Attention Ladies of the org

I'm on fire today.  Been up since 2200 last night, I start acting loopy when I've had no sleep.
Drink some more.

Got it by the gallon
I'd give her the flowers at the restaurant when she first gets there. Less ackward with a lot of people around and she'll think about how sweet you are all evening.
I don't know about the flowers.. if you do, certainly not roses, and maybe 1 nice flower. Just a little something, but not overwhelming like a dozen roses would be. A carnation, daisy, somthing different.

Dinner is good. But WalMart? Don't listen to your friends. Not unless you are going there to buy dessert or something. Don't just go there to walk around. Are there any game rooms? Pool halls? (NOT a bar) putt-putt golf? I always like to go DO something after dinner. Maybe a walk around an inside mall? With a coffee joint as your last stop?

And yes, listen to her, so you can figure out what to do on the second date. Also be sure to ask her questions about herself. be interested in what she has to say.
Roses are fine as long as they are not red where are you from getting at hows the weather if you live some place warm anything outside will work wonders like a nice place to eat outside rube tuesdays is fine if you have nothing outside or the weather is bad but you want something more laid back something like the melting pot( you need a place inside makes the dinner longer so more time to talk and it sets a nice mellow mood and dont stress the second date still have to get threw the first hope you have fun man
I'd give her the flowers at the restaurant when she first gets there.  Less ackward with a lot of people around and she'll think about how sweet you are all evening.  
In front of a crowd? Embarrassing.

Just have a nice dinner and conversation. Load her up on the Wine and go from there.

I don't know about the flowers.. if you do, certainly not roses, and maybe 1 nice flower. Just a little something, but not overwhelming like a dozen roses would be. A carnation, daisy, somthing different.

Dinner is good. But WalMart? Don't listen to your friends. Not unless you are going there to buy dessert or something. Don't just go there to walk around. Are there any game rooms? Pool halls? (NOT a bar) putt-putt golf? I always like to go DO something after dinner. Maybe a walk around an inside mall? With a coffee joint as your last stop?

And yes, listen to her, so you can figure out what to do on the second date. Also be sure to ask her questions about herself. be interested in what she has to say.
I think his friends were on the right track with the Wal-Mart suggestion. Just maybe not Wal-Mart. Mall would be good. Especially one that has little places like Cinnabon for dessert.
I don't know about the flowers.. if you do, certainly not roses, and maybe 1 nice flower. Just a little something, but not overwhelming like a dozen roses would be. A carnation, daisy, somthing different.

Dinner is good. But WalMart? Don't listen to your friends. Not unless you are going there to buy dessert or something. Don't just go there to walk around. Are there any game rooms? Pool halls? (NOT a bar) putt-putt golf? I always like to go DO something after dinner. Maybe a walk around an inside mall? With a coffee joint as your last stop?

And yes, listen to her, so you can figure out what to do on the second date. Also be sure to ask her questions about herself. be interested in what she has to say.
I think his friends were on the right track with the Wal-Mart suggestion.  Just maybe not Wal-Mart.  Mall would be good.  Especially one that has little places like Cinnabon for dessert.
And a Fredricks store.

Knew that was coming
Just being truthful. She will get the hint when you keep going by the store stopping and smiling. Get her email and add her to the mailing list also.

No matter what she may say, every woman loves to receive flowers. They may say stuff like "ËœOh why did you bother' or "ËœYou shouldn't have', but they don't really mean it. It is always a very special feeling to be the on the receiving end of this delightful visual treat, be it a single bloom or an elaborate floral arrangement.

There are many opportunities for presenting a woman with flowers. Whether you surprise her with a bouquet when she least expects it, or present her with it a predictable occasion like her birthday. And whether it is expected or unexpected, it still remains an undeniable pleasure. Every flower has a special meaning attached to it. Keeping that in mind, here are some suggestions on when to present your date with flowers and the options you have. And be sure to enlighten her about what it means, especially if you've chosen a more unusual one. Some flowers have exotic meanings, but aren't as visually appealing as their simpler counterparts. Keep this in mind too!

The occasion - your first date

Right at the start of a potential relationship, the first date is just the first of many new beginnings. And a guy always wonders whether or not he should take flowers. Will it seem too soon, what kind of a reaction will he get, what kind of flowers should he take? And sometimes he decides to just forego it altogether, because it might seem too awkward. Often though, a woman loves to receive flowers on a first date.

