Anyone here ever meet a girl off the internet?

Good luck. My wife and I met over the internet.

She was living in Denver (Aurora) and I was in Virginia (Woodbridge). She found me by accident and we started using IM to chat. I sent a few pictures, which didn't totally scare her off
I created some voice files for a vocal e-mail message and she did the same for me.

After a few weeks of chatting, we both came to the separate conclusion that it was too bad we were so far apart.

A few weeks later and we were working out meeting places (we were going to meet in Florida for Guavaween since we're both Halloween nuts).

I found out that Weird Al Yankovic was having a concert in Denver over Columbus day weekend and quickly booked a flight. See Weird Al and hook up with Rita? That's a no brainer.

I almost missed my flight back (she was showing me the mountains). I got to the plane just as they were closing the doors.

We chatted for a couple of more weeks and decided that I'd get a plane ticket to fly from Florida to Denver and I helped her move to Virginia. She shipped her stuff to my house and we drove her car across country.

Halloween 2000 we married in the backyard of my house.

March 2004 I resigned from my 6 figure job in DC and in April we moved to Colorado.

I'm not making as much as I was in VA but I'm certainly having more fun and she's much happier back in Colorado. Virginia was a nightmare for her. I'd lived there for 30+ years so I was used to it. Heading back to visit this past April showed me that VA traffic was in fact, a nightmare
These guys here in Colorado don't know how good they have it

On the flip side though, I dated several flakes before finding her as did she. Her best friend, after we got together, went on line, found "the love of her life" after two weeks and moved to Australia. 6 months later she changed her mind and moved to Idaho. Now she's in Tucson AZ and we're visiting in October.

It's just like the local dating pool, just that the pool is much larger. IMing with her seemed to make a world of difference. We became friends and discovered our mutual likes and dislikes (she doesn't like Genesis and I positively hate Adam Sandler) well before we decided to hook up.

Good luck and be careful.

Nice story , but you were making a 6 figure income? Most guys with that kind of cash dont have a problem finding a good wife.



Good luck the last chick i met on the internet said she looked like halle berry

shoot she looked like fred berry (goodtimes)
Fred Berry was on "What's Happening" Rerun!

Anyhow I have pics of this girl so its not like its a shot in the dark. She is not fat.

I am hooked into this one dating site and I get like 3 replys a week...they have a height and weight spec and I always check that out. Most are like 5'3"-5"7" and like 175-275lbs
What did Jeffry Dalmer say to Loraine Bobbit?
>>>>Are you going to eat that?
Good luck. My wife and I met over the internet.
Nice story , but you were making a 6 figure income? Most guys with that kind of cash dont have a problem finding a good wife.
Actually it's not a problem finding a wife. Finding a good wife is something else though

In person I'm actually quite the introvert. Going to bars and parties were never fun. My brother was diagnosed with ADD when he was a kid (hyperactive at the time) but I think I had it as well. Bars, parties, concerts, and in general get togethers with a bunch of people were exercises in distraction.

When I'm in a crowd, my attention keeps shifting from one conversation to another so I get little snippets swirling around my head. Eventually I'm at the edge of the crowd and then out the door.

It makes it extremely difficult to try and chat up a lady when I can't stay focused on her conversation.

I went to a Blues concert last night. The Robert Cray Band, The Kenny Wayne Shephard Band, and BB King. Great concert but I had to mentally force myself to concentrate on the music. Even so, I kept hearing the various conversations going on around me and had a lovely headache by the time we left. I don't go to many concerts either.

I prefer going on long solo rides or skiing or hiking/camping or geeking on the computers
Something where I can't be distracted.




I've met two people online. Both weren't bad and the girls were both fun times. The two I met were relatively close though. About 30 minutes away. The first one I met actually was a good time but things never blossomed. We had fun, at least I know I did, but never felt anything and we kind of went our own ways and no long speak. But the point leading up to us meeting was pretty friendly. Never expected to much but we both gave it a shot. The second one, well that was kind of a disaster. I met her at her house. She was pretty girl, but then I got to know her, and the real her. There was so much baggage there I just didn't want any part of it. Yet again though, I gave it a shot and it didn't turn out as planned so I just went my own way as did she. The worst you can do is give it a shot and it not work out. The girl I'm talking to now went to the same school as me but she got my attention on the internet on She knows my younger sister but we never once made eye contact prior to that. I talked to her for a bit on the net and now things have just blossomed. I'm kind of glad I got to meet her. So far for now things are working out and hope it keeps that way. As the others have said, always give it a shot, take a chance and go from there.

As for the three kids, if you want your own kids, I'd look elsewhere. There is 9,000,000,000,000,000 women in the world to chose from, you don't have to settle for less than what you want. There is always someone out there that fits your criteria as well as you fit theirs. Thats why you date, give her a shot, see if it works, if not, go for what you want. You'll be happier if you do.
(Thought For The Day)

"Good looks catch the eye, but a GOOD personality catches the heart. You're blessed with both!"

Don't be flattered, this message was sent to ME!!

I just wanted YOU to read it


Thought for the day...

Good looks pop a bone, a good personality cant do anything about it.
The only girls on the internet dateboards are either married and can't get any...
Married with kids and looking for danger or ugly fat as sin can't get any if they tried.....


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The only girls on the internet dateboards are either married and can't get any...
Married with kids and looking for danger or ugly fat as sin can't get any if they tried.....

And your a dumb fvck.
I'm not normally like this...but I'm going to have to +1 that, BV.

Don't be talking bout people like that, Sir UK Busa. Alot of us here have met good friends and/or life partners online. Watch your mouth, fool.