Guess i've been fortunate. I've never lost anything from my pack. Of course, I mind the zipper locations, and once in awhile I make sure the zippers are still tight and if they feels loose, I take a pair of pliers and give them a GENTLE squeeze.
I recently purchased the Ogio No Drag from a fellow member here and it is very nice. The zippers are not on the outside and the straps are U-shaped instead of V-shaped which makes the neck much more comfortable.
No chance of the zippers opening.
Best motorcycle back pack I have found to date! If I need to ride with one, this is it from now on. It even has a laptop pocket that is padded, and it's resistant to rain. Mine survived a minor monsoon on my way home from work last fall.
I had to ride back in that rain last night too. Wasn't too bad though, with the lightning I saw I thought it would be worse.
I had my military ID and MSF card (need it on us to ride on post) in my breast pocket the other day. Got on the freeway and felt it was there. Exited the freeway and went to grab it at the gate... gone I rode that 3 mile stretch 3 or 4 times going 40-50 mph (first time I got to use my 4 way emergency blinkers) but couldn't find it. Got a call from the emergency room main desk yesterday saying that an ambulance driver had spotted it off in the grass next to the freeway while responding to a wreck. Pretty crazy, but for not getting in trouble. haha
I used to use a backpack but the base makes us have a second reflective vest wrapped around it which is a hassle. Problem solved with expandable seat bag I picked up from TheCycleGuys
I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung
That's what I thought till I got it and rode the parkway with it for over two hours with three liters of water in it, I was the only guy prepared to haul anything for my two pals.
Never even knew the weight was there, It really is a great pack if you have to carry something on your back.
With this, you don't have to worry about weight. Plus, it doubles as a backpack and helmet holder when you need it to. It has a real nice liner on the bottom to eliminate scratches and the four magnets are in their own lined pouches. $110 plus free shipping at my favorite site,
I bought this pack when I made my bike trip from Chicago to Jersey and back. Surprisingly held almost all my clothes and never moved an inch.
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