And if you're picking her up at the door, there's nothing as sweet as a guy standing on your doorstep with flowers behind his back and a sweet little-boy bashfulness on his face, wondering when he should whip them out. It makes a woman feel girlish again, as if she's going out to her first prom. As you're unsure about the woman herself on the first date, what her taste in flowers is and even whether you're going to like her, it's safest to go in for a single bloom, possibly a red rosebud if you want to be blatantly romantic, or an elegantly simple sheaf of flowers. This way, you won't be spending too much on a date you're still unsure about, and yet in the event it does not work out, she's left with a wonderful feeling of a sensitive guy who took the trouble to bring her flowers.

The message on the card "“ A simple "˜In anticipation' should do the trick. You don't want to get too effusive; it is your first date
First date I would do lunch on the weekend. Some place decent and close to other stuff like a mall or park. You can spring for a nice lunch easier than a nice dinner and they are more relaxed about it. If it doesn't go well no biggie, its not like to planned to be together all day. However if its going great you have the rest of the day if you guys want. Her meeting you is another way for her not to feel trapped if things dont go well. Don't worry about that, no need to face parental scrutiny yet.
Be relaxed and confident with her, listen first and dont ramble on. Chicks want a confident but caring guy that has his own life and a little time in it for them.

Lunch says it not real serious and I am not going to stalk you. Forget much right away.

Leave $5 in the jar on you way out.

I'd give her the flowers at the restaurant when she first gets there.  Less ackward with a lot of people around and she'll think about how sweet you are all evening.  
Load her up on the Wine and go from there.

NO....all wrong!!  He WANTS a second date.  
How do we know this will happen? Gotta play the cards sweetie.  

Oh you definitely are a player!
Walmart is a great idea! Ask your friends if they know David D, I think they stole the idea.

The guys suggesting dinner and a movie, are probably married or haven't had a second date for a long time. There is way too much pressure with a formal date. With formal dating you there is a lot of expectation, and you are bound to blow it. It's also hard for someone to like you when they are seeing signs that you like them more than they like you. Formal dates turn men into whimps.

What are your goals of the date? I'm guessing something like, get to know each other and have a good time. If that is the case, how is sitting in a dark room silently for 2 hours going to accomplish that? Likewise, how is being forced to stare at each other while you wait to eat enjoyable? It's very akward and very difficult to keep a conversation going unless you really hit it off.

Instead, keep it casual until you know she is worth your affection. Take her for tea and bring a deck of cards and play a few card games. In this situation, you aren't FORCED to talk and there is no awkward silence.
No matter what she may say, every woman loves to receive flowers. They may say stuff like "ËœOh why did you bother' or "ËœYou shouldn't have', but they don't really mean it. It is always a very special feeling to be the on the receiving end of this delightful visual treat, be it a single bloom or an elaborate floral arrangement.

There are many opportunities for presenting a woman with flowers. Whether you surprise her with a bouquet when she least expects it, or present her with it a predictable occasion like her birthday. And whether it is expected or unexpected, it still remains an undeniable pleasure. Every flower has a special meaning attached to it. Keeping that in mind, here are some suggestions on when to present your date with flowers and the options you have. And be sure to enlighten her about what it means, especially if you've chosen a more unusual one. Some flowers have exotic meanings, but aren't as visually appealing as their simpler counterparts. Keep this in mind too!

The occasion - your first date

Right at the start of a potential relationship, the first date is just the first of many new beginnings. And a guy always wonders whether or not he should take flowers. Will it seem too soon, what kind of a reaction will he get, what kind of flowers should he take? And sometimes he decides to just forego it altogether, because it might seem too awkward. Often though, a woman loves to receive flowers on a first date.

And if you're picking her up at the door, there's nothing as sweet as a guy standing on your doorstep with flowers behind his back and a sweet little-boy bashfulness on his face, wondering when he should whip them out. It makes a woman feel girlish again, as if she's going out to her first prom. As you're unsure about the woman herself on the first date, what her taste in flowers is and even whether you're going to like her, it's safest to go in for a single bloom, possibly a red rosebud if you want to be blatantly romantic, or an elegantly simple sheaf of flowers. This way, you won't be spending too much on a date you're still unsure about, and yet in the event it does not work out, she's left with a wonderful feeling of a sensitive guy who took the trouble to bring her flowers.

The message on the card "“ A simple "˜In anticipation' should do the trick. You don't want to get too effusive; it is your first date
Now there is a "copy and paste" reply.

