Anyone up for the 5th annual Caps Meet n Greet? How about Oct 7-9

Hurry up Friday

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Who is bringing a bike?

I not bringing mine cause it has 2 plugs in back tire, Plus that way I can spend some quality time with my lovely wife taking her shopping or something, Since she has spent the last 3 months going racing with me, LOL, What a husband I am...........
well, Lucy didn't make it...went to fuel up Tues night and didn't have a headlight as the ballast is done...fired up the cage yesterday morning for the first time since the beginning of May and hit the road, i'm waiting on you guys to get here! :beerchug:

btw, Cap is doing a great job so far of logging off all of his computers :rofl:
btw, Cap is doing a great job so far of logging off all of his computers......... you think he would have forgotten about that by now :rofl:
I will be riding mine over. Still looking good, but that is subject to chg based on work. Will let you guys know asap. I will need an address.

Next year if the situation is right. I will Fly down and Rent a Bike. Have a good time this weekend !

We will be leaving by 5 pm friday afternoon
We will be leaving as soon as Diana gets home from work (around 5:30). We aren't bringing any bikes this trip.