Attention Ladies of the org

No matter what she may say, every woman loves to receive flowers. They may say stuff like "ËœOh why did you bother' or "ËœYou shouldn't have', but they don't really mean it. It is always a very special feeling to be the on the receiving end of this delightful visual treat, be it a single bloom or an elaborate floral arrangement.

There are many opportunities for presenting a woman with flowers. Whether you surprise her with a bouquet when she least expects it, or present her with it a predictable occasion like her birthday. And whether it is expected or unexpected, it still remains an undeniable pleasure. Every flower has a special meaning attached to it. Keeping that in mind, here are some suggestions on when to present your date with flowers and the options you have. And be sure to enlighten her about what it means, especially if you've chosen a more unusual one. Some flowers have exotic meanings, but aren't as visually appealing as their simpler counterparts. Keep this in mind too!

The occasion - your first date

Right at the start of a potential relationship, the first date is just the first of many new beginnings. And a guy always wonders whether or not he should take flowers. Will it seem too soon, what kind of a reaction will he get, what kind of flowers should he take? And sometimes he decides to just forego it altogether, because it might seem too awkward. Often though, a woman loves to receive flowers on a first date.

And if you're picking her up at the door, there's nothing as sweet as a guy standing on your doorstep with flowers behind his back and a sweet little-boy bashfulness on his face, wondering when he should whip them out. It makes a woman feel girlish again, as if she's going out to her first prom. As you're unsure about the woman herself on the first date, what her taste in flowers is and even whether you're going to like her, it's safest to go in for a single bloom, possibly a red rosebud if you want to be blatantly romantic, or an elegantly simple sheaf of flowers. This way, you won't be spending too much on a date you're still unsure about, and yet in the event it does not work out, she's left with a wonderful feeling of a sensitive guy who took the trouble to bring her flowers.

The message on the card "“ A simple "˜In anticipation' should do the trick. You don't want to get too effusive; it is your first date
Now there is a "copy and paste" reply.  

Like you typed that.  


Did a little investigating for Ben.
No matter what she may say, every woman loves to receive flowers. They may say stuff like "ËœOh why did you bother' or "ËœYou shouldn't have', but they don't really mean it. It is always a very special feeling to be the on the receiving end of this delightful visual treat, be it a single bloom or an elaborate floral arrangement.

There are many opportunities for presenting a woman with flowers. Whether you surprise her with a bouquet when she least expects it, or present her with it a predictable occasion like her birthday. And whether it is expected or unexpected, it still remains an undeniable pleasure. Every flower has a special meaning attached to it. Keeping that in mind, here are some suggestions on when to present your date with flowers and the options you have. And be sure to enlighten her about what it means, especially if you've chosen a more unusual one. Some flowers have exotic meanings, but aren't as visually appealing as their simpler counterparts. Keep this in mind too!

The occasion - your first date

Right at the start of a potential relationship, the first date is just the first of many new beginnings. And a guy always wonders whether or not he should take flowers. Will it seem too soon, what kind of a reaction will he get, what kind of flowers should he take? And sometimes he decides to just forego it altogether, because it might seem too awkward. Often though, a woman loves to receive flowers on a first date.

And if you're picking her up at the door, there's nothing as sweet as a guy standing on your doorstep with flowers behind his back and a sweet little-boy bashfulness on his face, wondering when he should whip them out. It makes a woman feel girlish again, as if she's going out to her first prom. As you're unsure about the woman herself on the first date, what her taste in flowers is and even whether you're going to like her, it's safest to go in for a single bloom, possibly a red rosebud if you want to be blatantly romantic, or an elegantly simple sheaf of flowers. This way, you won't be spending too much on a date you're still unsure about, and yet in the event it does not work out, she's left with a wonderful feeling of a sensitive guy who took the trouble to bring her flowers.

The message on the card "“ A simple "˜In anticipation' should do the trick. You don't want to get too effusive; it is your first date
Now there is a "copy and paste" reply.  

Like you typed that.  


Did a little investigating for Ben.
What a nice thought from a Man who didn't attend.


this is interesting... I live in the heart of Amish/Mennonite country right now and boy is that a lifestyle...  

