Anyone here ever meet a girl off the internet?

only you can make the decsion but  ya must see somthing or ya wouldnt have even considerd making this post. try it out see where things go atleast ya can say you tried instead of wondering and only speculating  on what could have been.

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I am not surprised you feel that way Revlis, most guys are that way. Ive never had any kids (that I know about) so @ 35 I am
mature and would like to have some, I dont have bad memories of kids ruining my teens and twenties.

But yeah I worry about the "Your not my dad!" kinda comments...though I cannot blame them , being a kid is hard..I came from a broken family so I can relate. My mom raised us alone and brough home different guys, I usually layed the hate on hard to keep them out. I was a step dads worst nightmare.

At least its 2 girls and a boy. I am sure part of her enthusiam is because I dont have a problem with the kids...shes probably been hunting for a man for awhile.
I have been hunting for a woman for awhile but most of the ones I have found would require that I install some truck springs on my Busa.
Fair Enough Bro, But I tell ya unless your a freak the NW has a ton of pretty, smart, and available women. I mean dayum, never been surrounded by so much natural beauty in so many different ways.

He he... Remember, be yourself, don't look too hard, and chances are the hottie you seek will fall right in your lap. (No Not a strip club)

Give a shot though. I have heard from two folks that it really does work great!
But I tell ya unless your a freak the NW has a ton of pretty, smart, and available women.  I mean dayum, never been surrounded by so much natural beauty in so many different ways.
You are right about that, I just dont hang out anywhere. Id have to meet a girl at the grocery store or at the gas station because that is about the extent of the places I go to.

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Location: Woodburn, Or. Posted: Aug. 01 2005,21:51

35 & mature.... hmm....


Group: Super Administrators
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Location: Woodburn, Or.     Posted: Aug. 01 2005,21:51  

35 & mature.... hmm....

You should talk.
I've seen things work out very nicely for a few people, however, you really have to beware!!! Just take your time and remember that anyone can be nice for 30-60 days!!! That's a long ways from home and long distance romance can be very difficult. You never know though...I say give it a shot but leave yourself an out when she comes to visit. You might not like her in person. I have met a few really great guys on the net and some REALLY bad ones as well. Best of luck to you James!!! You never know until you try!!!
Short fuse ?
Somebody needs to release some stress or bust a nut real bad .

Take it slow and follow your instincts. They are usually right. If you feel any red flags go up don't ignore them because you want it to work. It would be cool if she is the girl for you.
Take it slow and follow your instincts. They are usually right. If you feel any red flags go up don't ignore them because you want it to work. It would be cool if she is the girl for you.
It sure is easier to just keep things as they are, thats for sure. Ive got a few girls that I have met locally but none of them really do it for me.

Ive definately felt a few red flags...but nobody is perfect, I sure as hell aint.
NOBODY is perfect but....the flags are important!!!! If you have concerns deal with them quickly. Develop the RES!!! (rapid elimination system)!!!

Don't settle for "maybe it will change" - because it doesn't!!!
Oh dont worry , I have a "rapid elimination system", its called "get the f@ck out!"
Seriously though I may as well try it out, after all she is willing to buy a plane ticket to come see me...I at least owe her a good time and it will be fun to meet. If we dont hit it off then oh well, I'll just chalk it up as another experience.
I think she just wants to come and ride with me on my Busa , that is all I ever talk about and she seems to eat it all up.
I am just being used.

She on the other hand has been to London England several times to visit family so I love to hear everything about that since I am facinated with Europe and I have never been there
I don't think you can be "used" unless you let it happen! Just keep your eyes and ears open for flags! Just heed the advice from all of us veteran's of the single world!!! She might be just what you're looking for and vice-a-versa. You just don't know until you try!!!