Are we law abiding riders?

I take full responibility for my actions....
...and if that means pulling over and taking what I've got coming well,...'s just that simple.

Rulez is :rulez:
time and a place for everything I figure... if you get nailed because you screwed up the time or the place, then yep, I guess I would pull over (never had a ticket so far in 40 years with 5 of those as an OTR driver).. I can honestly say I have obeyed the speed limit every time I have ever ridden my bike.. :whistle: (maybe two or three times the limit even) :laugh:
I have been in a hurry sometimes but for the most part safe driver, have to be I make a living off my driving privilege. As for running technically never. If they get behind me or flash the lights on me I will stop no matter what I am doing. However if they never get behind me there is really no way for me to know that they wanted , me to pull over.:whistle:
I have only ran once a long time ago. Back when I was single and didn't have a care in the world. Now that I have a family, wouldn't do it. Usually cruise the speed limit or 5- 10 above. What's the point of being out for the enjoyment of two wheels to go that fast and get where your going faster. I have owned the mistress for about 6 months now and hit 100 once. I don't have a problem playing some while your out as long as your careful. The fun is getting to certain speeds, but getting there and staying there is where it starts to get more dangerous. Just my thoughts on it.
Bingo, My thoughts exactly.
Why did any of us buy the world's fastest production bike? Each person owns a Hayabusa for the identity of self and self only. I am not looking for anyones approval for how or what I ride...but I do ride with an attitude of respect to those around me, no matter how far in front or behind.
I guess if the situation arises it will depend on the road Im on at the time and traffic conditions. Im not going to put anyone else at risk swirving in and out of traffic. But if its a nice long straight and he just lit them up going the oppostie direction I might just tuck down and wind her up.

Im sure some day we will see what I do, I know this Busa is going to get me in trouble some day.

Bottom line is that you are an adult and responsible for YOUR actions. If you are wondering whether or not you will get sympathy here if you get probably won't.:welcome:
That Trooper Busa will keep you honest!

Yes it will! During our ride that day, Steve was leading us down a four lane highway on that trooper busa. We were running right at the speed limit, staggered, two by two. Up ahead, I see about 15 custom choppers at a stop sign ready to turn on our road. About half of them turned in front of our group, and half turned in behind our pack. I look in my mirror, and here is one of those fools in the left lane just going for it. He was going to impress all these crotch rockets! The guy gets well past our group, and steve pulled out and chased the guy down in no time. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. When our group cought up and passed the chopers, the guilty party had his hands out while talking to his pal, as if to say, how was I to know there was a Oklahoma State trooper in that bunch of bikes. I was so funny!:laugh:
Yes it will! During our ride that day, Steve was leading us down a four lane highway on that trooper busa. We were running right at the speed limit, staggered, two by two. Up ahead, I see about 15 custom choppers at a stop sign ready to turn on our road. About half of them turned in front of our group, and half turned in behind our pack. I look in my mirror, and here is one of those fools in the left lane just going for it. He was going to impress all these crotch rockets! The guy gets well past our group, and steve pulled out and chased the guy down in no time. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. When our group cought up and passed the chopers, the guilty party had his hands out while talking to his pal, as if to say, how was I to know there was a Oklahoma State trooper in that bunch of bikes. I was so funny!:laugh:

I met Steve at the Eureka Springs meet and greet last year and he seems like a great guy. There are probably a lot of great guys in law enforcement, but I have been very unfortunate in nearly every encounter I've ever had, and I get the guy that want's to teach "my kind" a lesson. I am usually pulled over waiting for them before they get turned around to chase, and I am always polite and cooperative with them during the encounter. That rarely seems to matter for me. I have had them be anything from impressed with how fast I was going, to personally upset with me, but I always get a lecture and the book thrown at me. I don't really even mind the lecture or the fine, as I have mellowed in my old age, and I know I shouldn't have been riding 91 in a 70, but the psych evaluation concerning my wish to kill myself and everybody else on the interstate, and the screaming are a bit much. (people who wish to kill themselves don't wear full gear and ride a Hayabusa 90 MPH)
I would venture to guess that most on this board are decent riders and do not ride WOT every time they straddle their bike.

I consider myself a decent rider and 99% of the time a safe rider.
I don't hot rod the Busa every time I straddle her (I want to, but I don't). But on occasion I do wind her up pretty tight.

I would bet that everyone who rides, hotrods their bike every once in a while. Those that say that they never, ever hot rod their bike I probably would not believe. After all that is part of riding a motorcycle and escpecially a Hayabusa.
Gotta blow her out every now and then. and it helps get the dust out of all those hard to reach places.:laugh:
Gotta blow her out every now and then. and it helps get the dust out of all those hard to reach places.:laugh:

No sir, I'm not in a hurry. No sir, my house is not burning down. Sir, would you believe, I'm dusting it? Badazgtp told me it's how he did it.

Yessir, into the back seat, I understand.
butter bean the rider says;

i'm not going to pretend that i never violate a few laws here and there. but when the time comes to pay the taxes for acting silly on a public roadway them i'll just take my lick and be done with it. If I feel i didn't deserve what i got then there are ways of dealing with it. i cant afford to run so thats not an option..

i tend to take the mentality that there is a time and place for everything and as long as your not endangering anyone then its not a big deal.

butter bean the cop says;
be straight with me and ill be fair with you.

there is a time and place for everything and as long as you don't endanger anyone then we can get along just fine.

i give more warnings than tickets. its your attitude that determined the outcome not the violation.
No sir, I'm not in a hurry. No sir, my house is not burning down. Sir, would you believe, I'm dusting it? Badazgtp told me it's how he did it.

Yessir, into the back seat, I understand.

Don't get me wrong. Like in one of my previous post, in the 6 months I've had her, she's hit 100 once. Other than that, I pretty much run the speed limit. But, what I was saying, it's always fun to get to the speed limit faster than normal every now and then. Especially when you have a 70-75 mph speed limit.