I would not be shocked if the date was during the day AND chaperoned to boot....  
Exactly. That's prolly why she wants to meet him there


Don't try too hard. I started dating my wife because she was old enough to buy beer and I wasn't. I didn't try to impress her buy buying her flowers. Now 7 years later we are still together and married for 4 years (I think it is 4 years). I tried to impress girls before and it got old after awhile.
Her not wanting you stop by no sweat. Like most people say probably different household then you grew up in so things might be a little awkward and she does not want that. Remember she wanted to date you also or would have never said yes so the pressure is on her as much as you. Remember that keep that in your mind you're a catch too.

As far as first dates. I think the flowers are a good idea I am a very romantic person. Everyone has seen pics of my wife and pics of me. I am in the military so she is definitely not after me for the money.

Listen to her like already suggested. She may be nervous so poke around at subjects till you come up with one that she is interested in talking about. You can show genuine interest in her being a Mennonite only if she is interesting in talking about it. So she does not feel like a project to you. Educate yourself as much as possible on the subject in case she is more than comfortable talking about it and you can throw in a few educated questions. She may be impressed with your knowledge like you are all worldly and smart.

You guys already have some kind of relationship be it a few light hearted jokes here and there or some small flirting back and fourth. Do not make this situation any different than it already it. The main part of those failed work relationships is that people like that real you that they see all day and then you change. I am no different around my wife as I am anywhere else. I have fun and laugh flirt play with people all the time. We had admired each other for a far for a bit before we started dating too. That is one of the things she liked about me is that I did not change it at all. I was a bit nicer and put on my southern charm of opening doors and brought her flowers but other than that I ate like I always to I was as crazy and did as many silly things as always.

Don't change what she already likes.

Sorry for the book. I do not know about allot of topics so when I get one I do know about I get into it.
<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
you're a catch too. [/quote] blew coffee out my nose...................
I was wondering how much she knew about his writing....
Okay I am a little late here.. but....

#1 Concern about her driving to meet you..... that is our final defense in case something goes ugly... and plus one .. if she is mennonite, she probably still lives with the 'rents

#2 Flowers... yes... not roses.... daisies/ lillies are a good idea... at the restaurant and don't make a huge deal of the presentation. Just "Here I got these for you" Let her make the big deal (or not) about them.

#3 NO WALMART!!! Mall is a good idea or bowling or putt putt..... DOING something on a date really breaks the ice and gets rid of crazy awkward silences. Ending up with Ice cream or coffee is a good idea.

#4 Don't make the first date last too long... get her back to her car by 8:30 - 9:00. No marathon all nighters... unless.. well... you know..... but she is Mennonite.

#5 Relax, be yourself, don't go overboard to impress her.... we have excellent BS detectors tuned in on a first date.

I think that is about it.. good luck, have fun, and SMILE! (and if you go dancing... don't lift your arms above your head,,,,, it makes you look gay!)

BTW... you got rid of that Kewpie doll haircut right?
What the hell kind of ladies well not sure you can call them that do you take to wal-mart on a first date? I mean really maybe that is why your making jokes about married guys instead of being one. Really I am not any kind of player but that is one of the worst things I have ever heard of. That makes r8 look like Casanova with his ideas.

If you do anything more than a movie make it fun and spontaneous. Have at least three fun things planned to do after dinner. Mini-golf, bowling, pool not in bar. All things suggested before feel her out and take her to the best option or even ask if you do not get a hint of which she would like best.

Wal-mart YGTBSM
What the hell kind of ladies well not sure you can call them that do you take to wal-mart on a first date? I mean really maybe that is why your making jokes about married guys instead of being one. Really I am not any kind of player but that is one of the worst things I have ever heard of. That makes r8 look like Casanova with his ideas.

If you do anything more than a movie make it fun and spontaneous. Have at least three fun things planned to do after dinner. Mini-golf, bowling, pool not in bar. All things suggested before feel her out and take her to the best option or even ask if you do not get a hint of which she would like best.

Wal-mart YGTBSM
Okay, forget the whole "Walmart" part of it and insert "mall" or "park" and it's a great idea. The idea is to be out in the public w/ less "pressure" of being alone w/ nothing to talk about.
If you do decide on Walmart, at least let her ride in the cab of the truck on the way there!

Just be yourself and listen to her. If it's to go any farther, you will then have some foundation.

Good luck.
Having nothing to talk about should not be something you need to worry about. If you have nothing to talk about on a first date. I do not see a need for a second one then.