Like you typed that.

NO....all wrong!!  He WANTS a second date.  
How do we know this will happen? Gotta play the cards sweetie.  

Oh you definitely are a player!  

Sam book his flight so I can book mine?

No matter what she may say, every woman loves to receive flowers. They may say stuff like "ËœOh why did you bother' or "ËœYou shouldn't have', but they don't really mean it. It is always a very special feeling to be the on the receiving end of this delightful visual treat, be it a single bloom or an elaborate floral arrangement.

There are many opportunities for presenting a woman with flowers. Whether you surprise her with a bouquet when she least expects it, or present her with it a predictable occasion like her birthday. And whether it is expected or unexpected, it still remains an undeniable pleasure. Every flower has a special meaning attached to it. Keeping that in mind, here are some suggestions on when to present your date with flowers and the options you have. And be sure to enlighten her about what it means, especially if you've chosen a more unusual one. Some flowers have exotic meanings, but aren't as visually appealing as their simpler counterparts. Keep this in mind too!

The occasion - your first date

Right at the start of a potential relationship, the first date is just the first of many new beginnings. And a guy always wonders whether or not he should take flowers. Will it seem too soon, what kind of a reaction will he get, what kind of flowers should he take? And sometimes he decides to just forego it altogether, because it might seem too awkward. Often though, a woman loves to receive flowers on a first date.

And if you're picking her up at the door, there's nothing as sweet as a guy standing on your doorstep with flowers behind his back and a sweet little-boy bashfulness on his face, wondering when he should whip them out. It makes a woman feel girlish again, as if she's going out to her first prom. As you're unsure about the woman herself on the first date, what her taste in flowers is and even whether you're going to like her, it's safest to go in for a single bloom, possibly a red rosebud if you want to be blatantly romantic, or an elegantly simple sheaf of flowers. This way, you won't be spending too much on a date you're still unsure about, and yet in the event it does not work out, she's left with a wonderful feeling of a sensitive guy who took the trouble to bring her flowers.

The message on the card "“ A simple "˜In anticipation' should do the trick. You don't want to get too effusive; it is your first date
Now there is a "copy and paste" reply.  

Like you typed that.  

i know... almost had me believing I might come home to find flowers tonight.

this is interesting... I live in the heart of Amish/Mennonite country right now and boy is that a lifestyle...

I would not be shocked if the date was during the day AND chaperoned to boot....


No matter what she may say, every woman loves to receive flowers. They may say stuff like "ËœOh why did you bother' or "ËœYou shouldn't have', but they don't really mean it. It is always a very special feeling to be the on the receiving end of this delightful visual treat, be it a single bloom or an elaborate floral arrangement.

There are many opportunities for presenting a woman with flowers. Whether you surprise her with a bouquet when she least expects it, or present her with it a predictable occasion like her birthday. And whether it is expected or unexpected, it still remains an undeniable pleasure. Every flower has a special meaning attached to it. Keeping that in mind, here are some suggestions on when to present your date with flowers and the options you have. And be sure to enlighten her about what it means, especially if you've chosen a more unusual one. Some flowers have exotic meanings, but aren't as visually appealing as their simpler counterparts. Keep this in mind too!

The occasion - your first date

Right at the start of a potential relationship, the first date is just the first of many new beginnings. And a guy always wonders whether or not he should take flowers. Will it seem too soon, what kind of a reaction will he get, what kind of flowers should he take? And sometimes he decides to just forego it altogether, because it might seem too awkward. Often though, a woman loves to receive flowers on a first date.

And if you're picking her up at the door, there's nothing as sweet as a guy standing on your doorstep with flowers behind his back and a sweet little-boy bashfulness on his face, wondering when he should whip them out. It makes a woman feel girlish again, as if she's going out to her first prom. As you're unsure about the woman herself on the first date, what her taste in flowers is and even whether you're going to like her, it's safest to go in for a single bloom, possibly a red rosebud if you want to be blatantly romantic, or an elegantly simple sheaf of flowers. This way, you won't be spending too much on a date you're still unsure about, and yet in the event it does not work out, she's left with a wonderful feeling of a sensitive guy who took the trouble to bring her flowers.

The message on the card "“ A simple "˜In anticipation' should do the trick. You don't want to get too effusive; it is your first date
Now there is a "copy and paste" reply.  

Like you typed that.  

i know... almost had me believing I might come home to find flowers tonight.  
Who is he kidding?


