(BusaWhipped @ Jun. 25 2007,22:57) OK, so I succum to the temptation today. I was cruising down the highway minding my own business, cruise control set at the speed limit
Squid in a T-shirt and jeans blows past on a CBR929. Slows down 'til I catch up then blows away through trafic again. He repeats this for 15 miles through several highly patrolled areas. Anyway, we get to an area that isn't patrolled very well and traffic was light. I dropped down to 2nd and waited from him to hit it again. So predictable. I hit it and passed him with ease. I popped 5th gear near redline then backed it on down to the limit again. Sorry for lowering myself to his level, but I can only stand so much tormenting.
BTW, the kill felt soooooo goooooood.