Anyone up for the 5th annual Caps Meet n Greet? How about Oct 7-9

summer if you are going to go and ride give me a shout i'm still trying to get off work but if i can i will probably ride down unless its like the last time we tried to ride down if you still have my number text me or pm me and ill give it to ya
Have family plans that weekend....sorry to have to miss the Oklahoma mountain range ride... :laugh: Besides, i cant afford to buy another helmet! :crowbar:
Have agreat time ladies and gentleman... :thumbsup:
Ya'll have fun. Wish we could make it.....we will as soon as things settle down some.
Okay so these are hard dates I hear.... The plans are similiar to the past, folks come rolling in on Friday, we will surely do a quick night ride somewhere... Sat morning up for breakfast somewhere, I think we are going to try to mix it up a little this year too... We will head out on a group ride after breakfast, not sure the destination this year but it won't be Mt. Scott. back home on Sat afternoon to fire the grill up for a quiet evening of laughter at the house.... Sun morning breakfast at the house and people start rolling out about noonish to get home...

Same promise from me this year as always... You find a way to get here and I will find a place for you to sleep... Maybe on the couch, maybe on the floor but you will have a pillow and a blanket.. We have plenty of room if you want to bring a trailer to sleep in or a tent to pitch.... We will work it out one way or the other.... We do a little riding each year but make no mistake this has turned into more of a closing of the riding season than anything... Last year was pretty nice but the year before was COLD! You never know it's Oklahoma weather... We try to just get as many folks together as we can to just say "What a great year of riding".

Several of the meals we provide so food should not be an issue either. I just need a good count of who will be coming on the final few days before Friday.


Friday as people roll in all day > Homemade Stew and Cornbread
Sat morning > Cover yourself at restaraunt
Sat lunch > Cover yourself at restaraunt
Sat Supper > Steaks, chicken, salad, sides
Sunday Morning ? Home made waffles and sausage

Snacks always available....
Hey hey hey, We are in for sure, We dont have a race that weekend so we can make it. I cant wait, We already had to miss James and Julie a couple weeks ago, So we will get to see everyone in one trip. I XXXXXXCITED
sorry guys not making this one either to much stuff going on here right at the moment with work and kids.Have fun catch you all in the spring somewhere i hope
If I'm still invited and there's room for me on the floor. :-) I wouldn't miss it. I'm driving not riding though.
Would love to go however we are going to help my mother-in-law move . . . and, wait!! Just had an idea!!

We can move her in with you Cap!! Help her move and go to the meet!!
Great idea!! Kill two birds with one stone!! Watcha think!!!
We'll be there. Still trying to decide if we'll be riding or driving. Not sure if I'll be up to wearing a helmet then.