Attention Ladies of the org


Donating Member
So, I've got a date this Saturday. I've only been on 1 other "First date" so this is new to me. (Yeah yeah... Yuck it up at the inexperienced 23 yr old ya bastids...
) So, I've got the date with a cute Mennonite woman that works next to where I work... Yeah, don't ask how Yamahor pulled off a date with a Mennonite woman, I don't even know... Anyway, What do women want on the first date? I'm not trying to play her, just trying to make her comfortable, possibly get more dates. She's cool, we talk all the time at work (She works in a Sandwich Shop owned by the same people that own the Station I work in. Lots of walking in between the 2 for both stores), and it seems our personality's match. She's got a good sense of humor too. Anyway, First date I got taking her to Ruby Tuesdays planned, I offered to pick her up, but she just wants to meet there... That right there has me wondering... But, the guys at work keep telling me Wal-Mart is perfect for a first date, cause as you're walking along, you can pick out a movie for a second date... I just don't know though... HELP ME! Ladies, I would mainly like to hear from you. But the guys can throw in ideas too.
Find out what all interests she has. Does she like animals? Browse thru a pet store. If she likes to bowl you could do that ? I wouldn't worry too much about her meeting you at the restaurant - she's probably nervous and worried you'll judge her by her house/neighborhood. I'd probably do the same thing. Wal-mart is a good idea - good way to get to know someone without a lot of pressure.

Flowers are always good too on a first date.
Talking about sex w/ farm animals is not a good thing for a first date. Save that for the second or third.

Seriously though, shut up and listen. Ladies like to be listened to, at least I think that's what the wife said. Dunno, wasn't really paying attention to her.

Good luck with it Ben.
Best piece of advice I can give right now is not to listen to anything SAMBUSA posts, especially if you want a second date!
wal mart bad idea!

throw in a movie after dinner it will give you two more to talk about. Dead silence time is uncomfortable time.
so like all you are "closet" ladies?
figured the truth could sneak out somehow...
Find out what all interests she has. Does she like animals? Browse thru a pet store. If she likes to bowl you could do that ? I wouldn't worry too much about her meeting you at the restaurant - she's probably nervous and worried you'll judge her by her house/neighborhood. I'd probably do the same thing. Wal-mart is a good idea - good way to get to know someone without a lot of pressure.

Flowers are always good too on a first date.
Okay, since I'm not gonna listen to Sam, How should I present flowers? What kind?
Ben, I wouldn't sweat about her meeting you there bro. If she's your age and menonite then she prolly still lives w/ the folks. If that's the case, meeting "strict religious" parents on the first date could be a bad thing. She may want to get to know you before the parents try to get rid of you.

As far as the flowers, dont get roses. They are over-used and scream "I want something serious" Get Daisy's or something of the sort. Better yet, interrogate her coworkers and find out what her favorite flower is.
Talking about sex w/ farm animals is not a good thing for a first date.  Save that for the second or third.  

Seriously though, shut up and listen.  Ladies like to be listened to, at least I think that's what the wife said.  Dunno, wasn't really paying attention to her.  

Good luck with it Ben.


Find out what all interests she has.  Does she like animals?  Browse thru a pet store.  If she likes to bowl you could do that  ?  I wouldn't worry too much about her meeting you at the restaurant - she's probably nervous and worried you'll judge her by her house/neighborhood.  I'd probably do the same thing.  Wal-mart is a good idea - good way to get to know someone without a lot of pressure.  

Flowers are always good too on a first date.  
Okay, since I'm not gonna listen to Sam, How should I present flowers? What kind?
I'd recommend going to a florist and getting her a couple of flowers. something small, nothing big and fancy. That lets her know you went the extra mile - shows her you put some thought into it and didn't just get her a cheap, half dead bouquet at walmart.
so like all you are "closet" ladies?  
   figured the truth could sneak out somehow...
I've never been in the "closet"  I lost my manhood a long time ago


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I'm on fire today. Been up since 2200 last night, I start acting loopy when I've had no sleep.


Yeah...take her to Wal-Mart...that's a nice romantic destination. For your second date you can go to the courthouse and get the restraining order renewed.

"Look honey, there's ANOTHER dirty drunken idiot shuffling around aimlessly with a package of toilet paper under each arm. How many does that make? Nine? I'm losing count. Hey...where'd she go?"