I had this same thought Jeremy,but I'm glad you brought it up because I have been asking members for years and years to help out with one cause or another. I thought they might be sick of me by now.
The sky is the limit when you can dream.I had the idea this could be taken to a huge level. I thought of a raffle. Folks could buy tickets with a certain percentage going to the vet to help with the purchase ,the other percentage to the winning ticket holder.A chance for people to show there support for OUR vets,plus a chance at some winnings. All kinds of disclaimers could be drafted. We don't find a vet? Winner takes all...standard raffle type rules. A time limit,we couldn't have this go on forever.Just things like that. The word could spread like wild fire across Facebook and every other social media.It could end up worldwide easy. Links on all sorts of sites all leading right back here to The Org.
We would have to have Doug's blessing on that but I can't see him bothered by some extra traffic. Who win's ? I do. I love this stuff. Dewie wins,us as the Org wins...but most importantly of all,a wounded warrior wins. The extra attention this could draw to the Vets I feel could be huge.It will reach and hopefully touch lots of people,not just Busa enthusists,everybody who reads anything about our endevour.I like this kind of idea Mr.Brown...I like it alot.
Like the idea people,post up your thoughts. Don't like the idea,please flame Rubb personally by way of PM.