Attention Ladies of the org

I mean really maybe that is why your making jokes about married guys instead of being one. Really I am not any kind of player but that is one of the worst things I have ever heard of. That makes r8 look like Casanova with his ideas.

If you do anything more than a movie make it fun and spontaneous. Have at least three fun things planned to do after dinner. Mini-golf, bowling, pool not in bar. All things suggested before feel her out and take her to the best option or even ask if you do not get a hint of which she would like best.

Wal-mart YGTBSM
Why is it such a bad idea?

Personally, I like Ikea more, but walmart works.
Shopping is not exactly a Mennonite activity of choice beings that they typically reject modern commercialized society..

I can not speak for your region but here they do not have:

Cars or any hydrocarbon powered vehicles
commercially produced clothing (all home made except for their Nikes)

and a number of other common conveniences that we are so used too..

Our Walmart even has a covered parking area for horse and buggy rigs along with hitching posts for the horses (their primary source of transportation)
Shopping is not exactly a Mennonite activity of choice beings that they typically reject modern commercialized society..

I can not speak for your region but here they do not have:

Cars or any hydrocarbon powered vehicles
commercially produced clothing (all home made except for their Nikes)

and a number of other common conveniences that we are so used too..

Our Walmart even has a covered parking area for horse and buggy rigs along with hitching posts for the horses (their primary source of transportation)
That's amish bro. Mennonite's arent as strict. They have electric and use cars etc.
sorry never herd of em
There are a couple different sects of Mennonites... the ones in this region are very "conservative" where some areas they are more into modern society... Google them up, Northern Indiana is quite the center for Amish/Mennonites that is why I was asking about his area..
The more "liberal" Mennonites here have a "community" van for going shopping... it is driven by a "non-Mennonite" volunteer..
sounds alot like amish. i built a house one time and the homeowners wanted amish built cabinets they had a non amish driver take them to the house. but they did use a makita cordless screwgun
There are a couple different sects of Mennonites... the ones in this region are very "conservative" where some areas they are more into modern society...   Google them up, Northern Indiana is quite the center for Amish/Mennonites    that is why I was asking about his area..
 The more "liberal" Mennonites here have a "community" van for going shopping...  it is driven by a "non-Mennonite" volunteer..
That's how the Amish are in our area. The Mennonites aren't much different than what we would call normal. Except for their wardrobe.

Maybe he shouldn't take her bowling. Could have a Kingpin on his hands
I don't care what she is Wally world is not a great first date. Well unless your in WVA well then it is ok but your sister will probably give you a second date anyway.
I don't know about the flowers.. if you do, certainly not roses, and maybe 1 nice flower. Just a little something, but not overwhelming like a dozen roses would be. A carnation, daisy, somthing different.

Dinner is good. But WalMart? Don't listen to your friends. Not unless you are going there to buy dessert or something. Don't just go there to walk around. Are there any game rooms? Pool halls? (NOT a bar) putt-putt golf? I always like to go DO something after dinner. Maybe a walk around an inside mall? With a coffee joint as your last stop?

And yes, listen to her, so you can figure out what to do on the second date. Also be sure to ask her questions about herself. be interested in what she has to say.
Yeah... We live in Waynesboro/Staunton area. There's nothing here as far as pool halls, gamerooms, etc. We do have an indoor mall...

As far as Walmart, I kinda figured it's a dumb idea. Didn't really consider it, but thought I'd run it by yall, cause, ya never know.
Suppose you could always ask her what she would like to do? Coffee/hot chocolate at the mall would be pretty casual..
If you really want her to like you and woreship the ground you walk on, all you have to do is be an a$$hole to her. Whenever I tried being nice to a girl I liked, most of the time it didnt work. One time I was kinda seeing a girl but wanted to break it off so I started being a a$$ to her and she liked me more and more...

Ok, just relax and be yourself and have fun and you should do just fine.
Okay I am a little late here.. but....

#1 Concern about her driving to meet you..... that is our final defense in case something goes ugly... and plus one .. if she is mennonite, she probably still lives with the 'rents

#2 Flowers... yes... not roses.... daisies/ lillies are a good idea... at the restaurant and don't make a huge deal of the presentation. Just "Here I got these for you" Let her make the big deal (or not) about them.

#3 NO WALMART!!! Mall is a good idea or bowling or putt putt..... DOING something on a date really breaks the ice and gets rid of crazy awkward silences. Ending up with Ice cream or coffee is a good idea.

#4 Don't make the first date last too long... get her back to her car by 8:30 - 9:00. No marathon all nighters... unless.. well... you know..... but she is Mennonite.

#5 Relax, be yourself, don't go overboard to impress her.... we have excellent BS detectors tuned in on a first date.

I think that is about it.. good luck, have fun, and SMILE! (and if you go dancing... don't lift your arms above your head,,,,, it makes you look gay!)

BTW... you got rid of that Kewpie doll haircut right?
Kewpie is gone, and thanks.
Shopping is not exactly a Mennonite activity of choice beings that they typically reject modern commercialized society..

I can not speak for your region but here they do not have:

Cars or any hydrocarbon powered vehicles
commercially produced clothing (all home made except for their Nikes)

and a number of other common conveniences that we are so used too..

Our Walmart even has a covered parking area for horse and buggy rigs along with hitching posts for the horses (their primary source of transportation)
Yeah... She drives a Ford Taurus... It does have 140 horses though!
Shoot, she even has a cellphone... Never thought I'd see the day I was text messaging a Mennonite woman.
Shopping is not exactly a Mennonite activity of choice beings that they typically reject modern commercialized society..

I can not speak for your region but here they do not have:

Cars or any hydrocarbon powered vehicles
commercially produced clothing (all home made except for their Nikes)

and a number of other common conveniences that we are so used too..

Our Walmart even has a covered parking area for horse and buggy rigs along with hitching posts for the horses (their primary source of transportation)
Yeah... She drives a Ford Taurus... It does have 140 horses though!
Shoot, she even has a cellphone... Never thought I'd see the day I was text messaging a Mennonite woman.
I guess there is a split in that church.. Still trying to figure out if they are Amish Mennonites or Mennonite Amish..

so I guess you can have her drive?