, it's our job as parents to filter what our kids are exposed to, and ensure they know how to conduct themselves.
The cop in the clip had no business saying what he did, and should be terminated for saying it. That he will be afforded leniency because of his color is wrong.
If he were white he would be fired, immediately and without question. Therefore the same should be true since he's black. The word was used as an insult. Color of the user should be irrelevant....But should he be terminated? Even if he were not Black? This questions adds weight to my argument that the word has become so prevalent in Black society that it no longer merits such outrage when used.
Either be grossly offended by the word at all times, or use it commonly without offense....but you gotta pick one or the other.
Wow. There is so much wrong here I don't really know where to start.
Would like to say I'm impressed with the responses, don't agree with all of them, but they are fair.
That word is known by every english-speaking person as a grave insult. Regardless of color, it's not a word that should be used. That being said, its use is extremely prevalent in certain segments of society. It's hardly fair for someone that uses the word constantly to complain when someone else uses it, regardless of race. Personally if I hear the word and feel that it wasn't intended as an insult, I explain that I don't want to hear that and ask the person to refrain. If it was intended as an insult, it's on.
The problem in the black community is as DO3 said, all the younger cats wanna be "gangsta". By the time they figure out that these guys really aren't doing all they talk about, and the ones that really are doing it pay the price (T.I. for example) it's too late. They are already in prison or dead.
With the universal popularity of hip-hop culture, this issue of the word has moved into non-black culture. More and more kids think that the racially charged, anti-cop, mysogenistic content that much of popular rap has is "cool" and try their best to emulate it. Like anything else, it's our job as parents to filter what our kids are exposed to, and ensure they know how to conduct themselves.
The cop in the clip had no business saying what he did, and should be terminated for saying it. That he will be afforded leniency because of his color is wrong.
If he were white he would be fired, immediately and without question. Therefore the same should be true since he's black. The word was used as an insult. Color of the user should be irrelevant....
If he were white he would be fired, immediately and without question. Therefore the same should be true since he's black. The word was used as an insult. Color of the user should be irrelevant....