Atlanta Cop gives woman a mike tyson right cross!

Cops don't get much Respect Now days unless your **** hit's the fan and you have No Where to turn. Yes there are BAD COPS out there but the Majority of them are dealing with the BS that we as a Society don't want to look at or deal with. :rulez:

If you don't believe me.................CALL 911 in a 3rd World Country :moon:


They don't have 911 but they do have Ak47 :laugh:
Don't have an opinion.

I have never hit a woman, and, I have never been a cop, so I really don't know, as I don't have the experience.
If it were my daughter (and I have one so i'm not just dealing with a non-reality); I probably wouldn't like it that she got punched, but after I bailed her out and got her home, I'd have to also spank her azz because SHE WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO INTERFERE WITH A POLICE OFFICER! It didn't phase her because he pulled the punch...if he'd hit her square on it would have knocked her out. If he'd had the chance he probably would have tased her instead but didn't look like he had the opportunity in close quarters.

He acted within his training and authority, even though he will still look bad in the court of public opinion.

I have a daughter too, so it's not a "non reality" for me either.
My daughter is being raised to be polite and respectful, and I pray she always carries herself that way.
I already said that the girls in video appeared as though they would act the same sober, and that most people would like to knock them out for that reason.
However that is no excuse for the police to act in such a way.
Two officers twice her size could easily have grabbed and cuffed her. Instead he let his temper get the best him. He took a light swing, then leaned back and threw his best punch. Which was pitiful, and in no way "pulled".
Had he not been a cop there's no way he would've walked in court.
Police abuse there authority every day, and this is an example. Granted and thankfully most of them don't, but when they do they should not receive special privalige. Just because you wear a badge does not make you right.
Sure they have a tough job, and everyone is entitled to have a bad day once in a while.
If we could beat up whom ever we choose(especially when they deserve it), then we would've already walked into Washington and threw out, beat up, and fired the sorry a$$ majority of lawmakers that are ruining this once great nation. But we can't do that either.
The girls AND the cops were in the wrong in this situation. Since when are cops(especially male officers) trained and authorized to swing for the fences and try to deck a drunk female half their size? No matter how much she deserved it.
I have a daughter too, so it's not a "non reality" for me either.
My daughter is being raised to be polite and respectful, and I pray she always carries herself that way.
I already said that the girls in video appeared as though they would act the same sober, and that most people would like to knock them out for that reason.
However that is no excuse for the police to act in such a way.
Two officers twice her size could easily have grabbed and cuffed her. Instead he let his temper get the best him. He took a light swing, then leaned back and threw his best punch. Which was pitiful, and in no way "pulled".
Had he not been a cop there's no way he would've walked in court.
Police abuse there authority every day, and this is an example. Granted and thankfully most of them don't, but when they do they should not receive special privalige. Just because you wear a badge does not make you right.
Sure they have a tough job, and everyone is entitled to have a bad day once in a while.
If we could beat up whom ever we choose(especially when they deserve it), then we would've already walked into Washington and threw out, beat up, and fired the sorry a$$ majority of lawmakers that are ruining this once great nation. But we can't do that either.
The girls AND the cops were in the wrong in this situation. Since when are cops(especially male officers) trained and authorized to swing for the fences and try to deck a drunk female half their size? No matter how much she deserved it.

You kind of go this way, that way in your response. Bottom line, I've never received special training in regards to females. Well, one exception. I was told that it would be a good idea to have a female officer search a female. Not a lot of females in this job. So we just let a female jailer do the job when we get there.

I think you really need to go back and review the video, but there's really not a lot here to go on. You need to ride one night every weekend for a year with a local cop. I think you might see things differently.
I have a daughter too, so it's not a "non reality" for me either.
My daughter is being raised to be polite and respectful, and I pray she always carries herself that way.
I already said that the girls in video appeared as though they would act the same sober, and that most people would like to knock them out for that reason.
However that is no excuse for the police to act in such a way.
Two officers twice her size could easily have grabbed and cuffed her. Instead he let his temper get the best him. He took a light swing, then leaned back and threw his best punch. Which was pitiful, and in no way "pulled".
Had he not been a cop there's no way he would've walked in court.
Police abuse there authority every day, and this is an example. Granted and thankfully most of them don't, but when they do they should not receive special privalige. Just because you wear a badge does not make you right.
Sure they have a tough job, and everyone is entitled to have a bad day once in a while.
If we could beat up whom ever we choose(especially when they deserve it), then we would've already walked into Washington and threw out, beat up, and fired the sorry a$$ majority of lawmakers that are ruining this once great nation. But we can't do that either.
The girls AND the cops were in the wrong in this situation. Since when are cops(especially male officers) trained and authorized to swing for the fences and try to deck a drunk female half their size? No matter how much she deserved it.

Then I hope, when you show this video to your daughter, you explain to her how monumental a mistake it was for this girl to get involved with pushing/shoving/touching/hitting a police officer - I will.
You kind of go this way, that way in your response. Bottom line, I've never received special training in regards to females. Well, one exception. I was told that it would be a good idea to have a female officer search a female. Not a lot of females in this job. So we just let a female jailer do the job when we get there.

I think you really need to go back and review the video, but there's really not a lot here to go on. You need to ride one night every weekend for a year with a local cop. I think you might see things differently.

