Another Officer - On His Worst Behavior

what he said could be out of context on the most part. but dropping the n bomb is just unproffesional. only way i see it... just like how hes cussing. unproffesional. probably exhausted from all these guys bs...

they most likely didnt want him in everyones face all night so he hung out in the back and then they accuse him of not doing his job....

convient that convo is being taped and no tapes of the guys carrying off a cash register lol....

and for his money, id probably be tired of hearing him whine about it too.

at the end of the day guys... they're all words they only hurt if we let em...
The Cop was just Expressing his Personal Experiance while being a Veteran on the Job..............It was the TRUTH as he has Experianced it. Now it does not mean it's Right it's Just his Experiance. Chris Rock Said once "When I go to the ATM at Night I am Not Looking out for Ted Coppel.............I am Looking out for "N-Word's"


its a set-up.

the real issue is not what he said....because anybody that has spent any time in the real world knows the truth about what he said.

black clubs, and mexican clubs have fights, stabbings and shootings.....even though they search you at the entrance....

while the white clubs in Orange County, don't even search you and strangely nobody is getting killed, shot or stabbed there....

now i know it would be silly to claim this was all about race, the sad truth is that some of it is.


I'm not trying to start anything, I honestly wish the race issues would go away for good. We'd all be so much better off...

I wont say he's wrong for saying what he did. Inappropriate for a LEO? Yes, but if you honestly think about it, was his statement incorrect?? The comments about the school are different, but I cant say I'd dissagree with him.
"its not what you say, its how you say it"

How the officer said it was wrong and disrespectful.

I would like to comment on some of the things posted in this thread, but it wouldnt be nice so I'll hold my tongue.
personnally i think he was spaeking his mind.......and he gets repremanded becuase of that? i think thats wrong. and the prob. of becoming a mamby pamby country.

Nail on the head but not the place or time to do it he was at work
It's not racism.

It's a couple of guys that are pissed that the money is gone. To get even they made a setup video of the cop. They are trying to blame him for their party getting out of hand and their guests stealing the money.

This thread is a troll posted up to incite a racism debate.


I was expressing something that upset me.
What ever happend to " Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me"

If someone called me a mick cause I am Irish, I take no offense, only pride.

I love my Irish heritage and the amount of booze we can drink :beerchug: and also how we can't be psycho anaylzed. :laugh:

Big white guys don't get many racial slurs thrown at us , but if I did refer to the quote in this post. :thumbsup:
In my experience as a bar tender and a bouncer at several different clubs, he is 100% correct in his comment about large gatherings of the different races. I worked a biker bar in Portland, Oregon called the Cactus Club, we had hard core bikers and metal heads frequent this place due to the atmosphere and live music. There were occasional fights and what not, normal in this type of place. The owners sold the club and it changed into a hip hop club predominately black. We had to get metal detectors, hire more bouncers, enforce strict dress code, and constantly get help from the Portland PD. Almost every time I went to the bathroom, there were people in there doing drugs and it was the first time in my years as a club employee that I actually felt unsafe. Never ever had these issues at Temporary Insanity, Club Paradox, Toolies County (Phoenix) or at the Refectory and Cactus Club (PDX)
racism is like arguing about what color busa is faster, you're both wrong, and both sound like idiots.:laugh:

btw, if the bikes stayed the same, but were both painted the opposite color, which would be fastest?

The black one you silly rabbit ???
Wow. There is so much wrong here I don't really know where to start.
Would like to say I'm impressed with the responses, don't agree with all of them, but they are fair.
That word is known by every english-speaking person as a grave insult. Regardless of color, it's not a word that should be used. That being said, its use is extremely prevalent in certain segments of society. It's hardly fair for someone that uses the word constantly to complain when someone else uses it, regardless of race. Personally if I hear the word and feel that it wasn't intended as an insult, I explain that I don't want to hear that and ask the person to refrain. If it was intended as an insult, it's on.
The problem in the black community is as DO3 said, all the younger cats wanna be "gangsta". By the time they figure out that these guys really aren't doing all they talk about, and the ones that really are doing it pay the price (T.I. for example) it's too late. They are already in prison or dead.
With the universal popularity of hip-hop culture, this issue of the word has moved into non-black culture. More and more kids think that the racially charged, anti-cop, mysogenistic content that much of popular rap has is "cool" and try their best to emulate it. Like anything else, it's our job as parents to filter what our kids are exposed to, and ensure they know how to conduct themselves.
The cop in the clip had no business saying what he did, and should be terminated for saying it. That he will be afforded leniency because of his color is wrong.

Last census, the town I work had a population of 1000. Two murders this year related to gang/drug violence. I let people know quick that I don't want to hear the word when spoken. I get away with it for now..........
If he were white he would be fired, immediately and without question. Therefore the same should be true since he's black. The word was used as an insult. Color of the user should be irrelevant....

I agree 100% unless there were some special circumstances ( which I can't imagine ) because every situation is different. But we both know things don't work that way, but they should.
i have a real problem giving any credibility to any video or audio recording that is started half way into an argument or discussion....and especially without telling the person you are recording.

its a set-up.

the real issue is not what he said....because anybody that has spent any time in the real world knows the truth about what he said.

black clubs, and mexican clubs have fights, stabbings and shootings.....even though they search you at the entrance....

while the white clubs in Orange County, don't even search you and strangely nobody is getting killed, shot or stabbed there....

now i know it would be silly to claim this was all about race, the sad truth is that some of it is.

Very good point, but I think we're just talking in general not necessarily specific in this case. Just a general discussion among friends.
:rofl: I've never been around an engineer like you ............

Going for a ride guys; it's dry and 50 out


Overall, I thought there had been some good comments made. Till the calling me a Troll thing popped up.

I wasn't trying incite anything. I posted this because it bothered me & because it was an interesting subject that could be argued from several points of view. Anyone else can do that, but if I do, now I have to be a Troll??? WTF

Does it say somewhere that people shouldnt' post whatever they feel in Random Thoughts.

You & I joke with each other on a normal basis, and actual have good convo on PM's.

But for someone that doesn't know me to call me a TROLL, that was "Trolling" in itself to piss me off. So I congratulated him for his effort.

Enjoy your ride, bro. :beerchug:
Overall, I thought there had been some good comments made. Till the calling me a Troll thing popped up.

I wasn't trying incite anything. I posted this because it bothered me & because it was an interesting subject that could be argued from several points of view. Anyone else can do that, but if I do, now I have to be a Troll??? WTF

Does it say somewhere that people shouldnt' post whatever they feel in Random Thoughts.

You & I joke with each other on a normal basis, and actual have good convo on PM's.

But for someone that doesn't know me to call me a TROLL, that was "Trolling" in itself to piss me off. So I congratulated him for his effort.

Enjoy your ride, bro. :beerchug:

You're being targeted because you're an ME . It was good, just got back in.
I will ask that we keep the conversation clean. If you must post up a topic such as this I am left to wonder why. The mere fact that is has to be posted means that racism is alive and well. I hate it, I hate with all of my being, there should be no racism, no discrimination of any race, religion or color. But we can sure beat it to death here cant we? I understand that people want to talk about what bothers them, great lets do it, but in a civil manner.
bottom line is he should have a little more professionalism about his self considering he's a cop and I bet if he knew that he was being taped he would've never said what he said. "Eff the money" huh! I bet you wouldn't be saying that if it was your money that had got stolen. I mean hell what are you paying them for!