He actually hit her twice. First one was across the table at :03 second mark. Like a hard slap or weak punch?
Then she stood up and came back for more which he took a full swing at her. Hit her square on the cheek too! What if he had broken her face and put her in a coma? Would she still deserve it?
She was wrong and he was wrong. Momma always said two wrongs don't make a right.
Take away their leo status and what he did would be looked at completely different. Kinda seems like he lost his cool and got into a bar fight with a drunken woman? I don't think more video would show them to be anymore right.
Take another look or two. I agree he slapped her across the face lightly from memory after she grabbed him. I though he swung and missed but after watching it a few more times he grabs her face. Yes , with his size and a swing he would have probably shattered a cheek bone.
Take away the leo status; whatever that is and he wouldn't have been there. After she involves herself with her friends problem she was in the wrong. Add to that she grabbed him and then struck him several times.
The situation could have been handled differently but it's always easy to sit in the recliner, study a short clip a few dozen times and think about what you would have or wouldn't have done. He didn't have that opportunity did he.