Anyone notice

yo Pac-in-ator!


Verry sorry to hear about this. Yes, I've been thinking about yer thong. Gonna have to sew it up soon to keep yer spriits up!

Heal fast bro!

Oh and tell momma, sex boosts the imune system and speeds recovery!
Pac, I know 1st hand on what your going thru....Crashed hard two years ago this month...Wheely gone bad all the way over at over 100mph, Was down for 7 months...Not a good deal..Anyway I sure hope u the best on a fast recovery....
Our thoughts are with...Miss your off the wall comments....Good Luck..
DOH! there it is - was - will be .... sorry about situation brah, anymore details on what happened? - Kent
Dam'n boy don't do that stuff. I am happy it is not any worse and sorry for your pain. Get better quick.
Hey Pac,
Sorry to hear you went down!!!
I hope you have a speedy recovery, and I'm glad things are not worse. Get well SOON.
the boys are chippin' in for a plane ticket for me to fly to Guam.... we are seriously pissed . I'm not the tuffest,just the craziest. We figure were gonna need a little "nutty" in order to kick yer big black azz all up an' down the street.

I cant remember how many times I've read yer comments that end with...."be careful" or "stay safe".

jesus H christ ...Pac... you big sun-of-a-bidge.

I am not impressed . "Rubbah vs Pac" got 50 or 60 pounds on me...but its gonna be good .

You will not do this again....

Heal.....then ...."The Match" then we both heal some more.

Let us busted up Guamian....

Whatever you got it....

take care , my Island Bro . Rubbah.
damn dude looks bad hope you get better fast and glad you are alive !!!!!!!! take care and godspeed lol.... yea i was missing your comments on the board just like all the other reg's well , glad to see you can move around tho !!! take care and when you start running out of percocets gradually stop taking them i stopped cold turkey wheni had my surgery on my shoulder and went through withdrawal not fun got the shakes and couldnt sit still lol sorry i was just rambling on anyway bro glad to see you are alive !!!!!!!!!!!
Damn bro! Hate to hear this! At least you're still alive and kickin'. That rash on yer back looks NASTY! Keep us posted and be sure to post the parts list ASAP so if we have anything you can use we can get it on the way. Gotta get you and the busa 10-8 (back in service in ten code) ASAP.
Ugh....still in pain, but just wanted to check in real quick with the good people here.

You are all definitely a step above the rest. Haven't hung with many people like y'all...and I mean that. You all deserve a pat on the back and some kinda kick-a$$ reward fer being great.

I can't believe the responses I've gotten....I am in awe at the humanity possessed by the members of this board. I never thought I would receive this much love.

I have truly been humbled.

I just thought I'd stop in again and soak up some love to tie me peeps are the greatest.

As for what happened, well, what can I say but I turned into a squid for a day.

It was pretty breezy out when I was riding...gusts were probably up to 40-45mph. I was riding down a two-lane road with some hit by one of them cross-breezes. No problem...just counter-steer, add throttle and VOILA! Instant correction.

Now I've been doin this for awhile...I never was scared of the bike shifting with the breeze. Only thing that made this one different was speed....I was hitting about 70-80mph...and was traveling near the edge of lane.

Cross-breeze hits, no worries, says da PAC...counter-steer, add throttle, you're good to go.

Cross-breeze doesn't stop....still kicks the bike outwards...I figure add more throttle and more lean and I should be fine. No worries...

I lean, add more throttle, look to the side, and WHOA....I'm three inches away from some nasty gravel and dirt....and my tires are already needing replacement. I figure this can't be good.

By this time, I'm still hanging on in first gear...waiting for this scenario to play to an end. Doesn't seem to happen quick enough. All I see is dirt coming up real fast.

So how does PAC react in the clutch?

HE FUGGIN a little shid-brained squid. He blasts the throttle...pulls off a kick a$$, Isle of Mann style corner-out wheelie away from the dirt...freaks himself out that he's pulling it off, and doesn't let off the throttle. That awesome 10 o'clock wheelie quickly turns into a 12 which even more quickly turns into a 1 o'clock.

So now what? PAC thinks, "FUG THIS SHID! I ain't havin no 500+ pound bike squish me like a bug". He kicks off and away from the bike...lands on his a$$, slides on it, then starts rolling like a Cuban Cigar on the road.

Helmet saves the noggin that couldn't save the bike...shield gets ripped does the left side of my jeans that I was wearing. My shirt rips as well...and my hands...well, let's just say that without any gloves, I lost all three layers of skin on my left palm along with some nerve right palm suffers some damage, but nothing like the left. I also lose the first two layers of skin from my elbows to my wrists...on both arms.

So yeah...that's the account. I don't know if I'm making any sense, as the drugs are mighty kick-a$$ this time of the night. I think I'm suffering hallucinations from it.

The other night the Percoset knocked me SOOO the fugg out...I woke in a drugged stupor thinking I was on the floor of Monstah's garage. Fer a moment I thought it was all a bad dream, so I clenched my fists to check if it was.

The pain in my palms reminded me how much of a squid I still am.

That's all da PAC can write up fer now. I found out that if you push your wrists hard enough on the restboards of the keyboard holder, you can numb your hands.

Oh I lay in my room thinking about all of this, I can only picture the people laughing at this when they read it.

I guess I've earned the first stripes of the dishonorable "Squidly" badge.

Heh...PACIFICBUSA - "the Squidly One"

I guess I should change my title.

Oh and get ta whack me fer free, bro. I ain't even gonna try and stop the whuppin.

PB out....
Crap PAC! Man, I am sorry to hear of your spill! Looks like you have a bit of healing to do. Hope you're feeling better soon, bro'.
damn man ... no laughing here ... that ain't funny at all ... not even a squid move in my opinion ... how can you practice for wind gusts and then continuous wind gusts that high ... glad it's not worse and wishing you a full and speedy recovery!
He blasts the throttle...pulls off a kick a$$, Isle of Mann style corner-out wheelie away from the dirt.
Sorry to hear this man...I know how painfull those abrasions can be and how difficult it can make sleeping. Isle of Mann style kicks ass and beats just driving off of the road. Hope your recovery is quick.
Pac, sorry to hear that bro. I pray for you a speedy recovery. We all have our squid moments in life. Your not the only one out there that had bad mishaps. Just remember, you have been thru the worse, now its time to move foward and learn from you experiance. We need you here to keep us reminded that shaving is the key to happiness.
Feel better brother..

you want ain't seen nuthin yet.

Take yer time healin' , then we'll do the parts list .

stay away from the ointment , let 'em air dry an' heal.

Been there. Dun that. RSD.
sorry to hear it dude... the really bad part was I think you were working on getting some gear weren't ya?

sounded like a lose, lose situation if it makes you feel better... if you didn't fight it..the rocks woulda sucked anyway.
Pac versus Wind.....dayam...For many years lot's of us rode standards...cb750's
Kz1000's..etc...Then in 84 the Ninja 900 after that a GSXR110, 1000 Concours, now the Busa...The side winds have a whole new meaning.....Busa is truly scary in high wind..from the side..compromise is the word...fully faired and fast....but more at mercy of mother nature than standards we rode before----a while back someone said do not ever go at max speed when it's even in first gear
it can get ya.....Hope you are feeling abit better Pac...