I have a good friend who was a cop for 5 years.
I have spent alot of time talking with him on many situations, and ones like this too.
I've also personally seen police abuse their authority on several occasions, and also in situations I witnessed that were not directed at me.
No one's perfect, as there are good and bad on both sides of the law.
I'm sure it is hard to deal with people like this day in and day out.
I have always been polite and respectful to the police, and I've only had a few minor traffic tickets in my youth(none in alomost a decade). I was always met with a hateful and disrespectful attitude, no matter how nice I was.
As I said I know not all police are this way, and everyone is entitled to have a bad day. There is however a certain amount of proffessionalism expected.:beerchug:
Then I hope, when you show this video to your daughter, you explain to her how monumental a mistake it was for this girl to get involved with pushing/shoving/touching/hitting a police officer - I will.

I agree that it was, and I think the girl in the video probably needed alot more than she got.
I just think that it was wrong and unprofessional for the cop to try and deck her when the 2 of them could have easily subdued her.
I have said enough.
I had also promised myself I would no longer get involved in non bike related threads.
My mistake.
I hope you all have a good day, police and civillian.:beerchug:
I have a good friend who was a cop for 5 years.
I have spent alot of time talking with him on many situations, and ones like this too.
I've also personally seen police abuse their authority on several occasions, and also in situations I witnessed that were not directed at me.
No one's perfect, as there are good and bad on both sides of the law.
I'm sure it is hard to deal with people like this day in and day out.
I have always been polite and respectful to the police, and I've only had a few minor traffic tickets in my youth(none in alomost a decade). I was always met with a hateful and disrespectful attitude, no matter how nice I was.
As I said I know not all police are this way, and everyone is entitled to have a bad day. There is however a certain amount of proffessionalism expected.:beerchug:

Well, I agree. Part of the problem is you are taught to be professional, but that training can make you seem harsh. After the academy I had to learn how to handle folks in a different way. Professional = bad attitude to some. Your statement " I was always met with a hateful and disrespectful attitude, no matter how nice I was. " is exactly why I can't wait to retire. I get complaints all the time, even on my days off :laugh:
I have said enough.
I had also promised myself I would no longer get involved in non bike related threads.
My mistake.
I hope you all have a good day, police and civillian.:beerchug:

I was thinking the same thing on my first post :laugh:
According to what I watched on tv today their was an investigation and the officer was cleared of any wrong doing. However, the woman was jailed and charged with assault on an officer and drunk and disorderly.

I have to agree with Dadofthree. I think he has a pretty good handle on the situation!

Humm, cops clearing cops, the initial investigation cleared the cops in the Rodney King Beating also.:poke: How many times has a cop done something wrong and was cleared by the internal investigation?

Did she do something wrong? Yes
Did she deserve to go to jail? Yes
Did the cop use poor judgement? Yes
Does the cop deserve disipliary action? Yes

Doesn't matter how tough a job is or if you are having a bad day or not, do what you are trained to do!!!
Well, I agree. Part of the problem is you are taught to be professional, but that training can make you seem harsh. After the academy I had to learn how to handle folks in a different way. Professional = bad attitude to some. Your statement " I was always met with a hateful and disrespectful attitude, no matter how nice I was. " is exactly why I can't wait to retire. I get complaints all the time, even on my days off :laugh:

:laugh: Andy Griffith justice my good man!:beerchug:
Humm, cops clearing cops, the initial investigation cleared the cops in the Rodney King Beating also.:poke: How many times has a cop done something wrong and was cleared by the internal investigation?

Did she do something wrong? Yes
Did she deserve to go to jail? Yes
Did the cop use poor judgement? Yes
Does the cop deserve disipliary action? Yes

Doesn't matter how tough a job is or if you are having a bad day or not, do what you are trained to do!!!

That's exactly what the officer did! He quickly and without hesitation took control before the situation had a chance to get out of hand. That woman forfieted any rights she may have had to special treatment due to being a lady when she took a swing at the officer. From that point forward she deserved exactly what she received! :thumbsup:
What everyone needs to realize ; is you never get the full story from this crap. In my experience as a law enforcement officer, law enforcement officers are investigated like nobodies business, yes by cops. I've never been investigated by IA because I've always worked small departments. I have been investigated twice in the past 16 years by SLED and I'm so thankful that I have audio / video running on every contact. It's not the walk in the park you think it is.
The cop should be written up for such a weak punch. He should have dropped her with one punch and then cuffed her. It would have not looked as bad and would have been over before it started. Another technique would be a sleeper hold which really would have looked like nothing. If he had a tazer he should have used it. If he had pepper spray he should have cleared out all of the onlooking retards with it as he hosed her down. Then quickly remove themselves from the building. Let the noisy morons inhale the pepper spray for good luck! So, the officer handled it too gingerly and made it worse. He needed more force quicker to stop the entire show.

Remember, Rodney King was a good arrest. It just looked terrible on a video. The general public didn't have the experience to know that the officers did nothing wrong. Oh well......
Dad - I know you don't get much of this, but...Thanks for what you do!!
Not a cop hater in any way but is that really the actions of a trained professional ?

I think David Bowie/ Pat Metheny say it best.

Bowie/Pat Metheny - This Is Not America (Promo Clip) - YouTube[/url]