who is the fastest.... This will always be a competition. Someone said it in a different post but i will believe it when it is in guinness, every mag, show and company have there own opinion and can make there own results if they want. It doesn’t bother me one bit if some one can push harder in the turns then me or get a better 1/4 mile time, its about having the bike you want and enjoying it, the busa is an amazing machine and i couldn’t be happier with it, if a bike takes the official title from the busa you know there will be a gen3 out before we can blink heck they probably have one in the works already, and it will go back and forth like that. I guess what it comes down to is are you riding to enjoy the freedom of being on 2 wheels or are you just trying to always one up some one? Enjoy what you got and don’t stress if you get beat