..or just put more air in your tires.. that should do it~
..or just put more air in your tires.. that should do it~
Hey JC.........how would I check the TPS? Second question.....can I buy a map from you with the config I have on the bike?Yeah right, bunch of losers I bet, check you PC3 to make sure the TPS is set and then reload the map.I talked with my dealer about it last night. They are thinking I may have some injector problems. Its gonna have to wait a while for the to look at it since we're supposed to get 9 inches of snow today!
if it still back fires you have the wrong map
wrong TPS settinghere is what the service manual says.
Thank you for putting in words when I can't.Try this. Hook up lap top to PC with 9 volt adapter. Open PC program and click on utilites and the adjust tps. Box opens and says closed throttle with throttle closed click on closed throttle open throttle to WO now click full throttle and OK. Your done. If I got this right the PC now knows where the throttle is based on those numbers.
If I got this wrong shoot me.